"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:

My dog thinks it's a cat…
Good luck finding a judge who will entertain the lawsuit.
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Good luck finding a judge who will entertain the lawsuit.
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.
Hey Sil this is your big chance! You could become the face of anti-civil-rights like Kim Davis! Go to Target and sue!
It's not a judge but a lawyer and there are plenty of lawyers out there who would take a struggling Target patron all the way to easy street. The only way a judge could kill the case is if it was frivolous. A man entering a woman's bathroom isn't a settled issue of law. So, the judge has no choice but to hear the case. If not, appeal...all the way to the US Supreme Court.

If you think invasion of privacy isn't a cause of action, you have no business weighing in on this thread. It is. It is a fact.

I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't have any faith left that the court system is going to be effective in blocking the perverts anymore. We are in the final stages of decline.
It's going be quite the shit show to watch... Perverts going into any restroom, locker room and dressing room they want...

Imagine the YouTubes... Lol
When it happens legal action needs to be brought against target. Perverts have no business in restrooms with ordinary men, women, and children. These sick people need an outhouse.
It's a state law here. Businesses cannot keep anyone out of any restroom. There's no suit to be had.
Did anyone think that they were going to get anything other then perversion when Obama was elected?
The solution is very simple. Every public accommodation restroom manufactured from this day forward needs to be single occupancy.

You'll just have to stand in line, ladies, and hope we men in front of you remember to put the seat up before we take a piss.
It's a state law here. Businesses cannot keep anyone out of any restroom. There's no suit to be had.
The law can and will be challenged. Invasion of privacy vs the State Law. A judge or more likely a jury, would have to find that it is more important for a self-diagnosed man who has to convince the jury he is somehow "a woman" (this would involve numerous professional testimony from both sides pro and con), than a woman or girl's right to not be exposed to naked men or men in the room where they are naked or near-naked.

And, good luck with a jury coming down all 12 for the tranny!
The solution is very simple. Every public accommodation restroom manufactured from this day forward needs to be single occupancy.

You'll just have to stand in line, ladies, and hope we men in front of you remember to put the seat up before we take a piss.
Single occupancy in stores as large as Target would be illegal for one. Public health and the demand of large throngs of customers to relieve themselves would mean they'd have to build about 20 single bathrooms for each store or simple build a third bathroom named "The Looney Loo" with padded walls...or be sued for demanding invasion of privacy.

To have just a couple of single-occupant bathrooms in a huge Target superstore would be akin to about three porta potties for an entire stadium at a sporting event. Illegal: public health.

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