Trump didn't make America great again, he made terrorism great again: to stop crime, start with throwing pro-Jan 6 violence crooks like Trump in jail

So Nancy Pelosi hurts you. You will go to her house. You will take a hammer and break the skull of her husband. You will wait for her to destroy her knees. And this all is justified because you believe the man who did so was right to believe all democrats are commies and liars. ... Hmmm .... Perhaps I should use you for an experiment in archeology. I could hang you on a crane and drive with you through Athens. Where the Earth will very heavy sigh could perhaps be the grave of Perikles.


You're no conservative

"Right" in Europe is somewhere between Bernie and Hillary Clinton.

Say someone whose strange own laws are often only made on reason of injustice? I remember in this context someone who got 2 millions from a Japanese microwave producer because this "lady" murdered her own cat in a microwave - what's just simple a crime in Germany for example. Here no one has the right to kill a vertebrate without very plausible reasons. A perversion of justice for to get $2 million is not a plausible reason to do so.
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Your language skills obviously failed you again.

What did you not understand, Zweistein? A victim of a criminal violent deed is also psychologically traumatized. In this case it is 100% clear that Mrs. Nancy Pelosi is for sure heavily shocked. Such a psychological shock hurts indeed the biological structure of the brain and needs time to heal. It is a very concrete biological trauma.
And we know from the research of victims of genocides that such traumata are able to be reinforced when the perpetrators of such a genocide - in this case here the members of a special hatemongering political group of people in the USA - make a so called victim-perpetrator-inversion. So in some countries of the world no one has the right to call a victim of a violent deed - here specially Mrs. Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Paul Pelosi, but also all other family members - the cause for this brutal crime. Verbal attacks in such a form are a bodily injury. That's by the way the same in context sexual crimes. It is for example also never the fault of a beautiful women when a criminal man violates her "because of her beauty". That's not a real reason. The real reasons are in the criminal man.
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Uh, there is a huge difference between being justified and Nancy Pelosi being responsible. ...

A victim never is responsible for the crime which had happened to the victim.

It's by the way an absurde form of "freedom of speech" to try to hurt or to kill someone else who has another opinion. Thoughts are free, opinions are free, speech is free. But criminal deeds have to have serios consequences.
Dude - you oughta be shitting your pants right now.

I'm always impressed from manners. Do you open a door for ladies? Yes? Wonderful. I also do so. Emancipation is not able to be a wrong excuse not to do so and not to honor every lady.

Do you not know your own history?

Partially. No one knows the complete German history. A very complex theme. My avatar is for example the lionman. One of our ancestors made it not far from here about 32,000 years ago when here also lived lions.

Uh, there is a huge difference between being justified and Nancy Pelosi being responsible.

It is good to see that you wish to use this crime to project your wrong headed opinion of republicans onto me and everyone else.

Democrats allow illegal immigration and homelessness in their congressional districts. Nancy Pelosi specically left her house unsecured and her 82 year old husband defenseless.

That makes Nancy Pelosi responsible, as a politician. Three serious issues Democrats have the power to change, and you dont see the politicians blame in any of this.

San Fransisco, where the homeless illegal aliens are free to do what they please.

The reason it happened is not anyone stating it was justified.

In the moment do we not only have a beginning third world war in front of our doors - we have also a big inflation - energy problems ... problems with transport capacities wordlwide - ... okay ... I do not like to waste the next half hour of your time with our most serios problems. Housing costs for example. But one problem for sure I do not like to solve in the moment. We got here in this year in the moment about 1.3 million registrated refugees - 1 million of them only from the Ukraine - and I heard every day pass about 12,000 illegal refugees our borders from Syria and other places .:. If you like to compare this relativelly with the USA then take it times 4. Came 5.2 million registrated refugees to the USA this year? Are crossing 48,000 illegal refugees every day the border of the USA? And no! Our president is not Joe Biden! And yes: Germany has about 3% of the size of the USA.

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A victim never is responsible for the crime which had happened to the victim.

It's by the way an absurde form of "freedom of speech" to try to hurt or to kill someone else who has another opinion. Thoughts are free, opinions are free, speech is free. But criminal deeds have to have serios consequences.
Nancy Pelosi's husband was the victim.

The Democrat's policies allowed the illegal alien homeless man to be free to commit this crime. Nancy Pelosi is the majority leader, hence she is responsible despite having a husband who is a victim of a crime.
... The Democrat's policies allowed the illegal alien homeless man to be free to commit this crime. ...

Who did do this crime? The only thing I heard about him is it that he had been in former times a left wing extremist and is now a right wing extremist.
Who did do this crime? The only thing I heard about him is it that he had been in former times a left wing extremist and is now a right wing extremist.
I dont pay much attention to the news media.

I see the news as sensationalized political propaganda.

The man is a nut case, what he believes politically is irrelevant
I'm always impressed from manners. Do you open a door for ladies? Yes? Wonderful. I also do so. Emancipation is not able to be a wrong excuse not to do so and not to honor every lady.

Partially. No one knows the complete German history. A very complex theme. My avatar is for example the lionman. One of our ancestors made it not far from here about 32,000 years ago when here also lived lions.
These are the same fools that let the Nazis walk all over them. ^^^
I dont pay much attention to the news media.

I see the news as sensationalized political propaganda.

The man is a nut case, what he believes politically is irrelevant

It was a political attack. Mentally ill people are very vulnerable to crackpot conspiracy theories and violent rhetoric.
If true, it should be a lesson for nancy pelosi to stop the violent rhetoric
Right wing losers even claim the speaker and all other prominent Democrats did speak out after the baseball practice shooting too.

Nancy Pelosi's husband was the victim.

The Democrat's policies allowed the illegal alien homeless man to be free to commit this crime. Nancy Pelosi is the majority leader, hence she is responsible despite having a husband who is a victim of a crime.
On the contrary, Trump and his fascist MAGANUTZ are inspiring international acts of terrorism against American Patriots. The Neo-GOP joke about it and make up gay jokes like they were some kind of Russian pigs......
Right wing losers even claim the speaker and all other prominent Democrats did speak out after the baseball practice shooting too.

It is not true or did the democrat controlled google bury the results.

Either way, the blame does fall on democrats allowing homelessness and sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.

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