Too Much Talk About Russia


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The Sunday morning political shows on Fox, NBC, and CBS have been deluging us with talk about Russia. As loud as they are screaming about Russia, their lack of coverage of other REAL issues is just as deafening.

Not much, if anything, are we hearing about other important issues, like >>>

1. Mexico


3. Muslim Brotherhood front groups

4. Affirmative Action

5. Immigration

6. Abortion

7. Race Relations

8. Jobs

9. The VA and Military

10. Right To Bear Arms

11. Illegal voting by illegal aliens
I'm almost hoping for a special investigator.

Wonder if the Democrats will really be happy with the results tho
You Democrats are spending too much time on this Russia deal it's done. Get over it and move on to something more important.
The posse must have been getting close for the President to fire the guy heading up the investigation.
There isn't even an issue. Comey was just too all over the place. Bottom line is he should have been fired last July for not indicting Hillary.
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You Democrats are spending too much time on this Russia deal it's done. Get over it and move on to something more important.
No, it should be concluded; I don't know what it's going to tell us that we don't already know about Russia. Some pols have been saying Russia needs to be "punished" before we move on. Well, we already slapped more sanctions on them and we're not going to nuke them, so what, short of beefing up our cyber security, can be done? I agree, though, that I am pretty sick of hearing about it. This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.
You Democrats are spending too much time on this Russia deal it's done. Get over it and move on to something more important.
No, it should be concluded; I don't know what it's going to tell us that we don't already know about Russia. Some pols have been saying Russia needs to be "punished" before we move on. Well, we already slapped more sanctions on them and we're not going to nuke them, so what, short of beefing up our cyber security, can be done? I agree, though, that I am pretty sick of hearing about it. This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.
Punished. They'd just like in our face.
No, it should be concluded; I don't know what it's going to tell us that we don't already know about Russia. Some pols have been saying Russia needs to be "punished" before we move on. Well, we already slapped more sanctions on them and we're not going to nuke them, so what, short of beefing up our cyber security, can be done? I agree, though, that I am pretty sick of hearing about it. This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.
What "can be done"about WHAT ? Please name one thing that you know that Russia has done against America over the past 15 years.

Russia stands to be a good ally of ours against both ISIS and North Korea. as long as we don't fall prey to Democrat scam hysteria.
Please name one thing that you know that Russia has done against America over the past 15 years.

They used an army of trolls to manipulate stupid people on the internet into voting against their own best interests and for a billionaire who doesn't give two shits about them, yet tells everyone the threats we face mean we need more planes that can't fly in the rain, boats that cannot float on the water, and tanks no one wants or needs.

And all our intelligence agencies confirmed this.

Russia stands to be a good ally of ours against both ISIS and North Korea. as long as we don't fall prey to Democrat scam hysteria.

Are you pretending to be stupid or are you one of Putin's trolls who is using Russian Active Measures? Russia is not our ally, and never will be. Putin's stated goal is to undermine and erode western institutions (like, you know, democracy and such) in an effort to help Russia regain the hegemony it used to have in Eastern Europe. Putin is ex-KGB, he dreamed of being KGB ever since he was a child. He expresses great admiration for Stalinist Russia, and allows oligarchs to carve out sections of the economy for themselves, so long as they pay him tribute. By some accounts, Putin may be the wealthiest man in the world.

Putin is Assad's ally, and Assad is not our ally. We don't even really have allies in Syria. It's a civil war. There's no reason we should be involved in a civil war unless from a purely humanitarian standpoint. And that means taking in refugees.
I still think Putin wants this hysterical panting and angst. The last thing he wants is the country united behind a president committed to increasing American prestige and power. Everything Trump accomplishes will be in spite of the opposition and even his own 'party', not because of it.
Please name one thing that you know that Russia has done against America over the past 15 years.

They used an army of trolls to manipulate stupid people on the internet into voting against their own best interests and for a billionaire who doesn't give two shits about them, yet tells everyone the threats we face mean we need more planes that can't fly in the rain, boats that cannot float on the water, and tanks no one wants or needs.

And all our intelligence agencies confirmed this.

Russia stands to be a good ally of ours against both ISIS and North Korea. as long as we don't fall prey to Democrat scam hysteria.

Are you pretending to be stupid or are you one of Putin's trolls who is using Russian Active Measures? Russia is not our ally, and never will be. Putin's stated goal is to undermine and erode western institutions (like, you know, democracy and such) in an effort to help Russia regain the hegemony it used to have in Eastern Europe. Putin is ex-KGB, he dreamed of being KGB ever since he was a child. He expresses great admiration for Stalinist Russia, and allows oligarchs to carve out sections of the economy for themselves, so long as they pay him tribute. By some accounts, Putin may be the wealthiest man in the world.

Putin is Assad's ally, and Assad is not our ally. We don't even really have allies in Syria. It's a civil war. There's no reason we should be involved in a civil war unless from a purely humanitarian standpoint. And that means taking in refugees.
And which would Putin prefer, America united or divided, treating each other as the enemy? The term "useful idiots" comes to mind.
The Sunday morning political shows on Fox, NBC, and CBS have been deluging us with talk about Russia. As loud as they are screaming about Russia, their lack of coverage of other REAL issues is just as deafening.
Not much, if anything, are we hearing about other important issues, like >>>

1. Mexico - What issue? Mexico is an issue? How so?

2. ISIS - Wasn't Trump supposed to get rid of them in 30 days? What gives? Did he forget about them? Thought he had a plan. Was that just bullshit?

3. Muslim Brotherhood front groups - ???? Don't know what the fuck you're referring to there, crazy person.

4. Affirmative Action - wasn't aware this was an issue. How so? You didn't get hired because of affirmative action, you didn't get hired because you suck.

5. Immigration - Let's talk immigration! Let's talk how the visas Trump uses to import workers to work at his domestic resorts are the same visas that make up the overwhelming majority of illegal, undocumented workers who overstayed those know, the ones Trump uses for his resorts? Yeah, you know.

6. Abortion - How is this an issue?

7. Race Relations - Take off the white hood and have the courage to face people down without a mask. Seems to me you think there's a race relations issue now that the economy is treating fat, ugly, stupid white people the same way it's been treating minorities for decades.

8. Jobs - We are at full employment and have been since Obama's last month. The only job Conservatives can discuss with confidence is the one they go on their knees to perform.

9. The VA and Military - $600B military budget couldn't even stop a handful of Russian trolls paid in rubles and hooker pee to undermine our democracy. And BTW - the VA system wouldn't be overloaded had some stupid fucking assholes not decided to invade and occupy two middle eastern nations that had nothing to do with 9/11.

10. Right To Bear Arms -


11. Illegal voting by illegal aliens - of which no proof exists, allegations are false, and the only voter fraud that happened in 2016 was done by Conservatives and Trump voters. That's typical of your kind; project what you do onto others. Go fuck yourself.
There isn't even an issue. Comey was just too all over the place. Bottom line is he should have been fired last July for not indicting Hillary.

Firing Comey would not have changed the FBI investigating Trump collusion, as we are seeing now. In fact, if anything, it's strengthening the FBI's resolve.

There's also the business going on in NY. The State Attorney General there looks to be building a RICO case against the Republican Party. A RICO case that would involve Paul Ryan and other GOPers because of their work with the PAC under investigation.

Trump, Pence, and Ryan could all end up gone. Tillerson, Ross, Mnuchin, Sessions, DeVos, and Zinke are all involved with Russia as well. When all is said and done, we could actually end up with Carson as President because everyone ahead of him in the line of succession has questionable ties to Russia and money-laundering GOP PACs. I don't believe Carson does simply because he has no idea where he even is half the time.
This weekend though they were actually talking about Trump trying to interfere with the Russia investigation, not the investigation itself so much.

Why would he be trying to interfere in the investigation if he's done nothing wrong?
And which would Putin prefer, America united or divided, treating each other as the enemy? The term "useful idiots" comes to mind.

Exactly, and he's accomplished that goal; at least for now. Clearly America is a divided country, thanks in part to Russia's efforts to divide us with the proliferation of fake news, trolls, and subversion.
Please name one thing that you know that Russia has done against America over the past 15 years.

They used an army of trolls to manipulate stupid people on the internet into voting against their own best interests and for a billionaire who doesn't give two shits about them, yet tells everyone the threats we face mean we need more planes that can't fly in the rain, boats that cannot float on the water, and tanks no one wants or needs.

And all our intelligence agencies confirmed this.

Russia stands to be a good ally of ours against both ISIS and North Korea. as long as we don't fall prey to Democrat scam hysteria.

Are you pretending to be stupid or are you one of Putin's trolls who is using Russian Active Measures? Russia is not our ally, and never will be. Putin's stated goal is to undermine and erode western institutions (like, you know, democracy and such) in an effort to help Russia regain the hegemony it used to have in Eastern Europe. Putin is ex-KGB, he dreamed of being KGB ever since he was a child. He expresses great admiration for Stalinist Russia, and allows oligarchs to carve out sections of the economy for themselves, so long as they pay him tribute. By some accounts, Putin may be the wealthiest man in the world.

Putin is Assad's ally, and Assad is not our ally. We don't even really have allies in Syria. It's a civil war. There's no reason we should be involved in a civil war unless from a purely humanitarian standpoint. And that means taking in refugees.

You are funny the Russians never persuaded no ones vote enough people in America that had sense enough to say no more Obama so get over it move on. time for the politicians to get to work and do their job.

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