Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated

Of course the judge is a liberal! You on the left have been using liberal judges to attack conservatives for the past decade. It's what you do when you lose control of the House or Senate.
I doubt that you have any proof of your assertions at all. What would be the difference between a liberal judge and a conservative judge when they are all supposed to be neutral?
This is plain stupid. Every action taken against Trump since in office has been by a liberal judge. All one needs to look at is the voting records of a Sotomayor or Ginsberg vs. a Scalia or Rehnquist. Now that pure politics has invaded even the Supreme Court, all other lower courts are suspect as well.
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

There is a huge difference between Congress having "oversight" of a President...and a Congress attempting to bully a President with nonstop legal attacks and investigations simply because they don't like his politics! This has ZERO to do with someone being above the law...this is all about a Party of Poor Losers who didn't win an election and have decided to subvert the will of the people by an impeachment of a sitting President!
What non-stop legal attacks?? about clueless...
No answer means none.
The allegations against Obama and Biden did not come from credible sources.
So now Obama and Biden themselves are not credible sources? As they are their own source for much proven against them. But thanks again for showing what a hopeless clown you are even as you use conspiracy theorists for much of your own claims against Trump.

We have sat and listened for months and years (years?) as Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi told us they had the absolute bag sewn shut on Trump positively and how evil and dangerous he is, yet we are still waiting for the first shred of proof! When are you going to shit or get off the pot and PROVE IT by voting to impeach him?

I don't fall for a person's words being twisted, as is being done with Obama and Biden. It's a cottage industry among the far right to twist people's words.
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

There is a huge difference between Congress having "oversight" of a President...and a Congress attempting to bully a President with nonstop legal attacks and investigations simply because they don't like his politics! This has ZERO to do with someone being above the law...this is all about a Party of Poor Losers who didn't win an election and have dec Even ided to subvert the will of the people by an impeachment of a sitting President!

He is not in the Oval Office by "the will of the people." He did not receive the majority of the popular vote and is in office only by a fluke in the Electoral College. Even if he were to be in office by "the will of the people," this would also apply to President Obama, and yet the minority treated him horribly and he was obstructed and insulted every hour of his presidency.

We don't elect our President by a majority of the popular vote...we do it with the Electoral College vote...something that Trump won quite handily. Face facts, Lysistrata...Donald Trump ran a better campaign than his opponent and won the Presidency fair and square despite having an opponent who both had the main stream media in her back pocket and was paying to have Trump smeared with the Steele "dossiers" eight days before the election! Ever stop to consider what Trump's margin of victory would have been if Hillary Clinton's misdeeds had been exposed BEFORE the election?

His was elected through a fluke in the electoral college process. That election was over in 2016, but you expect me to be impressed by your comment about his campaign and election. But be that as it may, he has showed many times in his conduct in office that he is the filthy pig we thought he was. Are you trying to get me to actually support this sort of behavior? Why are you doing this? I don't let his kind into my house!

"Fluke"? What are you referring to? The Electoral College functioned EXACTLY as it was designed to do...EXACTLY as it has for dozens of elections before this one! You still can't wrap your head around the fact that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in that election...can you?
Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
I think Donald is merely arguing for the same rights as already given Obumma and Little Joey Biden. After all, Obama was alleged to have done many things from live with an avowed Weather Underground terrorist and enemy of the USA, to defrauding the American people in a well-planned lie in order to push through a takeover of 1/6th the U.S. economy, to lying about his birth and covering the evidence making him an illegal and illegitimate president! Yet he was never criminally investigated.

And now we have Biden who abused his position as VP of the USA to swing deals forcing foreign governments to land lucrative deals for his son. No criminal investigation there, either. In fact, they are going after the person trying to investigate the matter just as they fired the original persecutor who tried.

No matter. Now the NYS democrats are trying to use a liberal democrat judge to force Trump to hand over tax papers so they can again try to dig up some sort of leverage to use to sway the 2020 election, just as the Democrats tried to do in 2016 with Hillary and her Steele Dossier.

Tamper tamper tamper

Fix Fix Fix

Cheat Cheat Cheat.

That is all the democrats do. And never are they investigated. Sounds like the mob.

But even if somehow eventually Trump is forced to turn over tax records, you'll never know what was in them as they will be protected under New York State Grand Jury Case Law.

That is, unless the democrats lie and steal and break the laws there as well.

The allegations against Obama and Biden did not come from credible sources. They have come mostly from conspiracy theorists, like the dumb birthers, including the orange whore, who never realized that Hawaii is a state and try to foist off cheap rumors spread by political hacks as credible.

How do you know that the judge is a "liberal democrat"? We don't. What difference would it make if the judge was a "conservative republican"?

Grand jury deliberations are protected, but his tax records will come out in any indictments, and trial. And the orange whore might himself make portions of them public, by virtue of his big mouth that his handlers can't seem to keep shut.

Of course the judge is a liberal! You on the left have been using liberal judges to attack conservatives for the past decade. It's what you do when you lose control of the House or Senate.

I doubt that you have any proof of your assertions at all. What would be the difference between a liberal judge and a conservative judge when they are all supposed to be neutral? think judges are "neutral"? That's such a naïve assertion that it boggles the mind!
Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
I think Donald is merely arguing for the same rights as already given Obumma and Little Joey Biden. After all, Obama was alleged to have done many things from live with an avowed Weather Underground terrorist and enemy of the USA, to defrauding the American people in a well-planned lie in order to push through a takeover of 1/6th the U.S. economy, to lying about his birth and covering the evidence making him an illegal and illegitimate president! Yet he was never criminally investigated.

And now we have Biden who abused his position as VP of the USA to swing deals forcing foreign governments to land lucrative deals for his son. No criminal investigation there, either. In fact, they are going after the person trying to investigate the matter just as they fired the original persecutor who tried.

No matter. Now the NYS democrats are trying to use a liberal democrat judge to force Trump to hand over tax papers so they can again try to dig up some sort of leverage to use to sway the 2020 election, just as the Democrats tried to do in 2016 with Hillary and her Steele Dossier.

Tamper tamper tamper

Fix Fix Fix

Cheat Cheat Cheat.

That is all the democrats do. And never are they investigated. Sounds like the mob.

But even if somehow eventually Trump is forced to turn over tax records, you'll never know what was in them as they will be protected under New York State Grand Jury Case Law.

That is, unless the democrats lie and steal and break the laws there as well.

The allegations against Obama and Biden did not come from credible sources. They have come mostly from conspiracy theorists, like the dumb birthers, including the orange whore, who never realized that Hawaii is a state and try to foist off cheap rumors spread by political hacks as credible.

How do you know that the judge is a "liberal democrat"? We don't. What difference would it make if the judge was a "conservative republican"?

Grand jury deliberations are protected, but his tax records will come out in any indictments, and trial. And the orange whore might himself make portions of them public, by virtue of his big mouth that his handlers can't seem to keep shut.

Of course the judge is a liberal! You on the left have been using liberal judges to attack conservatives for the past decade. It's what you do when you lose control of the House or Senate.

BS. The courts are full of conservative judges.
Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
I think Donald is merely arguing for the same rights as already given Obumma and Little Joey Biden. After all, Obama was alleged to have done many things from live with an avowed Weather Underground terrorist and enemy of the USA, to defrauding the American people in a well-planned lie in order to push through a takeover of 1/6th the U.S. economy, to lying about his birth and covering the evidence making him an illegal and illegitimate president! Yet he was never criminally investigated.

And now we have Biden who abused his position as VP of the USA to swing deals forcing foreign governments to land lucrative deals for his son. No criminal investigation there, either. In fact, they are going after the person trying to investigate the matter just as they fired the original persecutor who tried.

No matter. Now the NYS democrats are trying to use a liberal democrat judge to force Trump to hand over tax papers so they can again try to dig up some sort of leverage to use to sway the 2020 election, just as the Democrats tried to do in 2016 with Hillary and her Steele Dossier.

Tamper tamper tamper

Fix Fix Fix

Cheat Cheat Cheat.

That is all the democrats do. And never are they investigated. Sounds like the mob.

But even if somehow eventually Trump is forced to turn over tax records, you'll never know what was in them as they will be protected under New York State Grand Jury Case Law.

That is, unless the democrats lie and steal and break the laws there as well.

The allegations against Obama and Biden did not come from credible sources. They have come mostly from conspiracy theorists, like the dumb birthers, including the orange whore, who never realized that Hawaii is a state and try to foist off cheap rumors spread by political hacks as credible.

How do you know that the judge is a "liberal democrat"? We don't. What difference would it make if the judge was a "conservative republican"?

Grand jury deliberations are protected, but his tax records will come out in any indictments, and trial. And the orange whore might himself make portions of them public, by virtue of his big mouth that his handlers can't seem to keep shut.

Of course the judge is a liberal! You on the left have been using liberal judges to attack conservatives for the past decade. It's what you do when you lose control of the House or Senate.

BS. The courts are full of conservative judges.

You really don't have a clue what you're talking you? Some courts ARE full of conservative judges...others are full of liberal judges! The reason I know the judge in question is a liberal judge is where the law suit was filed. Would you like to claim that court in New York is full of conservative judges, IM2? Go ahead...embarrass yourself with that...
Trump defenders have chosen to be blind. They are defending a man who attempted to make a legal filing where he has tried to claim that he cannot be investigated. He has said that Article 2 gives him power to do whatever he wants. They can't see the problem with that.

View attachment 283467

Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
The president’s legal team is trying to block a subpoena seeking his tax returns, claiming that any criminal investigation of Mr. Trump is unconstitutional.
Published Sept. 19, 2019 Updated Sept. 23, 2019

Lawyers for President Trump argued in a lawsuit filed on Thursday that he could not be criminally investigated while in office, as they sought to block a subpoena from state prosecutors in Manhattan demanding eight years of his tax returns.

Taking a broad position that the lawyers acknowledged had not been tested, the president’s legal team argued in the complaint that the Constitution effectively makes sitting presidents immune from all criminal inquiries until they leave the White House.

Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated

His person is beyond the understanding of puny man.
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

There is a huge difference between Congress having "oversight" of a President...and a Congress attempting to bully a President with nonstop legal attacks and investigations simply because they don't like his politics! This has ZERO to do with someone being above the law...this is all about a Party of Poor Losers who didn't win an election and have dec Even ided to subvert the will of the people by an impeachment of a sitting President!

He is not in the Oval Office by "the will of the people." He did not receive the majority of the popular vote and is in office only by a fluke in the Electoral College. Even if he were to be in office by "the will of the people," this would also apply to President Obama, and yet the minority treated him horribly and he was obstructed and insulted every hour of his presidency.

We don't elect our President by a majority of the popular vote...we do it with the Electoral College vote...something that Trump won quite handily. Face facts, Lysistrata...Donald Trump ran a better campaign than his opponent and won the Presidency fair and square despite having an opponent who both had the main stream media in her back pocket and was paying to have Trump smeared with the Steele "dossiers" eight days before the election! Ever stop to consider what Trump's margin of victory would have been if Hillary Clinton's misdeeds had been exposed BEFORE the election?

His was elected through a fluke in the electoral college process. That election was over in 2016, but you expect me to be impressed by your comment about his campaign and election. But be that as it may, he has showed many times in his conduct in office that he is the filthy pig we thought he was. Are you trying to get me to actually support this sort of behavior? Why are you doing this? I don't let his kind into my house!

"Fluke"? What are you referring to? The Electoral College functioned EXACTLY as it was designed to do...EXACTLY as it has for dozens of elections before this one! You still can't wrap your head around the fact that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in that election...can you?

There have been 57 elections. Trump is only the fifth president to lose the popular vote and become president. His presidency was caused by a fluke. And nobody is wanting to hear bs from people who were ready to claim the election was rigged before this fluke happened.
It's pitiful that so many people take this as just a game of partisan politics. It is way beyond political differences. This guy is truly a threat to the basic institutions and functioning of our government. He is trying to make himself a law unto himself in complete disregard of our Constitution and system of checks and balances, owing nothing to anyone, even though a president is an employee of the American People, not our king.

How so...for banging dirty liberal whores? For eating two scoops of ice cream? For busting his ass for real Americans / America’s Best?
For verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of disgusting Lefties daily?
Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
I think Donald is merely arguing for the same rights as already given Obumma and Little Joey Biden. After all, Obama was alleged to have done many things from live with an avowed Weather Underground terrorist and enemy of the USA, to defrauding the American people in a well-planned lie in order to push through a takeover of 1/6th the U.S. economy, to lying about his birth and covering the evidence making him an illegal and illegitimate president! Yet he was never criminally investigated.

And now we have Biden who abused his position as VP of the USA to swing deals forcing foreign governments to land lucrative deals for his son. No criminal investigation there, either. In fact, they are going after the person trying to investigate the matter just as they fired the original persecutor who tried.

No matter. Now the NYS democrats are trying to use a liberal democrat judge to force Trump to hand over tax papers so they can again try to dig up some sort of leverage to use to sway the 2020 election, just as the Democrats tried to do in 2016 with Hillary and her Steele Dossier.

Tamper tamper tamper

Fix Fix Fix

Cheat Cheat Cheat.

That is all the democrats do. And never are they investigated. Sounds like the mob.

But even if somehow eventually Trump is forced to turn over tax records, you'll never know what was in them as they will be protected under New York State Grand Jury Case Law.

That is, unless the democrats lie and steal and break the laws there as well.

The allegations against Obama and Biden did not come from credible sources. They have come mostly from conspiracy theorists, like the dumb birthers, including the orange whore, who never realized that Hawaii is a state and try to foist off cheap rumors spread by political hacks as credible.

How do you know that the judge is a "liberal democrat"? We don't. What difference would it make if the judge was a "conservative republican"?

Grand jury deliberations are protected, but his tax records will come out in any indictments, and trial. And the orange whore might himself make portions of them public, by virtue of his big mouth that his handlers can't seem to keep shut.

Of course the judge is a liberal! You on the left have been using liberal judges to attack conservatives for the past decade. It's what you do when you lose control of the House or Senate.

BS. The courts are full of conservative judges.

You really don't have a clue what you're talking you? Some courts ARE full of conservative judges...others are full of liberal judges! The reason I know the judge in question is a liberal judge is where the law suit was filed. Would you like to claim that court in New York is full of conservative judges, IM2? Go ahead...embarrass yourself with that...

Yep. 4 out of the last 6 presidents have been conservatives. They appoint federal judges. At last check republicans controlled at least 30 states. So figure it out because just making that silly claim every time Trump is opposed ain't going to cut it.
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

There is a huge difference between Congress having "oversight" of a President...and a Congress attempting to bully a President with nonstop legal attacks and investigations simply because they don't like his politics! This has ZERO to do with someone being above the law...this is all about a Party of Poor Losers who didn't win an election and have decided to subvert the will of the people by an impeachment of a sitting President!

Bullshit. Review his record of conduct in office and his refusal to cooperate with Congress and meet his legal obligations. He is serving in a office that has longstanding legal requirements, procedures, traditions, and courtesies, and he has consistently refused to conduct himself accordingly. Moreover, he purports to be President of the United States while openly and continually excluding the other political party. From his own speeches, he is only president of the republican party.

You twisted, desperate, confused fucked in the head whackos have never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf have you?
Nobody legitimate and sane can take the Party of Filth And Foreigners seriously any longer. You’re FUCKED!
It's pitiful that so many people take this as just a game of partisan politics. It is way beyond political differences. This guy is truly a threat to the basic institutions and functioning of our government. He is trying to make himself a law unto himself in complete disregard of our Constitution and system of checks and balances, owing nothing to anyone, even though a president is an employee of the American People, not our king.

How so...for banging dirty liberal whores? For eating two scoops of ice cream? For busting his ass for real Americans / America’s Best?
For verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of disgusting Lefties daily?

No. For doing everything Lysistrata has said.
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

What’s Orange Whore or a Kenyan Chimp?
It's pitiful that so many people take this as just a game of partisan politics. It is way beyond political differences. This guy is truly a threat to the basic institutions and functioning of our government. He is trying to make himself a law unto himself in complete disregard of our Constitution and system of checks and balances, owing nothing to anyone, even though a president is an employee of the American People, not our king.

How so...for banging dirty liberal whores? For eating two scoops of ice cream? For busting his ass for real Americans / America’s Best?
For verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of disgusting Lefties daily?

No. For doing everything Lysistrata has said.

He did those things because Lysistrata said he did?
Ah, yes. The Man Who Would Be King cannot be investigated for criminal wrongdoing. Only in a banana republic. No one is above the law, and the orange whore only presides over the executive branch, not the entire government, and Congress has an oversight function to keep him in line.

There is a huge difference between Congress having "oversight" of a President...and a Congress attempting to bully a President with nonstop legal attacks and investigations simply because they don't like his politics! This has ZERO to do with someone being above the law...this is all about a Party of Poor Losers who didn't win an election and have decided to subvert the will of the people by an impeachment of a sitting President!

Bullshit. Review his record of conduct in office and his refusal to cooperate with Congress and meet his legal obligations. He is serving in a office that has longstanding legal requirements, procedures, traditions, and courtesies, and he has consistently refused to conduct himself accordingly. Moreover, he purports to be President of the United States while openly and continually excluding the other political party. From his own speeches, he is only president of the republican party.

You twisted, desperate, confused fucked in the head whackos have never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf have you?
Nobody legitimate and sane can take the Party of Filth And Foreigners seriously any longer. You’re FUCKED!

Legitimate Americans are about to impeach your boy. If the senate votes to remove him, they will have saved America.
It's pitiful that so many people take this as just a game of partisan politics. It is way beyond political differences. This guy is truly a threat to the basic institutions and functioning of our government. He is trying to make himself a law unto himself in complete disregard of our Constitution and system of checks and balances, owing nothing to anyone, even though a president is an employee of the American People, not our king.

How so...for banging dirty liberal whores? For eating two scoops of ice cream? For busting his ass for real Americans / America’s Best?
For verbally bitchslapping the living fuck out of disgusting Lefties daily?

No. For doing everything Lysistrata has said.

He did those things because Lysistrata said he did?

And you have illustrated the overall ignorance of the Trump supporter.
There have been 57 elections. Trump is only the fifth president to lose the popular vote and become president. His presidency was caused by a fluke. And nobody is wanting to hear bs from people who were ready to claim the election was rigged before this fluke happened.
The Constitution isn't a fluke. Both Trump and Hillary knew America was a Republic.

America won in 2016. You lost. Cry yourself to sleep.
Trump defenders have chosen to be blind. They are defending a man who attempted to make a legal filing where he has tried to claim that he cannot be investigated. He has said that Article 2 gives him power to do whatever he wants. They can't see the problem with that.

View attachment 283467

Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
The president’s legal team is trying to block a subpoena seeking his tax returns, claiming that any criminal investigation of Mr. Trump is unconstitutional.
Published Sept. 19, 2019 Updated Sept. 23, 2019

Lawyers for President Trump argued in a lawsuit filed on Thursday that he could not be criminally investigated while in office, as they sought to block a subpoena from state prosecutors in Manhattan demanding eight years of his tax returns.

Taking a broad position that the lawyers acknowledged had not been tested, the president’s legal team argued in the complaint that the Constitution effectively makes sitting presidents immune from all criminal inquiries until they leave the White House.

Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated

His person is beyond the understanding of puny man.

He's very easy to understand. You support him because you are just as evil.

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