trump complains, "everyone wants to interview me, but nobody wants to talk about election fraud."

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?
The media had banned him long before that.
At a guess I'd say any real news organization doesn't want that conspiracy theory crap being associated with their brand and the RWNJ folks like oann and faux are just plain embarrassed.
It is also possible that nobody really wants to interview him and he's just delusional.
The last election was the first time in US history where a sitting President was silenced by the media along with all bad press for his opponent being censored by the press

It worked.

We will see for how long.
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?
Normal people are tired of that worn out, BS, shtick. He needs a new act.
If election fraud were a lie then Joe would be enjoying higher approvals. So would the thing that calls itself VP. If it were a lie, the economy would be humming. and don't tell me it is. We all know it is NOT. The people would be content. they are not. There would be justice and peace throughout the nation...but it is not. It is not the right's doing. It is the Godless Left and their demonic policies.
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?

What is there to debate? Trump's had 13 months to provide evidence of election fraud.
The last election was the first time in US history where a sitting President was silenced by the media along with all bad press for his opponent being censored by the press

It worked.

We will see for how long.

No media silenced Trump.
There is nothing to talk about...covid rule changes made it possible to steal the election...everyone knows it whether they admit it or not....never before have we sent out more ballots and never before have we disqualified so few ballots.....ever....
If there wasn't any voter fraud then why do the dems freak out when they hear someone say there was?....
There is nothing to talk about...covid rule changes made it possible to steal the election...everyone knows it whether they admit it or not....never before have we sent out more ballots and never before have we disqualified so few ballots.....ever....
Yet you can’t point out any actual illegal votes

All you have is “possible”
If there wasn't any voter fraud then why do the dems freak out when they hear someone say there was?....
Still waiting for you to show some

Freaking out at unsubstantiated claims that are an assault on our Democracy is expected
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?
Obviously Trump is #1 for the media's ratings! That's not a point that can be debated.

Bue what a slamdunk in Trump's face when the media have stopped buying into the phony claims of a stolen election! That was Trump's best ace in the hole and now it's becoming too ridiculous for eveen his favourite biased media to babble on about.
In a newly released statement Tuesday morning, trump claimed, “It’s really interesting, everybody wants me on television, I get the highest ratings by far, they need ratings to survive, and yet I put out a challenge to debate me about the massive election fraud, which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, and there are no takers—think of it, zero takers for the so-called ‘ratings machine.'”

Why will nobody interview trump?

What's wrong with talking about election fraud?
The only reason most journalists want to interview Trump is so they can ask him loaded questions they can use to attack him with.
Trump has a habit of answering just about any silly question you throw at him.
Biden says something, turns, and walks away totally ignoring any questions.
This is by design.
It prevents the media from doing to him what they did to Trump.....and it also prevents everyone from getting yet another example of just how awful Biden is at answering questions.

The left doesn't want to talk about election fraud because they know it was massive in the last election and they simply cannot allow the possibility that someone might let the truth come out.

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