Top 40 worst places to visit looks like a list of mostly Liberal run cities

There was a crime spike during COVID
It has since subsided
The crime spike had NOTHING to do with Covid, Winger! This crime spike was due to one thing and that's defunding and demoralizing the Police...something that you liberals have done for the past two years non stop! So now crime is out of control in cities across the country...a mid term election is coming up...and suddenly you're all running from the polices that created all of that crime because you know the people are angry at what you've done!
The crime spike had NOTHING to do with Covid, Winger! This crime spike was due to one thing and that's defunding and demoralizing the Police...something that you liberals have done for the past two years non stop! So now crime is out of control in cities across the country...a mid term election is coming up...and suddenly you're all running from the polices that created all of that crime because you know the people are angry at what you've done!
I sure hope that the good people remember in next year's Congressional elections.
It use to be that American cities were run by Whites. They may have been Democrats with failed Left policies but at least they were somewhat competent.

Then the Negroes started electing their soul brothers and sisters. Worthless corrupt dumbass Negroes.

Now all the great American cities have become Democrat controlled shitholes, mostly run by really idiotic Negroes.

A great example of how diversity screws up everything.
There is so many problems with this assumption.
1)it doesn't account for higher population making it harder to account for all incidents, nor the sweeping under the rug and data fudging that takes place, look the other way DA's, and recent issues to maintain enough enforcement.
2)the Fake News Media recently reported that 80% of Americans this year experienced weather related catastrophes, obviously not true, but it's the way they played it for sake of climate change narrative. The point being, why does their standard method counting always change and switch back and forth to suit their narrative? Answer: Politics.
This is why the Vax /unvax #'s always change and never add up, percentages of effectiveness never adds up to actual figures, death toll stalls or never adds up to the daily additions and even went backwards like the vaxed numbers.
We saw this with the political polls and then during the election, whereby numbers changed and didn't add up.
Point being: DEMOGRAPHIC numbers can be fudged with for political reasons for sake of tourism and being more popular.
You've probably seen this with popular night spots reputations being protected by local law enforcement through victims being cohersed into not pressing charges, so the crime stats and rep do not taint the establishment and town/city's numbers=good for the business, tourism, and department in keeping the numbers deflated from real stats, and thus lower then they actually are.
I'll stick with numbers from the FBI uniform crime reports. I suppose you think they are fake too.
Most dangerous cities is just ranking of the FBI Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents).

In the early years of crime reporting, data was often manipulated for political purposes but that is not common today because that data is used in so many different ways often unseen. Fudging the data can result in budget cuts, misallocation of resources, and problems reconciling UCR reporting with Dept of Justice National Crime Victimization Survey. In short, low balling or over reporting invariable ends up causing problems for the reporting agency.
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Yes, but it is just less likely to happen to you in NYC than most of the country such as in the republican state of Oklahoma where a triple murder suspect has confessed, saying he killed a neighbor first and cut her heart out to eat at home. Unlike smaller cities, you are less likely to be a victim of violent crime in NYC simple because violent crime is relatively low considering the number people in the city.

Take a look at the 15 most dangerous cities in 2021, 11 have populations less than 100,000.

1. Detroit, MI

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.5
  • Your chance of being a victim: 1 in 51

2. St. Louis, MO

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 51

3. Memphis, TN

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 52

4. Baltimore, MD

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 19.0
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 53

5. Monroe, LA

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 17.9
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 55

6. Danville, IL

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 17.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 56

7. Wilmington, DE

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.8
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 62

8. Alexandria, LA

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.8
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 63

9. Camden, NJ

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 63

10. Scranton, PA

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.7
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 63

11. Pine Bluff, AR

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.5
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 64

12. Springfield, MO

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 65

13. Little Rock, AR

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.3
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 65

14. Saginaw, MI

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 65

15. San Bernardino, CA

  • Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents): 15.2
  • Chance of being a victim: 1 in 65
Yeah, and in a town of 10 people, you have a 1 in 10 chance--liars, damn liars and statisticians.
These towns and cities have tens or hundreds of thousands of people. The statistics are not being distorted by low population.
Nonetheless, you are comparing them with towns with three, four or more times the population. Modesto, CA with a population of about 200K can hardly be compared with NYC or Chicago--Break it down to the crime in S. Chicago where the populations are comparable. Like I said, you can make statistics as much misinformation and out and out lies--the CDC and the democrat party have been manipulating public opinion by playing the actual number vs. percentages for some time now.
I'll stick with numbers from the FBI uniform crime reports. I suppose you think they are fake too.
Most dangerous cities is just ranking of the FBI Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents).
Your 2020 fbi report uses 2019 figures before Bozo and the Hyena took office.
I go by demographics crime ratings, and I can tell you which cities are higher then national avg by memory.
Example Memphis, St Louis, Chatanooga, Birmingham, are 7 and Jacksonville
teeters on 6-7.
Right now you can't even find that data on the same demographics zip code search you used to get that data from, which means someone is whitewashing and hiding the info, therefore failing to be transparent for reasons of???political??? More devious means in the broader spectrum of what's going on in sabotaging this nation??? Selective censorship of such vital info is plotted, and is not accidental. But ask yourself why???
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Yeah, and in a town of 10 people, you have a 1 in 10 chance--liars, damn liars and statisticians.

Nonetheless, you are comparing them with towns with three, four or more times the population. Modesto, CA with a population of about 200K can hardly be compared with NYC or Chicago--Break it down to the crime in S. Chicago where the populations are comparable. Like I said, you can make statistics as much misinformation and out and out lies--the CDC and the democrat party have been manipulating public opinion by playing the actual number vs. percentages for some time now.
And they don't reports towns with 10 people. About 10,000 is the smallest I have seen in these surveys.
I have visited all the major US cities…….Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix, Vegas,LA, SD, SF, Seattle…..Some are better than others but all were fun to visit

Great sites to see, museums, parks, restaurants, theaters. All have their regional flavor

Are there run down areas and crime? Of course.
But if you stick to the downtown area and don’t try to buy drugs at 2AM you will be safe.
Are there crowds? Of course, that is why they are cities. If crowds bother you, you can usually visit off season when there are fewer visitors and easier parking.

I have also been to most Red States and all their cites have to offer is a Walmart and a 24 hr Denny’s.
now we know why 1000 people move to nashville every single day
You people run all of the most violent cities, too. Because you want it that way.

Most Violent Cities In America 2021

Most Violent Cities in America

St. Louis, MO (2,082) - mayor - Democrat

Detroit, MI (2,057) - mayor - Democrat

Baltimore, MD (2,027) - mayor - Democrat

Memphis, TN (2,003) - mayor - Democrat

Little Rock, AR (1,634) - mayor - Democrat

Milwaukee, WI (1,597) - mayor - Democrat

Rockford, IL (1,588) - mayor - Democrat

Cleveland, OH (1,557) - mayor - Democrat

Stockton, CA (1,415) - mayor - Democrat

Albuquerque, NM (1,369) - mayor - Democrat

Springfield, MO (1,339) - mayor - Independent

Indianapolis, IN (1,334) - mayor - Democrat

Oakland, CA (1,299) - mayor - Democrat

San Bernardino, CA (1,291) - mayor - Republican

Anchorage, AK (1,203) - mayor - Independent

Nashville, TN (1,138) - mayor - Democrat

Lansing, MI (1,136) - mayor - Democrat

New Orleans, LA (1,121) - mayor - Democrat

Minneapolis, MN (1,101) - mayor - Democrat

Chicago, IL (1,099) - mayor - Democrat

Cute list. Since I've seen it before I already know that virtually all these cities don't even list political parties in their local elections, i.e. nonpartisan. Including every single municipality in California (for one) and New Mexico (for another) where state law doesn't even allow for it. Why not? Whelp, as Fiorello LaGuadia put it, "there is no Republican or Democrat 'way to pick up the garbage'".

So your lame attempt at Composition Fallacy --- can't even make a fallacy stand up.

Nice try Hoss. Not.

EDIT: Good news Hoss --- I found my own rejoinder to the last yahoo who tried to sell this shit from the same shitsource y'all seem to follow like sheep. Here's what I told him:

  • Detroit — nonpartisan elections.
  • St. Louis — nonpartisan elections.
  • Memphis — nonpartisan elections.
  • Springfield MO — nonpartisan elections (hey maybe that’s why it’s “independent” — YA THINK??
  • Little Rock —- nonpartisan elections.
  • Cleveland — nonpartisan elections.
  • Stockton Calif. — don’t even ned to look this up, ALL municipal elections in California are nonpartisan by state law, California constitution Article II Section 6

Law section
* California Constitution - CONS ARTICLE II VOTING, INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, AND RECALL [SECTION 1 - SEC. 20] ( Heading of Article 2 amended June 8, 1976, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 5, 1976. ) SEC. 6. (a) All judicial, school, county, and city offices, including the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall be nonpartisan. (b) A political party or party central committee shall not nominate a candidate for nonpartisan office, and the candidate’s party preference shall not be included on the ballot for the nonpartisan office. (Sec. 6 amended June 8, 2010, by Prop. 14. Res.Ch. 2, 2009. Operative Jan. 1, 2011.)
Law section

  • Albuquerque — same as above, state constitution prohibits partisan elections in municipalities.
  • Milwaukee —- nonpartisan elections.
I think that leaves Baltimore. And with Springfield that gives clown-boi TWO honest answers, eight fabricated ones. <<

You're welcome.
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Should we be surprised, most are ill run high crime mostly leftist leaning cities?

Even though St. Louis is on the top of the list of Shitholes, it is still where you have to go to visit the final resting place of the greatest radio host of All Time- Nobel Prize nominee, Rush Limbaugh.

Even though St. Louis is on the top of the list of Shitholes, it is still where you have to go to visit the final resting place of the greatest radio host of All Time- Nobel Prize nominee, Rush Limbaugh.

Rush must have failed to tell the Nobel Committee that he was nominated.

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Should we be surprised, most are ill run high crime mostly leftist leaning cities?

I wouldn't put a great deal of faith in that list.

I mean, Alliance, Nebraska? It only has about 8.092 people, and they're spread over a very, very wide distance. Its airport, Alliance Municipal Airport, is the least used airport in the United States. The closest international airport is 250 miles away in Denver.

As for Carhenge, it's pretty fuckin' cool. Is it the Louvre or the Grand Canyon? No, but it's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be this cool little funky tourist outpost of quirky American road tourism. My daughter and I visited it in April during the epic cross country road trip, and it was just cool. We spent about three hours there photographing it and shooting drone footage and video, and in all that time only four other people visited...

Is Baltimore a Democrat city?

It looks like it’s dropping to pieces,each time I ride through there.

I have a house about 35 minutes from Baltimore
It is well worth visiting and millions do every year.

Inner Harbor, National Aquarium,Fells Point, Ft McHenry, major sports stadiums, great restaurants and a vibrant night life.

Something you don’t get in Republican cities where the main attractions are WalMart, Chili’s and the neighborhood Dollar Store
I have a house about 35 minutes from Baltimore
It is well worth visiting and millions do every year.

Inner Harbor, National Aquarium,Fells Point, Ft McHenry, major sports stadiums, great restaurants and a vibrant night life.

Something you don’t get in Republican cities where the main attractions are WalMart, Chili’s and the neighborhood Dollar Store

35 minutes from Baltimore isn't the same as the Royal Shithole of Baltimore proper.

The Charm City is a good place for a murder.

Rough town, sky high murder rate. More dangerous than other shithole towns like Cleveland and Pittsburgh
35 minutes from Baltimore isn't the same as the Royal Shithole of Baltimore proper.

The Charm City is a good place for a murder.

Rough town, sky high murder rate. More dangerous than other shithole towns like Cleveland and Pittsburgh

I go to Baltimore often
Great place to visit, lot to do and see.
They have great restaurants and bars

Like any large city, there are good neighborhoods and bad and going into bad neighborhoods at 2 AM is not a wise move.

I always feel safe when I visit Baltimore
I have a house about 35 minutes from Baltimore
It is well worth visiting and millions do every year.

Inner Harbor, National Aquarium,Fells Point, Ft McHenry, major sports stadiums, great restaurants and a vibrant night life.

Something you don’t get in Republican cities where the main attractions are WalMart, Chili’s and the neighborhood Dollar Store

I wasn’t impressed, driving through Baltimore, en route for New York.

Houses dropping to pieces, people living in them.
I wasn’t impressed, driving through Baltimore, en route for New York.

Houses dropping to pieces, people living in them.

I get the same impression driving trough Red States
Depends on the area you are driving through

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