Trump FIRES cybersecurity official who said the election was secure

So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

It is getting to a dangerous level of malfeasance.
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.
Quote me, please. Since I supposedly did it for four years, that should be easy for you.

Go ahead.

Oh, that's right. You can't. You're a Trumpster and a liar -- which, of course, is a redundancy.
Good. Clearly this guy is a moron.
Why, exactly? Feel free to go into detail.
I will.

How can that guy make such a statement when he clearly does not have ANY facts supporting it, and given that Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in history....except that Biden got 5 million more.....but, also, the Dems WHIFFED on all 27 house seats?

Now, I know you will readily brush off something like that, which completely defies any and all trends ever in the history of elections, but maybe that might be something a guy like Krebs should to look into before shooting off his mouth. You think?

I mean, is it unreasonable to be suspicious, given the MOTHERFUCKING UNDISPUTED FACTS above?
The Trumpsters are fine with this.

All along, this is what they wanted - an authoritarian strongman who eliminates anyone who gets in his way. Shades of Europe, 80, 90 years ago.

Instead, they got a buffoon. Tough shit.
This kind of hyperbole only increases the divide. The one that Mac whines about all the time.
You cant make this shit up :lol:

Stop telling the truth about Republicans, it makes them mad....
Good. Clearly this guy is a moron.
Why, exactly? Feel free to go into detail.
I will.

How can that guy make such a statement when he clearly does not have ANY facts supporting it, and given that Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in history....except that Biden got 5 million more.....but, also, the Dems WHIFFED on all 27 house seats?

Now, I know you will readily brush off something like that, which completely defies any and all trends ever in the history of elections, but maybe that might be something a guy like Krebs should to look into before shooting off his mouth. You think?

I mean, is it unreasonable to be suspicious, given the MOTHERFUCKING UNDISPUTED FACTS above?
Because lots of voters simply voted D at the top of the ticket and voted R down ballot -- which many predicted would happen in the first place...

The only trend here is base republican voters refusing to accept the results of the election -- in a far more destructive way than the most devout Hillary supporters did

Can you tell me how many recounts did Hillary request in 2016 before she conceded??

I'll wait
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.

There was collusion. There was not criminal conspiracy. But...there was a shit ton of collusion. Get it right, loser.
Because lots of voters simply voted D at the top of the ticket and voted R down ballot -- which many predicted would happen in the first place...
That doesn't even make sense. What happened?
The only trend here is base republican voters refusing to accept the results of the election -- in a far more destructive way than the most devout Hillary supporters did
Is it destructive to question the results of an election where the D candidate allegedly won by epic numbers, but his party completely lost ground? SERIOUSLY? We're unreasonable because it looks so fucking suspicious?
Can you tell me how many recounts did Hillary request in 2016 before she conceded??
Who cares? That was a completely different race.
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.

There was collusion. There was not criminal conspiracy. But...there was a shit ton of collusion. Get it right, loser.
Okay. Assume you're right. There was collusion. So?
The Trumpsters are fine with this.

All along, this is what they wanted - an authoritarian strongman who eliminates anyone who gets in his way. Shades of Europe, 80, 90 years ago.

Instead, they got a buffoon. Tough shit.
This kind of hyperbole only increases the divide. The one that Mac whines about all the time.
You cant make this shit up :lol:

Stop telling the truth about Republicans, it makes them mad....
Yeah trump and his supporters are comparable to a group of people that killed tens of millions..
Shut up dumbfuck
Good. Clearly this guy is a moron.
Why, exactly? Feel free to go into detail.
I will.

How can that guy make such a statement when he clearly does not have ANY facts supporting it, and given that Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in history....except that Biden got 5 million more.....but, also, the Dems WHIFFED on all 27 house seats?

Now, I know you will readily brush off something like that, which completely defies any and all trends ever in the history of elections, but maybe that might be something a guy like Krebs should to look into before shooting off his mouth. You think?

I mean, is it unreasonable to be suspicious, given the MOTHERFUCKING UNDISPUTED FACTS above?
How is it an "undisputed fact" that he made "a statement when he clearly does not have ANY facts supporting it"? How in the WORLD could you know such a thing? What proof do you have of such a specific accusation?

You people exist in a fantasy world of your own making. This is why I don't take you people seriously, and why I no longer try to communicate with you online. This is a group pathology.
Because lots of voters simply voted D at the top of the ticket and voted R down ballot -- which many predicted would happen in the first place...
That doesn't even make sense. What happened?
The only trend here is base republican voters refusing to accept the results of the election -- in a far more destructive way than the most devout Hillary supporters did
Is it destructive to question the results of an election where the D candidate allegedly won by epic numbers, but his party completely lost ground? SERIOUSLY? We're unreasonable because it looks so fucking suspicious?
Can you tell me how many recounts did Hillary request in 2016 before she conceded??
Who cares? That was a completely different race.
I don't expect it to make sense to a moron Trump sycophant...

"Texas Republicans managed to avoid net losses in the state and U.S. House this election cycle in part because voters in key districts showed a willingness to vote Democratic at the top of the ballot and Republican lower down. "

But as I said before -- you folks will be looked at like Bush sycophants who were still trying to claim Saddam was behind 9/11...

Notice how NONE OF THEM are willing to admit they said that dumb shit now?

That will be you, 5 years from now....
How is it an "undisputed fact" that he made "a statement when he clearly does not have ANY facts supporting it"? How in the WORLD could you know such a thing? What proof do you have of such a specific accusation?
Okay. Take that out of what I said.

How can that guy make such a statement, given that Trump got more votes than any presidential candidate in history....except that Biden got 5 million more.....but, also, the Dems WHIFFED on all 27 house seats?

How is it reasonable to make that type of blanket statement given the historically and highly improbable results of the Dem candidate getting super epic numbers over the GOP incumbent who also got epic/historic numbers, but the Dems ended up losing ground everywhere else?

I am not saying the guy is wrong. I am saying that making such a statement is FUCKING IDIOTIC when MILLIONS of us see the results and find them suspicious. How can Trump retain such an idiot?
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.

There was collusion. There was not criminal conspiracy. But...there was a shit ton of collusion. Get it right, loser.
How did Putin get you to vote for Trump?
Because lots of voters simply voted D at the top of the ticket and voted R down ballot -- which many predicted would happen in the first place...
That doesn't even make sense. What happened?
The only trend here is base republican voters refusing to accept the results of the election -- in a far more destructive way than the most devout Hillary supporters did
Is it destructive to question the results of an election where the D candidate allegedly won by epic numbers, but his party completely lost ground? SERIOUSLY? We're unreasonable because it looks so fucking suspicious?
Can you tell me how many recounts did Hillary request in 2016 before she conceded??
Who cares? That was a completely different race.
I don't expect it to make sense to a moron Trump sycophant...

"Texas Republicans managed to avoid net losses in the state and U.S. House this election cycle in part because voters in key districts showed a willingness to vote Democratic at the top of the ballot and Republican lower down. "

But as I said before -- you folks will be looked at like Bush sycophants who were still trying to claim Saddam was behind 9/11...

Notice how NONE OF THEM are willing to admit they said that dumb shit now?

That will be you, 5 years from now....
Okay, so first off, FUCK YOU!!! I will compare sheepskin with you ANY FUCKING DAY, YOU KUUUNT!!!!

It's not my fault you SUCK HYENA COCK when it comes to your use of the English language. GO FUCK YOUR INARTICULATE SELF!!!

Secondly, The Texas Tribune? I will let that statement hang for a while.

Finally, everything about that article supports my suspicion. You have rebutted NOTHING.
....and instead of a comment from Mac58, we get the lauphy face.


When you start getting hit with reasonable questions, you always run for the hills.


So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Coming from someone who cried Russian collusion for 4 years. That's funny, now your man won. Everything is okay.

There was collusion. There was not criminal conspiracy. But...there was a shit ton of collusion. Get it right, loser.
Okay. Assume you're right. There was collusion. So?

So? Nutbags should stop claiming that there was none. There was. The Trump campaign sought Russian help, got it and then lied about it.

Mueller did Trump a huge favor. He could have forced him to testify under oath. He also outlined areas of illegality on the part
of the president but followed DOJ guidelines and did not charge him with anything.

There was collusion. Period.

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