Trump 2017 Tax Cut Wasn’t Just Designed For Wealthy, It Was Customized For Specific Bilionaires

It was obvious from the beginning that almost all the benefits from the tax cut would go to a handful of wealthy corporations and individuals. It was also clear from the beginning that the tax cut would punch a massive hole in the budget, leaving everyone else to pick up the tab as billionaires carried off their stacks of cash. All of that has proven to be completely true: With the Trump cut in hand, major corporations have walked away year after year paying tiny amounts, and often paying nothing at all.

I don't think Trump was the driving force so much as it was the only thing the gop really passed while he was potus ... aside from jimmying the judge nomination/confirmation process. Trump was more of a passenger on the McConnell express. jmo
Why do the Progs not just increase the tax cuts for the people? Double what Trump did. I have asked this many times. Not one of you came back with anything.

Trump didn’t create anything for the people. In another 3 years, Trumps tax cuts remain n permanent, while yours go up every year for the next ten years after that to pay for those permanent cuts to Trumps and is his billionaire donors.

The stupidity of a Trump supporter is unmeasurable.
Trump didn’t create anything for the people. In another 3 years, Trumps tax cuts remain n permanent, while yours go up every year for the next ten years after that to pay for those permanent cuts to Trumps and is his billionaire donors.

The stupidity of a Trump supporter is unmeasurable.
Weird how Pedo Joe and the Dimbulb controlled Congress hasn't stepped in to make all the cuts for working folks permanent, huh?
Don't blame Skews13 for his error.

First he's a PROG, that in itself demonstrates a high level of desperation and ignorance.

Second he's young & unwise.

Third he's dependent on what others say & feel, as all PROGS share that same trait.
The Daily Marxist Kook has spoken...
Typical connedservative empty rhetoric.

1. Call a liberal a "Marxist"... that shuts down conversation quickly
2. Imply that the liberal is "crazy", though the connedservative hasn't had a rational thought for years
3. state it in smart-ass manner, as this arrested-adolescent mode of communication is all the average Qtip incel is capable of
4. stfu
It was obvious from the beginning that almost all the benefits from the tax cut would go to a handful of wealthy corporations and individuals. It was also clear from the beginning that the tax cut would punch a massive hole in the budget, leaving everyone else to pick up the tab as billionaires carried off their stacks of cash. All of that has proven to be completely true: With the Trump cut in hand, major corporations have walked away year after year paying tiny amounts, and often paying nothing at all.

You are correct.
Liberal Losers believe that they are being harmed because other people are successful.
BTW, Biden removed Trump's SALT deduction cap to help rich liberals in blue states.
I see the left are LYING about Trump again. The OP is fake news. Now OP please explain why Dems squealed like stuck pigs over Trumps tax INCREASE on the wealthy with the SALT cap. Go ahead we are waiting...
I see the left are LYING about Trump again. The OP is fake news. Now OP please explain why Dems squealed like stuck pigs over Trumps tax INCREASE on the wealthy with the SALT cap. Go ahead we are waiting...
Trumpolini gave tax breaks to QOP donors! He is as corrupt as it gets. Trump soils everything he touches.

Including your mind, apparently.
Trump didn’t create anything for the people. In another 3 years, Trumps tax cuts remain n permanent, while yours go up every year for the next ten years after that to pay for those permanent cuts to Trumps and is his billionaire donors.

The stupidity of a Trump supporter is unmeasurable.
Progressives do not do tax cuts. Their policies tie an arm behind the back of businesses. Their agendas are pie in the sky and they move on from each no matter if there are still problems or more problems are created from them. The proof is people move away from the heavy taxation. Trump was fought tooth and nail for much of his agenda planks. Ryan left after two years as he helped to slow down his agendas. We see how the endless RINOS are pushed on Repub voters. You talk about the rich donors. Progs got more of them. So as the Progs make the economy worse and more become working poor and poor, there are more programs started to offset some of the people affected costing more and more money. How about cracking down on people gaming the system. Stealing and corruption with the tax system for social program benefits and other goodies. We all know it exists. Nothing is done and it would end up improving personal behavior after the initial anger of the end of free stuff. The system is so corrupted that many areas like blue cities are in a Catch 22 situation.

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