"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

It's a state law here. Businesses cannot keep anyone out of any restroom. There's no suit to be had.
But they don't have to say men can use the women's room. That's a broad brush they are painting with. I would've never thought a woman would become a millionaire for spilling coffee on herself.
And she didn't...The Actual Facts about the Mcdonalds' Coffee Case
She could not walk for months afterwards.
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.
I go to a dress shop that has unisex toilets. The rooms are still multi stall but the door has an electric lock. An employee has to hit their unlock button at the same time someone is at the door to depress the lever. Only one person is allowed in at a time.
It's a private business those rules don't apply for public restrooms.
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?
You people are mentally ill...listen to yourselves! Look there are well intentioned Transgender people just trying to feel human but there are a lot of freaking sick perverted people out there. You must know this, unless you're blind.
Have you ever seen a real transgender person?
Not that rednecks dressed up for Halloween examples you clowns have been using
So if you are a man but because of surgery and the right clothes you look like a women then you can use the ladies room but if you're just a cross dresser with a three day old beard and too much blush and cheep eye makeup you can't?
If a trans person looks female, how are YOU going to determine their naughty parts....besides being a Peeping Tom...which will probably get YOU arrested.
Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.
Will the hand washing basins be private? Will the stall partitions go from floor to ceiling? Will the doors have adequate locks or just a slide?
Why would the sinks need to be private?
Do you use them to wash your ass?
Regular stalls are more than enough "coverage".
By law a stall in a public restroom can't be locked, the reasons why are obvious.
Besides you have to lay on the floor to see anybody's junk.
If a guy's dick was long enough to hit the floor or be tossed over the top of the stall , he should get a prize not arrested.
Because people have been assaulted in the communal sink areas and pervs have both climbed over and under stall partitions.

A nine year old girl was murdered in a women's restroom in Nevada by a man who sneaked in. Now they don't have to sneak.
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.
Oh...so you will be a male going into the women's restroom......I see. Isn't that Ironic......
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.


Another internet tough guy.

We're not impressed.
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.
You gonna do the testing?
Also your threat is illegal in and of itself.
If a "GUY" went in and did his business and left no crime was committed and you'don't
Arrested for a
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.
Are you gonna do the testing?
What will you tell your daughter when you are arrested for and unprovoked assault?
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.
Will the hand washing basins be private? Will the stall partitions go from floor to ceiling? Will the doors have adequate locks or just a slide?
Why would the sinks need to be private?
Do you use them to wash your ass?
Regular stalls are more than enough "coverage".
By law a stall in a public restroom can't be locked, the reasons why are obvious.
Besides you have to lay on the floor to see anybody's junk.
If a guy's dick was long enough to hit the floor or be tossed over the top of the stall , he should get a prize not arrested.
Because people have been assaulted in the communal sink areas and pervs have both climbed over and under stall partitions.

A nine year old girl was murdered in a women's restroom in Nevada by a man who sneaked in. Now they don't have to sneak.
Unless the guy was transgender you have no argument .
Because you have no basis of comparison.
You know the only reason the libs are supporting nutty stuff like this is because we don't. Infants....we're dealing with spoiled rotten infants, not thinking adults.
I can just see some tranny going into the unisex and getting simply creamed by a guy. That would be so funny, the public would be laughing for a week.
Read the link. There is not a state in the union I am aware of that allows a retail or place of gathering, open to the public, without a minimum number of bathrooms, based on either occupancy or square footage

I've submitted in 10 different states and consulted in 4 more.
So be a part of the solution. Submit five single occupancy restrooms in your next permit app.

Double the expense, at least. Then you have additional ADA and fire codes for private rooms to consider. Over the entire nation? Billions and billions of dollars difference.
The existing space is being remodeled in most places at much less cost then new construction.
Expense problem solved.

HUH, I just did a remodel, not nearly to the extent that would have been required to do what you would need.

1. Walls are far more expensive then stalls

2. Each private stall requires independent ventilation as well as fire sprinkler coverage.

These are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.
All stalls are private.
Problem solved.

Billions spent on >1% of the population when zero is required if you simply go to the room appropriate
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

If they pass the women test fine. But if my daughter or wife comes out and says there is a dude in the can then the tyranny will get his face rearranged.


Another internet tough guy.

We're not impressed.

Wasn't trying.
There are state laws. That's the point.

There are state laws about invasion of privacy too. That's also the point. The two must be legally tested against one another.
a public restroom is by definition not private.

Because they are typically single sex
That's not the reason but you had to try.

Yes it is, but that's ok, your deranged

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