Trump FIRES cybersecurity official who said the election was secure

So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it...
It's easy to see where the slippery slope created by Trump's stress incontinence is leading:


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So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

He wasn't loyal to the Church of Orange. Simple as that. You are overthinking it, buddy.
Secure my ass, they just found thousands of votes that had not been recorded in favor of Trump, which significantly decreased Bidens "lead" in Georgia.

They have officially named Bigfoot (That's 'Sasquatch' to the racists out there) as the chairman of the recount.
Now, I know you will readily brush off something like that, which completely defies any and all trends ever in the history of elections, but maybe that might be something a guy like Krebs should to look into before shooting off his mouth. You think?

No, It defies all logic. But I can assume it's what stupid followers of a cult might believe. Who can say? :dunno:
So Krebs says the election was fine, so Trump fires him.

Wow. The paranoid autocrat is fucking losing it.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday fired the top U.S. cybersecurity official Chris Krebs in a tweet, accusing him without evidence of making a “highly inaccurate” statement on the security of the U.S. election.

Reuters reported last week that Krebs, who worked on protecting the election from hackers but drew the ire of the Trump White House over efforts to debunk disinformation, had told associates he expected to be fired.

Krebs headed up the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

It is rather insane is it not? IF you tell the president bad news...he fires you.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that the US is a first world nation.

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