ONCE AGAIN! President Trump Was Right! Obama, Clapper were briefed on reports of Clinton campaign's Russia collusion narrative


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Once again, President Trump was RIGHT. Although, I'm not tired of it yet.

Democrats wish for us to believe that the Durham report is a giant nothing burger. Instead of that, it is one of the most revealing reports we have ever seen.

Published May 19, 2023 3:01pm EDT

Obama, Clapper were briefed on reports of Clinton campaign's Russia collusion narrative, Durham report shows

Long-anticipated document undermines claims of Trump-Russia collusion in 2016 election​

By Aaron Kliegman | Fox News

Former President Barack Obama and his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, were both briefed in 2016 on reports that then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton planned to vilify Donald Trump by claiming he was colluding with Russia to win the election, according to the final report from Special Counsel John Durham's investigation into the original Trump-Russia probe.

This week, Durham released a lengthy report detailing the findings of his years-long investigation into the origins of the FBI's probe, known as "Crossfire Hurricane," which looked into whether former President Donald Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Durham found that there was never any information to justify opening the FBI's original investigation and that the bureau and the Department of Justice "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law."

Come on Democrats, when do you start to work for America instead of against our country? Is being right more important to you than what is RIGHT? Your past behavior should be embarrassing to you, why is it not?
More of the same innuendo and false narratives from Durham's/Barr's weaponized DOJ. It was a Russian false narrative Report about Hillary's campaign, that they were briefed on. Lies like that are all they have.
Markle the Dupe is not telling you the three indictments ended in two acquittals and twenty hours community service.

Yes, it was a big Durham nothing burger.
Trump's 140 calls to the Russian embassy during his campaign were not initiated by Putin.
Why would Trump call the embassy? Once again, this photo was verified by CNN as authentic:
Why would Trump call the embassy? One again, this photo was verified by CNN as authentic:

Jared Kushner said that they were trying to secure a back channel with the Kremlin. Trump has written Putin gushy letters since the 1990s.
Trump desperately wants a friendship with Putin since he was writing him gushy letters since the 1990s.
That's just goofy. Even you know it's goofy you're just trolling, AGAIN.

Who has cashed in from our enemies?

From now disclosed Biden bank records.


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