Hatred for Islamic Terrorism is banned from social media....but expressing anti-white genocide is quietly ignored if not fully supported on Twitter.
That is the direction that Twitter is going.
Trump is supposedly spreading dangerous hate-speech....but when a racist black says he wants to start putting white people in ovens....nobody does anything about it.
Twitter wants to make it socially acceptable to be a bigot.....but only if you're a bigot against whites. Plain and simple.
Their new CEO epitomizes this. I don't think he even cares that we have a permanent record of his racist rants.
He wants to prevent misinformation on Twitter.....another way of describing censorship.
Misinformation = Opinions different from mine
Old CEO Jack Dorsey wants to ride off into the sunset and kick back on the beach smoking pot. He's become a target....and now he's tired of the hassle. It's possible his choice to be the new CEO is directly related to the ban on Donald Trump.
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