"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

Oh noes! We're all so impressed by your tough manliness!

Shut the fuck up, clown. You're not going to do shit
Just pointing out a fact, clown.


No, you're trying (and failing) to impress us with how manly and strong you are because you're staggeringly insecure.

Just like every other internet tough guy
Here's what is dangerously Politically Correct: The GOP's preventing people from admitting climate change is real. That is literally leading to loss of lives, food and habitable land for millions of people.

Or admitting that evolution is a fact of science.
Or that people should be able to make their own medical decisions without government interference.
Or unrestricted access to contraceptives.
Or that education is so important to our nation's future that it doesn't matter if teachers choose to become members of unions.
Or that we do need to raise taxes to pay for our society.
Or that those who hold 93% of the nation's wealth deserve to pay significantly higher taxes before this nation chooses to deploy our military forces.
Or that higher minimum wages will not result in a major loss of jobs.
Or that tax cuts do not lead to higher economic growth, in fact, it has been proven to be precisely opposite over the last 35 years.
Or that the US tax system is skewed to benefit capital and penalize people who have earned income and pay FICA payroll taxes.
You are probably in a state which requires them.

Read the link. There is not a state in the union I am aware of that allows a retail or place of gathering, open to the public, without a minimum number of bathrooms, based on either occupancy or square footage

I've submitted in 10 different states and consulted in 4 more.
So be a part of the solution. Submit five single occupancy restrooms in your next permit app.

Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.
Read the link. There is not a state in the union I am aware of that allows a retail or place of gathering, open to the public, without a minimum number of bathrooms, based on either occupancy or square footage

I've submitted in 10 different states and consulted in 4 more.
So be a part of the solution. Submit five single occupancy restrooms in your next permit app.

Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.
Will the hand washing basins be private? Will the stall partitions go from floor to ceiling? Will the doors have adequate locks or just a slide?
Confirms what I said. Businesses are not required to provide restrooms to the public. Only employees.


Try to get a building plan through the building department for any business open to the public without them, they won't get approved.

I've submitted over 100
You are probably in a state which requires them.

Read the link. There is not a state in the union I am aware of that allows a retail or place of gathering, open to the public, without a minimum number of bathrooms, based on either occupancy or square footage

I've submitted in 10 different states and consulted in 4 more.
So be a part of the solution. Submit five single occupancy restrooms in your next permit app.

Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
Same complaint heard when the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed and signed.
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

You're offering legal advice again? You realize that the silly shit you tell yourself is not actually the law, right? You've literally never been right. For crying out loud, you just called a Rachel Maddow segment on the Alabama governor an act of 'sedition'.

And unless a transgender woman is kicking in a stall door to watch another woman poop.....what 'invasion of privacy' can you possibly be referring to? There's no expectation of privacy save in the stalls.

Seriously, Sil.....you don't know how our laws work.
I go to a dress shop that has unisex toilets. The rooms are still multi stall but the door has an electric lock. An employee has to hit their unlock button at the same time someone is at the door to depress the lever. Only one person is allowed in at a time.
So I guess we can assume that democrats are in favor of gender non specific public restrooms? Is that in the platform? Good luck with that. :badgrin:
Is there a (pardon the expression) dress code or can any pervert male enter the ladies room and traumatize real women and little girls? Tell me again why it's a political issue?
Have you ever seen a real transgender person?
Not that rednecks dressed up for Halloween examples you clowns have been using.
Have you ever seen a real transgender person?
Not that rednecks dressed up for Halloween examples you clowns have been using
So if you are a man but because of surgery and the right clothes you look like a women then you can use the ladies room but if you're just a cross dresser with a three day old beard and too much blush and cheep eye makeup you can't?
Is there a (pardon the expression) dress code or can any pervert male enter the ladies room and traumatize real women and little girls? Tell me again why it's a political issue?
Have you ever seen a real transgender person?
Not that rednecks dressed up for Halloween examples you clowns have been using.

Dozens. Most you wouldn't know. Some you might.
So be a part of the solution. Submit five single occupancy restrooms in your next permit app.

Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.
Will the hand washing basins be private? Will the stall partitions go from floor to ceiling? Will the doors have adequate locks or just a slide?
Why would the sinks need to be private?
Do you use them to wash your ass?
Regular stalls are more than enough "coverage".
By law a stall in a public restroom can't be locked, the reasons why are obvious.
Besides you have to lay on the floor to see anybody's junk.
If a guy's dick was long enough to hit the floor or be tossed over the top of the stall , he should get a prize not arrested.
Have you ever seen a real transgender person?
Not that rednecks dressed up for Halloween examples you clowns have been using
So if you are a man but because of surgery and the right clothes you look like a women then you can use the ladies room but if you're just a cross dresser with a three day old beard and too much blush and cheep eye makeup you can't?
Yep !

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