Trump is running out of "excuses"....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
If we recapped the last 2 plus years, we would note that Trump has been able to hold on to his base through a series of "excuses" that would have demolished any other administration.

From Papadopolous being just a "coffee boy" Manafort and Gates being part of his administration for just a "short while".........From the multiple resignation of most of his cabinet for a series of corrupt the appointing of other staff as simply "Acting so and so..."

From refusal of revealing his tax returns (as he repeatedly had promised) his bullshit unfulfilled promises of a better and cheaper health program and a beautiful wall....To his tax scam and moronic trade deals.....To stabbing the back of our allies, etc.

The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......and only delusional folks on here still believe that this clown will survive the oncoming onslaught.

Trump's slogan for 2020 should be "Vote for me to keep me out of prison.....please.)
Impeachment is nothing but a democrat talking point or they would have nothing to talk about.
Vote on it already or STFU. It's been 3-years of constant democrat bullshit.
The coolest thing is that we can have these repetitive posts for the next 5-years!
Jeja vu all over again and again and again....
If we recapped the last 2 plus years, we would note that Trump has been able to hold on to his base through a series of "excuses" that would have demolished any other administration.

From Papadopolous being just a "coffee boy" Manafort and Gates being part of his administration for just a "short while".........From the multiple resignation of most of his cabinet for a series of corrupt the appointing of other staff as simply "Acting so and so..."

From refusal of revealing his tax returns (as he repeatedly had promised) his bullshit unfulfilled promises of a better and cheaper health program and a beautiful wall....To his tax scam and moronic trade deals.....To stabbing the back of our allies, etc.

The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......and only delusional folks on here still believe that this clown will survive the oncoming onslaught.

Trump's slogan for 2020 should be "Vote for me to keep me out of prison.....please.)
If we recapped the last 2 plus years, we would note that Trump has been able to hold on to his base through a series of "excuses" that would have demolished any other administration.

From Papadopolous being just a "coffee boy" Manafort and Gates being part of his administration for just a "short while".........From the multiple resignation of most of his cabinet for a series of corrupt the appointing of other staff as simply "Acting so and so..."

From refusal of revealing his tax returns (as he repeatedly had promised) his bullshit unfulfilled promises of a better and cheaper health program and a beautiful wall....To his tax scam and moronic trade deals.....To stabbing the back of our allies, etc.

The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......and only delusional folks on here still believe that this clown will survive the oncoming onslaught.

Trump's slogan for 2020 should be "Vote for me to keep me out of prison.....please.)

I was listening to Chris Cuomo on POTUS 124 SiriusXM's and he stated Trump should not be impeached over Ukraine...

So is Chris now a Trumpster?

How about Michael Smerconish?

Hate to tell you Nat but some in the left think impeachment and removal is not worth it...
MAGA Trump has been the most successful president that I can recall.
And, the icing on the cake is that TDS he created single handily with the left.
Nat, from his own admission an ex politician, has fallen off the edge of the cliff with stupidity.
I don't know any other politician that can do that to so many. :auiqs.jpg:
MAGA Trump has been the most successful president that I can recall.
And, the icing on the cake is that TDS he created single handily with the left.
Nat, from his own admission an ex politician, has fallen off the edge of the cliff with stupidity.
I don't know any other politician that can do that to so many. :auiqs.jpg:
You're never going to get that boot polish off your tongue, not that you would want to anyway.
MAGA Trump has been the most successful president that I can recall.
And, the icing on the cake is that TDS he created single handily with the left.
Nat, from his own admission an ex politician, has fallen off the edge of the cliff with stupidity.
I don't know any other politician that can do that to so many.

I'm actually having a great time in seeing that our Constitution can STILL knock to the curb wanna-be dictators, charlatans, corrupt morons and demagogues.

Opposing views in the Politics forum seem to bother you a bit.....One wonders why?............LOL
If we recapped the last 2 plus years, we would note that Trump has been able to hold on to his base through a series of "excuses" that would have demolished any other administration.

From Papadopolous being just a "coffee boy" Manafort and Gates being part of his administration for just a "short while".........From the multiple resignation of most of his cabinet for a series of corrupt the appointing of other staff as simply "Acting so and so..."

From refusal of revealing his tax returns (as he repeatedly had promised) his bullshit unfulfilled promises of a better and cheaper health program and a beautiful wall....To his tax scam and moronic trade deals.....To stabbing the back of our allies, etc.

The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......and only delusional folks on here still believe that this clown will survive the oncoming onslaught.

Trump's slogan for 2020 should be "Vote for me to keep me out of prison.....please.)

More predictions from the loser who said Hillary would slaughter Trump in the electoral vote.

Lot's of credibility here.

I was listening to Chris Cuomo on POTUS 124 SiriusXM's and he stated Trump should not be impeached over Ukraine...

So is Chris now a Trumpster?

How about Michael Smerconish?

Reaching THAT type of conclusion is a bit moronic........

As I've often mentioned on here.....IMAGINE, just imagine had Obama dome just a few of those offenses mentioned in my O/P....just what right wing dimwits would be doing.......(besides setting crosses on fire, that is.)
The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......

The above nitwit is citing the blog of Trent Bozell........
Here's a reminder of this hypocritical low-life, conservative (should make this poster all tingly inside)....LMAO

Bozell was an outspoken critic of Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries, describing him as "the greatest charlatan of them all," a "huckster," and a "shameless self-promoter". He said, "God help this country if this man were president.
So you want to impeach him for firing people he is allowed to fire and not revealing his tax returns that he doesn't have to reveal?

Well please show me all 8 years of Obama's returns. I want to see how he became worth 30 million working for the gov't.
If we recapped the last 2 plus years, we would note that Trump has been able to hold on to his base through a series of "excuses" that would have demolished any other administration.

From Papadopolous being just a "coffee boy" Manafort and Gates being part of his administration for just a "short while".........From the multiple resignation of most of his cabinet for a series of corrupt the appointing of other staff as simply "Acting so and so..."

From refusal of revealing his tax returns (as he repeatedly had promised) his bullshit unfulfilled promises of a better and cheaper health program and a beautiful wall....To his tax scam and moronic trade deals.....To stabbing the back of our allies, etc.

The walls are closing in on this corrupt and unethical Trump catastrophe.......and only delusional folks on here still believe that this clown will survive the oncoming onslaught.

Trump's slogan for 2020 should be "Vote for me to keep me out of prison.....please.)
Nothing in your list bothers me a bit. It's 99% bullshit, and the other 1% isn't anything I'm concerned about.
So you want to impeach him for firing people he is allowed to fire and not revealing his tax returns that he doesn't have to reveal?

Well please show me all 8 years of Obama's returns. I want to see how he became worth 30 million working for the gov't.

Here....ask a grown up to help you understand this chart.....

Three-fourths of that money came from lucrative book deals, according to a FORBES analysis of 16 years of tax returns and financial disclosure documents. In total, Obama has earned $15.6 million as an author since arriving in Washington.

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