Bill in the doghouse?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
The conservative addiction to the Clintons is disturbing
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
While a fat millionaire President-elect married to a mail order whore is the right's ideal couple
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
While a fat millionaire President-elect married to a mail order whore is the right's ideal couple

A "slut shaming" leftist? How fascinating. Do say more about how you really feel. :D
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
While a fat millionaire President-elect married to a mail order whore is the right's ideal couple
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin. Trashing others to cover over your own failures is. I doubt you'll understand that though.
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
While a fat millionaire President-elect married to a mail order whore is the right's ideal couple
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin. Trashing others to cover over your own failures is. I doubt you'll understand that though.
Not very smart to post that in support a thread created to trash others to cover one's own failures you dumb fucking rube
You got it bad don't ya? Clinton made sure that people knew they were trash through their own actions. Trump merely divorced and remarried which apparently you disapprove of.
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Its the rabid lefts ideal couple.
While a fat millionaire President-elect married to a mail order whore is the right's ideal couple
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin. Trashing others to cover over your own failures is. I doubt you'll understand that though.
Not very smart to post that in support a thread created to trash others to cover one's own failures you dumb fucking rube
You got it bad don't ya? Clinton made sure that people knew they were trash through their own actions. Trump merely divorced and remarried which apparently you disapprove of.
I never mentioned divorce you dumb fucking rube. I think it's about time for you to take your meds.
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin.

Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
The conservative addiction to the Clintons is disturbing

The liberal fascination with protecting criminals and circumventing laws is disturbing to me. Example:
We now know 100% that the Clintons pay to play scheme included favors to Saudis.
The Liberal media never bothered to find out what favors though. It's VERY VERY IMPORTANT that the news investigative reporting do their jobs to uncover
The fact they aren't interested in the bigger LEGITIMATE news story only proves they are not concerned about reporting news that is not of their affiliation interest. They will report propaganda within self interest before they'd report legitimate news that opposes their image they are trying to impress through controlling the flow of news and it's spin.
NOW if Clinton mysteriously pulled off capturing Bin Laden back in 1998 when he had his clear chance, was the Saudis $ part of the reason? Why is this going untouched as even Clinton spoke to audiences that he had the chance to take down Bin Laden? (before we knew what he'd do and
What favors was given the known illegal act gone unprosecuted? THAT IS NEWS & SHOULD BE BIPARTISAN, but our system is now pitting your sports team against other sports teams instead of Country and Law and order first and foremost.
tmp_24053-bil sheikh mo payoff-1797097218.jpg
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin.

Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
So are you now a believer in Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

You do realize there are some other instructions in those passages, right?
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
The conservative addiction to the Clintons is disturbing

The liberal fascination with protecting criminals and circumventing laws is disturbing to me. Example:
We now know 100% that the Clintons pay to play scheme included favors to Saudis.
The Liberal media never bothered to find out what favors though. It's VERY VERY IMPORTANT that the news investigative reporting do their jobs to uncover
The fact they aren't interested in the bigger LEGITIMATE news story only proves they are not concerned about reporting news that is not of their affiliation interest. They will report propaganda within self interest before they'd report legitimate news that opposes their image they are trying to impress through controlling the flow of news and it's spin.
NOW if Clinton mysteriously pulled off capturing Bin Laden back in 1998 when he had his clear chance, was the Saudis $ part of the reason? Why is this going untouched as even Clinton spoke to audiences that he had the chance to take down Bin Laden? (before we knew what he'd do and
What favors was given the known illegal act gone unprosecuted? THAT IS NEWS & SHOULD BE BIPARTISAN, but our system is now pitting your sports team against other sports teams instead of Country and Law and order first and foremost.
Poor effort. You could have easily fit more partisan slogans and bullshit talking points in that word vomit you posted.
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin.

Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
So are you now a believer in Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

I am a Christian, yes. I attend church twice a week. I have also founded two faith-based non-profits.


You do realize there are some other instructions in those passages, right?
Wait. Are you claiming that passage is "fake news"?


Sorry. Getting divorced and remarried IS a sin. You are fatally wrong.
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They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Let me see if I have this straight.

You saw a news clip, maybe five seconds long, of the Clintons. Then you invented a story in your head out of whole cloth, and came here to start a topic about what the voices in your head told you.

Wait. You tards aren't that creative.

You were shown or told about a news clip, maybe five seconds long, of the Clintons by your favorite propaganda outlet. And the propaganda minister told you a story he had made up, and you obediently came here to spread it.

What do I win?
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
The conservative addiction to the Clintons is disturbing

The liberal fascination with protecting criminals and circumventing laws is disturbing to me. Example:
We now know 100% that the Clintons pay to play scheme included favors to Saudis.
The Liberal media never bothered to find out what favors though. It's VERY VERY IMPORTANT that the news investigative reporting do their jobs to uncover
The fact they aren't interested in the bigger LEGITIMATE news story only proves they are not concerned about reporting news that is not of their affiliation interest. They will report propaganda within self interest before they'd report legitimate news that opposes their image they are trying to impress through controlling the flow of news and it's spin.
NOW if Clinton mysteriously pulled off capturing Bin Laden back in 1998 when he had his clear chance, was the Saudis $ part of the reason? Why is this going untouched as even Clinton spoke to audiences that he had the chance to take down Bin Laden? (before we knew what he'd do and
What favors was given the known illegal act gone unprosecuted? THAT IS NEWS & SHOULD BE BIPARTISAN, but our system is now pitting your sports team against other sports teams instead of Country and Law and order first and foremost.
Poor effort. You could have easily fit more partisan slogans and bullshit talking points in that word vomit you posted.

You therefore prove my point. What should be a huge concern means nothing if it embrasses the image or affiliation.
Now people are seeing how some religions emulate the same patterns as political affilation pride, in that they protect their evil acts and or shovel propaganda to protect it's megalomania.=group pride
-social behavior 101.

THAT BEING SAID: instead of ad hominem responses, try looking up what you call B.S.
and search the Bill Clinton Sept 10th speach a day before 911while he was in Australia.
You are contradicting the persona you are trying to protect.=lose your argument and prove mine.

They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Like I give a damn what goes on with the Clintoons...
They showed on TV,
Hillary being escorted out in the rain by service men under umbrella instead of Bill holding it. Then they panned & showed holding back from the crowd Bill more concerned at the doorway with a nice looking Monica looking lady (asking her if she needed a ride) instead of attending to his wife in the rain. Now this is very audible and obvious and reeks of dog house, but the liberal media focused on Hillary's inside out umbrella instead of what was clearly trouble in paradise.
Now that the image no longer matters, will we see the real distant couple emerge?
Let me see if I have this straight.

You saw a news clip, maybe five seconds long, of the Clintons. Then you invented a story in your head out of whole cloth, and came here to start a topic about what the voices in your head told you.

Wait. You tards aren't that creative.

You were shown or told about a news clip, maybe five seconds long, of the Clintons by your favorite propaganda outlet. And the propaganda minister told you a story he had made up, and you obediently came here to spread it.

What do I win?

It was on a liberal media stationn if you'd pay attention I said they were more concerned about her umbrella and not the fact Bill was not being her husband, as his focus was on hitting on a woman instead of helping his wife to the car.
Amazing how you protect that behavior when affiliated but denounce it using spin when itcs opposition.-human group behavior 101.
My, my, jealous much are you? Divorced and getting remarried is not a sin.

Jesus said, "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

There were many Christs used to form the image Jesus.
The son of Mary christ the harlot church pushes to the fore front was born out of an affair Mary had with a Roman soldier named Panderas, which is why in Matthew it says Joseph had a mind to divorce her quietly (as to not get her stoned). This is why they call Rome's church the Harlot church and great harlot.
Because: they devote & lift high the great harlot mother while placing the great opposer-accuser's lineage through all the Harlots of the Bible. They also whored their wares to all kingdoms while they slept with many kings and evil dictators=hence
"the great Harlot"

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