His lie that it was not Russia that interfered in our election, has hurt our ability to choose our own leaders..... his actions and lying comments about it in Helsinki also hurt our Nation....greatly....
Russia! Russia! Russia!
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Passing Obamacare didn’t fuck most people over and the savings have been realized by many.

You’re weak.

Yep, only fucked the people that have jobs...dumbass.

Nope. That’s not the case. Sorry. Obamacare helped the nation. That’s why we still have it. Asshole.

Sure, that's why we still have it...idiot.
More say O-Care has hurt families than helped
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

All is well in Iraq...remember that lie? The parents of those who were injured do. I’m sure you think that was harmless.
Let’s not blame the Muslims.
Iraq is not Trumps baby anymore than it was Obama's.

In a thread about LIES that line of thinking is hysterical

the lie your blob told about there being no injuries is Obama’s fault?
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
I was watching CBS on 9-11 and I saw Arabs dancing in the streets.
In Pakistan.
Queens; don’t tell me what I saw.

In that case.....
Bullshit, CBS had no such footage

You are as big a liar as Trump
Fuck you, asshole.
It was that heavy set Black anchorman.
You are one post from Ignore.

No network has been able to find such footage
If something as offensive as that were to happen, don’t you think it would be posted on YouTube?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Passing Obamacare didn’t fuck most people over and the savings have been realized by many.

You’re weak.

Yep, only fucked the people that have jobs...dumbass.

Nope. That’s not the case. Sorry. Obamacare helped the nation. That’s why we still have it. Asshole.

Sure, that's why we still have it...idiot.
More say O-Care has hurt families than helped

Old news. What’s the current polling?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.

Not at all sure what a "religious font" is (Gothic?) but no, they don't blow people up under their guise os religion.

Tim McVeigh didn't either.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

All is well in Iraq...remember that lie? The parents of those who were injured do. I’m sure you think that was harmless.
Remember this one?
Lied about putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN

Although Obama had made a campaign promise to have all of the health care reform negotiations broadcast on C-SPAN, he broke that promise after he was elected.

The secrecy of these negotiations was so strong that U.S. Congresswoman and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Lied about letting people keep their health insurance

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama said:

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people… If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

Also before Obamacare was passed, Obama said:

“Here is a guarantee that I’ve made. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance.”

However, after Obamacare was passed, the Congressional Budget Office said that the law would cause seven million people to lose their employer provided insurance.

Lied about the cost of Obamacare

Before Obamacare was passed, Obama promised

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”

However, after Obama signed it, the Washington Post reported that it would add more than $340 billion to the budget deficit over the next decade.

In March 2012, the Congressional Budget Office said that over the next decade, Obamacare would cost twice as much as what Obama had promised.

In May 2013, it was reported that Obamacare’s program for high risk patients was more expensive than what Obama had promised.

Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors and lobbyists, and falsely claimed the money was for “green energy”

In 2009 the Obama administration gave $535 million to Solyndra, claiming that it would create 4,000 new jobs. However, instead of creating those 4,000 new jobs, the company went bankrupt. It was later revealed that the company’s shareholders and executives had made substantial donations to Obama’s campaign, that the company had spent a large sum of money on lobbying, and that Solyndra executives had had many meetings with White House officials.

It was also revealed that the Obama administration had already been aware of Solyndra’s financial troubles. For example, according to the company’s security filings in 2009, the company had been selling its product for less than the cost of production. In 2010, Obama visited the Solyndra factory and cited it as a role model for his “stimulus” program, saying “It’s here that companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” The Washington Post wrote of this, “Administration officials and outside advisers warned that President Obama should consider dropping plans to visit a solar startup company in 2010 because its mounting financial problems might ultimately embarrass the White House.” Solyndra was a private company, but had been planning to use its government loans as a means of going public – so when Obama knowingly overstated the company’s condition in order to help his friends at Solyndra, he broke the same law that Martha Stewart had been sent to prison for breaking.

In September 2011, federal agents visited the homes of Brian Harrison, the company’s CEO, and Chris Gronet, the company’s founder, to examine computer files and documents. Also in September 2011, the U.S. Treasury Department launched an investigation.

On September 13, 2011, the Washington Post reported on emails which showed that the Obama administration had tried to rush federal reviewers to approve the loan so Vice President Joe Biden could announce it at a September 2009 groundbreaking for the company’s factory. The company was a hallmark of President Obama’s plan to support clean energy technologies.

The New York Times reported that government auditors and industry analysts had faulted the Obama administration for failing to properly evaluate the company’s business proposals, as well as for failing to take note of troubling signs which were already evident. In addition, Frank Rusco, a program director at the Government Accountability Office, had found that the preliminary loan approval had been granted before officials had completed the legally mandated evaluations of the company.

Falsely claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had never overturned any laws that had been passed by Congress

Despite having taught constitutional law at one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, in April 2012 Obama falsely claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had never overturned any laws that had been passed by Congress.

Broke promise to teen campaign volunteers

Obama had promised to his teen campaign volunteers that if they each spent nine hours going door to door on Obama’s behalf, he would invite them to attend his speech of September 6, 2012. However, after the teens did the volunteer work, Obama broke his promise. One of these volunteers, Madeline Frank, age 16, of Charlotte, North Carolina, said of this “I’ve been looking forward to this for a really long time. I am just feeling really let down and like bummed. It was kind of my dream to see him speak, so definitely really sad.”

Falsely claimed that he had never belonged to the New Party

Obama falsely claimed that he had never belonged to the New Party, which is a third political party.

Falsely said “This is the most transparent administration in history”

In February 2013, Obama said, “This is the most transparent administration in history.”

However, that same month, ABC News White House reporter Ann Compton, who covered Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama, said “The president’s day-to-day policy development… is almost totally opaque to the reporters trying to do a responsible job of covering it. There are no readouts from big meetings he has with people from the outside, and many of them aren’t even on his schedule. This is different from every president I covered. This White House goes to extreme lengths to keep the press away.”

In July 2009, White House reporter Helen Thomas criticized the Obama administration for its lack of transparency.

In October 2013, ABC News correspondent Ann Compton said that Obama was the “least transparent of the seven presidents I’ve covered in terms of how he does his daily business.”

Also, this list contains a huge number of things that Obama has done which contradict his statement.

66) Falsely claimed he would wait five days before signing bills

Although Obama had promised to wait five days before signing all non-emergency bills, he broke that promise at least 10 times during his first three months in office.

67) Falsely claimed “stimulus” spending would be transparent

Although Obama had promised that the website would list all “stimulus” spending in detail, a 400 page report issued by the Government Accountability Office stated that only 25% of the projects listed on the website provided clear and complete information regarding their cost, schedule, purpose, location and status.

just a few for you to peruse.
Here are 1,375 well sourced examples of Barack Obama’s lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc.

See, this is why I only charge a nickel for violations of Pogo's Law.

That'll be 1,375 nickels. Looks like $68.75. Bulk bills, I love it.

Oh and I'll need a 1099 on that.
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?

He s not wrong...

you think some didnt celebrate 911?

and noone just went on a rampage on muslims. And muslims have had several attacks in the US.......
As for hating them, noone said that, but you hate hearing the truth, it's not a religion of peace, most other religions font have to say that bullshit because they dont blow people up under their guise os religion.

Not at all sure what a "religious font" is (Gothic?) but no, they don't blow people up under their guise os religion.

Tim McVeigh didn't either.

Muslims dont blow people up under the guise of their religion? Are you ignorant or just whitewashing history like you guys usually do.

So why do the blow people up?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lies.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.
Let’s talk about Trumps lie that he saw thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops in NJ on 9-11.......Innocent fib?

Or a lie made up to build up unwarranted hatred towards American Muslims?
How about the lie about treyvon? That just started hatred that wasn't necessary?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Lying, the norm for politicians?

Of course. You won't get any argument here.

But ------------ lying about where your father was born, or what the word "would" means or claiming it's not your voice on the tape? That's a special case.

How about Obama lying where he was conceived?
So after a bit of digging around and MONTHS UPON MONTHS of reading this headline on the forum I've come to the following conclusion...

Trump does indeed lie. Having said that so does EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN. From insignificant lies to exaggerations to lies that actually impact our lives.
So where does Trump land on this scale?

Well he exaggerates like a motherfucker and to an extent I get that. It riles up his base like a good ole pep rally from years long gone. Any harm done? Not really. It has little if any impact on our lives.

Insignificant lies: These to me are like the lies (if lies) about the latest terrorist he killed or how much wall he has built. Again no impact on our lives.

Now how bout lies that actually have an impact on our lives? As an example I will use TWO BIG LIES THAT FUCKED MOST PEOPLE OVER.
1. Freddy & Fannie are sound and need no regulation.
2. Passing Obamacare will save you 2500.00

Those lies wrecked peoples lives. From destroying their nest egg to having their hours or entire employment position cut.

Someone, ANYONE, point out to me where Trump has told those kinds of lies. Be specific too.

And just to be clear, I'm not condoning "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
I'm just saying it's the norm for politicians.

Lying, the norm for politicians?

Of course. You won't get any argument here.

But ------------ lying about where your father was born, or what the word "would" means or claiming it's not your voice on the tape? That's a special case.

How about Obama lying where he was conceived?

Okay, you owe me TWO nickels for that one. One for the obvious deflection attempt and the other for suggesting that anyone could remember their own birth.

I'm not even sure what fallacy to call that. Outrightimum Stupidium?

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