Trump CAN NOT Receive daily Intel Briefings Post Presidency

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Former Presidents can receive daily Intel briefings.

Trump can not receive this information. Trump is not fit to receive this information. Trump is a threat and danger to America and if he has this information who knows what he will do with it. I'm sure it will get in the hands of Putin though.

He didn't care about the intelligence briefings when he was supposed to be reading them. The information dense briefings Biden will receive may as well be written in Greek should Trump get to see them as well.
He didn't care about the intelligence briefings when he was supposed to be reading them. The information dense briefings Biden will receive may as well be written in Greek should Trump get to see them as well.
Where is ISIS by the way? Non stop coverage for yrs for the JV team, and then POOF, you never hear about it again. Isn't it amazing? Wonder if Obama did that.
Information briefings from our CIA-FBI are as useless as tits on a bull. The briefings from those deep staters are mostly to cover their own trail and promote their evil agenda. Our intelligence community today is made up of Clinton wanna bes' if you catch my drift.
He didn't care about the intelligence briefings when he was supposed to be reading them. The information dense briefings Biden will receive may as well be written in Greek should Trump get to see them as well.
Where is ISIS by the way? Non stop coverage for yrs for the JV team, and then POOF, you never hear about it again. Isn't it amazing? Wonder if Obama did that.
Since Trump is reportedly disinterested in detailed intelligence reports and the intelligence services infected by partisan saboteurs there is no way to tell for sure what is going on. Even so Trump took full credit for defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria soon after taking office and then surrendered our campaign against them. You probably don't even remember that.
All of the intelligence briefings will go straight to President Xi. Chicom Xiden can no longer read.
Is there a law somewhere about x-Presidents receiving intelligence briefings?

If not then Biden's administration can easily make a well deserved exception for Trump. You CAN'T TRUST HIM.

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