Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

Whelp -- the poster said, and I quote, "Obama has been a candidate multiple times now and Hitlary is currently a candidate - and neither have done shit."

There is nothing a candidate can do, but there's plenty a POTUS can, including first and foremost making the federal disaster relief machine available. And another thing is staying out of the way when those operations are trying to be under way --- which I recall the same concerns voiced about Bush visiting during Katrina. It strains resources when attention is needed more urgently to people drowning or stranded.

So I refuted him.

And if I remember correctly, Bush was chastised for just flying over and not landing on ground.
Yeah, but people see right through this. Do your really think Trump would have done the same thing had he not been the nominee for the Republican party?

Like it or not, the answer is yes. How do I know? He has done things like this before.......we just never heard about it, because the media didn't report it.
Oh Trump would have made absolutely sure we heard about it.

He didn't in the past. I have learned many thing from other people....even people he has helped, ONLY since he started his bid.
Good for him for that. But if he wasn't running for President, he'd probably be playing golf with Obama right now.

Above you said Trump giving out Play-Doh for 49 seconds was better than anything Obama had done. Maybe you don't think responding immediately to the disaster and presiding over a competent, responsible recovery is anything.

We can ''probably'' or ''what if'' things all we want.......but we all see the proof.
We see 49 seconds and a photo op. Impressive to people who eagerly hope for any reason to feel impressed by Trump, and not so much to everyone else.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?
Jesus man....Pogo, your sig is just unbelievable. Every time I read it I'm just flabbergasted. Anyway, back on topic...

Yup, that's real, and it says so much.

Doncha like the graphic though? I still laugh at it to this day. It says so much too.

Yes, it cracks me up. The other one with Bernie scaring Trump on stage was great too, not sure if that was yours or another member..

I found that and brought it in, pretty sure I was the first. Another one of my hit records. I'm like the Dick Clark of gifs. :D

I thought Patriot hated Trump?
I do. What's your point? It's just a pretty powerful illustration of just how pathetic Hitlery Clinton and Barack Obama are when even a piece of shit like Trump is on the ground with an 18-wheeler full of supplies helping out while the other two libtards golf and shop.

Just wondering. Sounded like you were starting to gurgle a little bit on Trump's balls there, so I got worried.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?

Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....

Yet when the exact same thing happened to Bush during Katrina, the media had a free for all stating Bushy didn't give a damn or care about the poor victims.
Everyone does things to make themselves feel better or look better to that there is no doubt. We don't know what anyone would do in any situation. We know that when confronted with historic flooding Trump stood up while Obama teed off and Hillary went to rehab.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

"Desperately needed supplies" ?

Play doh?


If you have enough play doh you can make a car.


I think we just found out more than we wanted to know about that wall at the Mexican border :eek:

Say isn't that photo from Brazil? I think I recognize it.
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....

Even at his own father's funeral --- Rump's comments were about ...... himself. Narcissism off the scale.
While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?

Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.

Really amazing when the left claims to be ignorant. This video has been posted in other threads I can only assume you ignored it.

While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real difference with actions instead of empty platitudes like the Democrats.

Trump SHAMES Louisiana Governor and Media After He Shows Up with an 18-Wheeler Full of…

Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?

Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.

I read the link, you can tell by the doors on the truck it's a semi.

By your own admission, you have no idea how long the trump was there, only that Trump only handed out things for 49 seconds.

I'm sure Obama took longer to sink one of his putts
Everyone does things to make themselves feel better or look better to that there is no doubt. We don't know what anyone would do in any situation. We know that when confronted with historic flooding Trump stood up while Obama teed off and Hillary went to rehab.

We all know how Obama feels about vacations. He stated his position on that before he was elected:

OBAMA FLASHBACK: Hear What Obama Said About Taking Vacations...IF ELECTED [Video] »
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....

Even at his own father's funeral --- Rump's comments were about ...... himself. Narcissism off the scale.

That is pretty damn low bring in family in this way. But as i said in another thread there isn't anything lower than what a liberal will do to try and win.

Why wouldn't Trump talk of his personal lost when talking about his Father?

What is wrong with you people?
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....

Yet when the exact same thing happened to Bush during Katrina, the media had a free for all stating Bushy didn't give a damn or care about the poor victims.

Actually Bush had the same logistical concerns, and when he landed was well out of the rescue areas, and when he finally made an address it was from the French Quarter -- higher ground that never seriously flooded --- after the crucial operations were done. I remember it.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, I survived and dealt with Katrina and availed myself of whatever facilities were available, and not one iota of it had anything remotely to do with when or whether the POTUS came to see it or not. It really has no relevance.
Even at his own father's funeral --- Rump's comments were about ...... himself. Narcissism off the scale.

At least he went to his fathers funeral. Did DumBama do that with his white grandmother who basically raised him?
Yeah, I saw Trump unloading a few boxes of Play-Doh...
Doing more for children in 10 minutes than the Dumbocrats as a whole have done in over 100 years...

"10 minutes"??

It was forty-nine seconds. Then he was out of there.

You saw a 49 second clip of him handing out supplies, and assumed that was the extent of his visit?

Did the semi the supplies were in also leave after 49 seconds?

Nope. That was in the report I linked. The video is actually almost a minute and a half. I like the video because he says "I"m just here to help" and immediately turns and walks away. That's where it ends.

I don't know anything about the truck, or if it actually was a semi. For all we know it closed up and went on to its next scheduled stop at Winn Dixie.

I read the link, you can tell by the doors on the truck it's a semi.

By your own admission, you have no idea how long the trump was there, only that Trump only handed out things for 49 seconds.

I'm sure Obama took longer to sink one of his putts

If Trump worked 49 seconds that ws 49 seconds longer than Obama and Hillary put together.
The dem governor told Obama not to visit until the emergency was over. Trump went for a photo op he was warned about doing and his comments were all about him. lol The dupes....

Even at his own father's funeral --- Rump's comments were about ...... himself. Narcissism off the scale.

That is pretty damn low bring in family in this way. But as i said in another thread there isn't anything lower than what a liberal will do to try and win.

Why wouldn't Trump talk of his personal lost when talking about his Father?

What is wrong with you people?

No, you don't get it --- not his "personal lost" whatever that is ---- the closest he came to eulogizing his father was to credit him with creating Donald Rump. In other words even at Fred's funeral ----- it was STILL all about Donald.

That speaks of character. Volumes. Great fucking big ones.

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