Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

Well at least you have the capacity to learn.. a little
When did you learn that President Biden has the power to beef up security to ensure the safety of American lives anywhere on the planet?
Lib loons really do take in, just like 8 year olds, that Trump has special powers.
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

Um, no. Trump was saying that he was pushing to exit Afghanistan. He did not set up how Biden did that.

Biden actually could have claimed a significant achievement by withdrawing if it had been handled differently. The problem is that he left behind a lot of equipment that ended up in the hands of the Taliban. Much of the equipment was later sold to various other groups by them.

Withdrawal itself was not "impossible". It only required competent people in charge. However, I think the "botching" was intentional. First, it could be used in the future to discourage withdrawal from other conflicts. Second, it ensured that the Taliban could potentially be an enemy in the future for the next prolonged conflict (and massive moneymaker) for the military industrial complex. Of course, that's what Ukraine has already become now.
Wait, the last flight out wasn't military, but troops were killed after it took off?

We're they planning to swim home?

Shut up stupid.
All civilians should be out before the military is out. Americans civilians were left behind, you lying piece of shit.
All civilians should be out before the military is out.
More ad hoc stupidity. They were given nearly a year's notice. Biden even extended the deadline, givng them more time to leave under protection . Nobody could have forced them all to leave first. You are making up dumb shit on the spot, because you have run out of AM radio talking points.
More ad hoc stupidity. They were given nearly a year's notice. Nobody could have forced them all to leave first. You are making up dumb shit on the spot, because you have run out of AM radio talking points.
You're a liar. There were over 100 Americans who wanted out that didn't get out. Get the hell out of here, liar.
Trump wanted to exit Afghanistan, but he never got around to it
He did. That is literally the surrender agreement we are talking about.

You really don't know anything about it, do you?

And naturally, being the traitorous pile of shit he is, he harmed America and americans by sabotaging it to get personal satisfaction, after getting his fat ass voted out of office.

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