Trump Going Forward Part 2. Day By Day


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different. I want it to be a daily blow by blow accounting of exactly what he and his appointees actually do to, free of subjective content and opinion. YOU decide what is good and not so good.

Shortly after election night I wrote the following which I used to kick off another thread on this forum:

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.
That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following: Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

Since then, we have seen that most of his nominees for cabinet positions have been controversial at best if not horrendous. They represent the very worst of special interests and seem to be hand picked to do the bidding of Trump and his base. On policy issues,- both foreign and domestic-he continues to be vague, inconsistent, and even incoherent.
So as I said, now that we are close to inauguration day, it's time to start looking at what he and his appointed cohorts actually do on a day to day basis. Here is today's installment: Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Watchdog | The Huffington Post

NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Trump met with former Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) on Wednesday and is considering Neugebauer to run the CFPB, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Thursday call with reporters.

I will be posting news like this on a daily basis, or more frequently as his actions, inactions and missteps of which there will be many-judging from what we have seen so far-come to light.
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LOL... yep Regressive parasite actually said "another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different" and then goes on to parrot some inane bullshit from HuffPo.

I'm personally delighted Trump is picking people that bed wetters revile. I had little faith Trump would be the guy to move the ball forward down the field and undo the regressive nonsense of the last 30 years. Any other republicrat (except Cruz or Paul) would be sucking donkey dick trying to get good press.

Trump tells the press to fuck themselves. I have never been happier to be wrong about someone. The time for "reaching across the aisle" is OVER. Trump isn't going to negotiate for for bullshit. The democrooks are going to get back what they've earned through the course of their deeds.

Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony
In a bizarre move, Donald Trump has demanded that the commanding officer of the Washington, D.C. National Guard resign from his post in the middle of the Inauguration ceremony, even though the general will be in the middle of helping oversee the event's security, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz will be removed from his post at 12:01 PM on Inauguration Day, just after Trump is sworn in but before the Inaugural parade begins, according to a memo obtained by the Washington Post.

Trump's team has also ordered all politically appointed diplomats to leave their posts by Inauguration Day, breaking with tradition of allowing some ambassadors to stay on as their children finish out the school year.

We are in deep shit people!!
Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different. I want it to be a daily blow by blow accounting of exactly what he and his appointees actually do to, free of subjective content and opinion. YOU decide what is good and not so good.

Shortly after election night I wrote the following which I used to kick off another thread on this forum:

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.
That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following: Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

Since then, we have seen that most of his nominees for cabinet positions have been controversial at best if not horrendous. They represent the very worst of special interests and seem to be hand picked to do the bidding of Trump and his base. On policy issues,- both foreign and domestic-he continues to be vague, inconsistent, and even incoherent.
So as I said, now that we are close to inauguration day, it's time to start looking at what he and his appointed cohorts actually do on a day to day basis. Here is today's installment: Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Watchdog | The Huffington Post

NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Trump met with former Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) on Wednesday and is considering Neugebauer to run the CFPB, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Thursday call with reporters.

I will be posting news like this on a daily basis, or more frequently as his actions, inactions and missteps of which there will be many-judging from what we have seen so far-come to light.
Another butthurt Leftard thread
Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different. I want it to be a daily blow by blow accounting of exactly what he and his appointees actually do to, free of subjective content and opinion. YOU decide what is good and not so good.

Shortly after election night I wrote the following which I used to kick off another thread on this forum:

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.
That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following: Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

Since then, we have seen that most of his nominees for cabinet positions have been controversial at best if not horrendous. They represent the very worst of special interests and seem to be hand picked to do the bidding of Trump and his base. On policy issues,- both foreign and domestic-he continues to be vague, inconsistent, and even incoherent.
So as I said, now that we are close to inauguration day, it's time to start looking at what he and his appointed cohorts actually do on a day to day basis. Here is today's installment: Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Watchdog | The Huffington Post

NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Trump met with former Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) on Wednesday and is considering Neugebauer to run the CFPB, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Thursday call with reporters.

I will be posting news like this on a daily basis, or more frequently as his actions, inactions and missteps of which there will be many-judging from what we have seen so far-come to light.
Awwwww.....dismayed hopeless snowflake.....
Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different. I want it to be a daily blow by blow accounting of exactly what he and his appointees actually do to, free of subjective content and opinion. YOU decide what is good and not so good.

Shortly after election night I wrote the following which I used to kick off another thread on this forum:

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.
That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following: Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

Since then, we have seen that most of his nominees for cabinet positions have been controversial at best if not horrendous. They represent the very worst of special interests and seem to be hand picked to do the bidding of Trump and his base. On policy issues,- both foreign and domestic-he continues to be vague, inconsistent, and even incoherent.
So as I said, now that we are close to inauguration day, it's time to start looking at what he and his appointed cohorts actually do on a day to day basis. Here is today's installment: Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Watchdog | The Huffington Post

NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Trump met with former Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) on Wednesday and is considering Neugebauer to run the CFPB, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Thursday call with reporters.

I will be posting news like this on a daily basis, or more frequently as his actions, inactions and missteps of which there will be many-judging from what we have seen so far-come to light.
Another butthurt Leftard thread
And as expected the rwnj trolls pile on. Are you guys so fucking stupid as to believe that consumer protections should be gutted?
You know, I find it really interesting that one of Trump's main rally cries for his base was that Hillary was too close to Wall St., and if she was elected, the fat cats there would benefit greatly.

Well.................she lost, but Goldman Sachs still won. Trump has 3 of their CEO's as his Cabinet picks.
And as expected the rwnj trolls pile on. Are you guys so fucking stupid as to believe that consumer protections should be gutted?

I'm sure you're stupid enough to believe anyone takes anything a vapid marxist zealot like you has to say seriously. You're here to be mocked. You're a caricature of insipid bed wetting liberals.

Consumers have the courts to protect them. The feds have too damned many redundant programs and they're going to be taken down.

It's not that far of a swim to Cuba dip shit.

Yes I know, another Trump thread...but this one will hopefully be different. I want it to be a daily blow by blow accounting of exactly what he and his appointees actually do to, free of subjective content and opinion. YOU decide what is good and not so good.

Shortly after election night I wrote the following which I used to kick off another thread on this forum:

On the eve of the election, I was, like many others, aghast and dismayed at the election of Donald Trump. I could not fathom the election of this many who had railed against pretty much every minority group, and threatened to ignite a trade war in a misguided attempt to bring jobs back to our shores. He is a person who has a history of being a sexual predator, who’s temperament and knowledge base clearly disqualifies him from the presidency and who does not exude the intellectual depth or level of curiosity to learn and grow into the job .

However, after taking a deep breath and listening to Secretary Clinton’s gracious concession speech and President Obamas call for acceptance of the decision and national unity and healing, I decided to take a step back and say that, rather dwell on his past words and deeds, I would judge him by what he says and does going forward. I said that I would chalk much of it up to campaign rhetoric and bluster intended to rally his base, and reminded myself that he has a history of holding some liberal and progressive views that may reemerge later.
That rapprochement lasted less than a week. In his first few days as president elect, he has done the following: Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)

Since then, we have seen that most of his nominees for cabinet positions have been controversial at best if not horrendous. They represent the very worst of special interests and seem to be hand picked to do the bidding of Trump and his base. On policy issues,- both foreign and domestic-he continues to be vague, inconsistent, and even incoherent.
So as I said, now that we are close to inauguration day, it's time to start looking at what he and his appointed cohorts actually do on a day to day basis. Here is today's installment: Trump Moves Closer To Gutting Elizabeth Warren's Consumer Watchdog | The Huffington Post

NEW YORK ― Big business and congressional Republicans salivate at the idea of gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Now, President-elect Donald Trump is moving toward what they’ve long wanted: a weak agency that sides with financial predators over consumers.
Trump met with former Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) on Wednesday and is considering Neugebauer to run the CFPB, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer confirmed on a Thursday call with reporters.

I will be posting news like this on a daily basis, or more frequently as his actions, inactions and missteps of which there will be many-judging from what we have seen so far-come to light.
We won. You lost. Now sit in the back and shut the fuck up.

Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony
In a bizarre move, Donald Trump has demanded that the commanding officer of the Washington, D.C. National Guard resign from his post in the middle of the Inauguration ceremony, even though the general will be in the middle of helping oversee the event's security, the Washington Post reported on Friday.

Maj. Gen. Errol R. Schwartz will be removed from his post at 12:01 PM on Inauguration Day, just after Trump is sworn in but before the Inaugural parade begins, according to a memo obtained by the Washington Post.

Trump's team has also ordered all politically appointed diplomats to leave their posts by Inauguration Day, breaking with tradition of allowing some ambassadors to stay on as their children finish out the school year.

We are in deep shit people!!
Gonna declare martial law! RUN! HIDE! :D
You know, I find it really interesting that one of Trump's main rally cries for his base was that Hillary was too close to Wall St., and if she was elected, the fat cats there would benefit greatly.

Well.................she lost, but Goldman Sachs still won. Trump has 3 of their CEO's as his Cabinet picks.

I realize the obvious must be pointed out to libturds, but hitlary works FOR these GS execs. They paid her (for God knows what reason) to pontificate about how important it is to be a two faced political whore, at speeches she tried like hell to keep the transcripts of secret. Clearly, she is subservient to those paying ridiculous sums of money for her to blow smoke up their asses.

GS Execs will be working FOR Trump. You can bet your ass that even those who have been democrook cash cows in the past will be held accountable.

Hitlary was a 2 bit stooge for the bankers bed wetting libturds like you are programmed to hate.

Trump Could Address These Legitimacy Questions—But He Won’t

The shadow of illegitimacy stalks President-elect Donald Trump. Those are not words to be written lightly. But they are becoming harder to avoid as Trump’s presidency-in-waiting becomes increasingly mired in scandal before it’s even begun.

Civil rights hero John Lewis shocked the world on Friday by saying bluntly that Trump is not a legitimate president (Trump responded in a Tweet on Saturday, hitting Lewis for the state of his Georgia congressional district). Lewis put his considerable moral authority on the line to make such a bold statement – though anyone who knows his history knows that he’s always been bold. But he is hardly the first person to think it: that this president increasingly lacks the core element required for a broad sense of legitimacy: strong public confidence that he was honestly and fairly elected, and will act in the national interest, and not some other interest – financial or worse – as president.
Trump Could Address These Legitimacy Questions—But He Won’t

The shadow of illegitimacy stalks President-elect Donald Trump. Those are not words to be written lightly. But they are becoming harder to avoid as Trump’s presidency-in-waiting becomes increasingly mired in scandal before it’s even begun.

Civil rights hero John Lewis shocked the world on Friday by saying bluntly that Trump is not a legitimate president (Trump responded in a Tweet on Saturday, hitting Lewis for the state of his Georgia congressional district). Lewis put his considerable moral authority on the line to make such a bold statement – though anyone who knows his history knows that he’s always been bold. But he is hardly the first person to think it: that this president increasingly lacks the core element required for a broad sense of legitimacy: strong public confidence that he was honestly and fairly elected, and will act in the national interest, and not some other interest – financial or worse – as president.
Another butthurt Leftard response
Trump’s Plan to Quickly Recall Ambassadors Is ‘Risky Move’: Experts

A plan by Donald Trump to turf out dozens of ambassadors on the day he takes office risks months of uncertainty in some of the most sensitive parts of the world, according to several experts.
"Uncertainty" about what? Do you imagine some country is going to declare war on the USA because we don't have an ambassador there?

Once again, the douche bag left is using hysterics to scare everyone.
Trump’s Plan to Quickly Recall Ambassadors Is ‘Risky Move’: Experts

A plan by Donald Trump to turf out dozens of ambassadors on the day he takes office risks months of uncertainty in some of the most sensitive parts of the world, according to several experts.

Bullpoop! You clearly ignore posts that indicate that first, this was done by other presidents and second, the embassys are actually run by career personnel.
Bovine excrement! While all ambassadors are asked to tender their resignation on inauguration day- they are typically allowed to stay on for a while by the incoming president. NUMEROUS news articles have reported this and they all explain why what Trump is doing is a problem, especially since the twitter troll is such a loose cannon. You didn't bother to read about that, did you?
Trump’s Plan to Quickly Recall Ambassadors Is ‘Risky Move’: Experts

A plan by Donald Trump to turf out dozens of ambassadors on the day he takes office risks months of uncertainty in some of the most sensitive parts of the world, according to several experts.
"Uncertainty" about what? Do you imagine some country is going to declare war on the USA because we don't have an ambassador there?

Once again, the douche bag left is using hysterics to scare everyone.
That is fucking idiotic READ the report and the dozen or so others like it!

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