Tolerance to Gay lifestyle


Oct 4, 2014
for all whom do not know me: I am an 85 year old hetrosexual male and am neither Gay or homosexual, But I don't care if my brother is, or my sister, or neighbor or anyone else, so long as they can accept their own sexuality. IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Therefore, It is equally true that It is completely agreeable to me is they wish a same sex or multiple sex union, In keeping with the understandable wishes of religious persons, I don't believe that they should refer to it as a marriage, even tho by dictionary definition, it is.

Further, from a standpoint of the constitution, I believe that any two or more people should be allowed the legal considerations allowed to religious marriage partners.--- so long as they join together within the limits of the law and the constitution.
Those who think its their business should boycott businesses who accept or support marriage equality, right?


Get government and religion out of our private lives.
One of my employees is gay. She is now married and I think that is terrific because I like her so much and think she deserves to have the same rights as anybody else.

With me, I guess I'd say it goes beyond "tolerance" since it is more about supporting her and wanting the best for her because she is so cool.
One of my employees is gay. She is now married and I think that is terrific because I like her so much and think she deserves to have the same rights as anybody else.

With me, I guess I'd say it goes beyond "tolerance" since it is more about supporting her and wanting the best for her because she is so cool.

Who does not deserve to be happy?
Those who think its their business should boycott businesses who accept or support marriage equality, right?


Get government and religion out of our private lives.
what has that got to do with this thread? OK, My Bad, forget the question. I misunderstood.
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Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.

Please explain: "...neither Gay nor homosexual." This is a fine line and I'm not sure where it lies. Why is "Gay" capitalized?

Just one question for the board: Liberals have been telling us since the '60's that "marriage is more than just a piece of paper, and if we want to live together in love, that's all we need - we don't need no stinkin' marriage license to be happy or legitimate."

Now we have homosexual couples who are perfectly free to live together in love (or whatever) for the rest of their natural lives. They are now discovered to have a "Constitutional" right of Privacy that protects their right to do whatever perverted things with their bodily organs that they choose to do. And no one can stop them from it. They can not only live together, but they can buy a house, adopt kids, jointly own pets, and so on. No problem whatsoever.

But for them, the lack of a "piece of paper" is a devastating hindrance to happiness. When asked why, they dream up these bizarre scenarios where ONLY IF THEY ARE "MARRIED" can they realize the fully measure of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

So why was that piece of paper irrelevant from 1965 to 2010, but indispensable now? And why only for homosexuals?

It's a puzzle.
for all whom do not know me: I am an 85 year old hetrosexual male and am neither Gay or homosexual, But I don't care if my brother is, or my sister, or neighbor or anyone else, so long as they can accept their own sexuality. IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Therefore, It is equally true that It is completely agreeable to me is they wish a same sex or multiple sex union, In keeping with the understandable wishes of religious persons, I don't believe that they should refer to it as a marriage, even tho by dictionary definition, it is.

Further, from a standpoint of the constitution, I believe that any two or more people should be allowed the legal considerations allowed to religious marriage partners.--- so long as they join together within the limits of the law and the constitution.

Religion didn't come up with the idea of marriage, nor did they coin the word. If they obejct to "gay marriage" they can stick their fingers in their ears and think about something else.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
this post has nothing to do with pediphilia, but it does create a report of violation.
Those who think its their business should boycott businesses who accept or support marriage equality, right?


Get government and religion out of our private lives.
what has that got to do with this thread?
for all whom do not know me: I am an 85 year old hetrosexual male and am neither Gay or homosexual, But I don't care if my brother is, or my sister, or neighbor or anyone else, so long as they can accept their own sexuality. IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Therefore, It is equally true that It is completely agreeable to me is they wish a same sex or multiple sex union, In keeping with the understandable wishes of religious persons, I don't believe that they should refer to it as a marriage, even tho by dictionary definition, it is.

Further, from a standpoint of the constitution, I believe that any two or more people should be allowed the legal considerations allowed to religious marriage partners.--- so long as they join together within the limits of the law and the constitution.

Religion didn't come up with the idea of marriage, nor did they coin the word. If they obejct to "gay marriage" they can stick their fingers in their ears and think about something else.
Please explain: "...neither Gay nor homosexual." This is a fine line and I'm not sure where it lies. Why is "Gay" capitalized?

Just one question for the board: Liberals have been telling us since the '60's that "marriage is more than just a piece of paper, and if we want to live together in love, that's all we need - we don't need no stinkin' marriage license to be happy or legitimate."

Now we have homosexual couples who are perfectly free to live together in love (or whatever) for the rest of their natural lives. They are now discovered to have a "Constitutional" right of Privacy that protects their right to do whatever perverted things with their bodily organs that they choose to do. And no one can stop them from it. They can not only live together, but they can buy a house, adopt kids, jointly own pets, and so on. No problem whatsoever.

But for them, the lack of a "piece of paper" is a devastating hindrance to happiness. When asked why, they dream up these bizarre scenarios where ONLY IF THEY ARE "MARRIED" can they realize the fully measure of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

So why was that piece of paper irrelevant from 1965 to 2010, but indispensable now? And why only for homosexuals?

It's a puzzle.
Please explain: "...neither Gay nor homosexual." This is a fine line and I'm not sure where it lies. Why is "Gay" capitalized?

Just one question for the board: Liberals have been telling us since the '60's that "marriage is more than just a piece of paper, and if we want to live together in love, that's all we need - we don't need no stinkin' marriage license to be happy or legitimate."

Now we have homosexual couples who are perfectly free to live together in love (or whatever) for the rest of their natural lives. They are now discovered to have a "Constitutional" right of Privacy that protects their right to do whatever perverted things with their bodily organs that they choose to do. And no one can stop them from it. They can not only live together, but they can buy a house, adopt kids, jointly own pets, and so on. No problem whatsoever.

But for them, the lack of a "piece of paper" is a devastating hindrance to happiness. When asked why, they dream up these bizarre scenarios where ONLY IF THEY ARE "MARRIED" can they realize the fully measure of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

So why was that piece of paper irrelevant from 1965 to 2010, but indispensable now? And why only for homosexuals?

It's a puzzle.
Please explain: "...neither Gay nor homosexual." This is a fine line and I'm not sure where it lies. Why is "Gay" capitalized?

Just one question for the board: Liberals have been telling us since the '60's that "marriage is more than just a piece of paper, and if we want to live together in love, that's all we need - we don't need no stinkin' marriage license to be happy or legitimate."

Now we have homosexual couples who are perfectly free to live together in love (or whatever) for the rest of their natural lives. They are now discovered to have a "Constitutional" right of Privacy that protects their right to do whatever perverted things with their bodily organs that they choose to do. And no one can stop them from it. They can not only live together, but they can buy a house, adopt kids, jointly own pets, and so on. No problem whatsoever.

But for them, the lack of a "piece of paper" is a devastating hindrance to happiness. When asked why, they dream up these bizarre scenarios where ONLY IF THEY ARE "MARRIED" can they realize the fully measure of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

So why was that piece of paper irrelevant from 1965 to 2010, but indispensable now? And why only for homosexuals?

It's a puzzle.
Gay and homo. perhaps my error. to me gay is usually bisexual, while a homo is usually monosexual. The caps is a habit with me, and not an intentional expression.

as for why it is different now, , alternate lifestyles have become much more in the public eye, and not nearly so secret as it once had been. I happen to agree that they should have all the actual benefits that hetro couples have and

, --- same sex coupling is just as much a marraige "BY DEFINITION" as is practised by the hetros, BUT,

as I see it, the use of the word is MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING and is a "Stick it in your eye" symbolization by both sides. I would suggest that both sides just drop it.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.

And that is the mindset of the bigots that hate homosexuals- and that is the mindset that puts children at risk.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
Please explain: "...neither Gay nor homosexual." This is a fine line and I'm not sure where it lies. Why is "Gay" capitalized?

Just one question for the board: Liberals have been telling us since the '60's that "marriage is more than just a piece of paper, and if we want to live together in love, that's all we need - we don't need no stinkin' marriage license to be happy or legitimate."

Now we have homosexual couples who are perfectly free to live together in love (or whatever) for the rest of their natural lives. They are now discovered to have a "Constitutional" right of Privacy that protects their right to do whatever perverted things with their bodily organs that they choose to do. And no one can stop them from it. They can not only live together, but they can buy a house, adopt kids, jointly own pets, and so on. No problem whatsoever.

But for them, the lack of a "piece of paper" is a devastating hindrance to happiness. When asked why, they dream up these bizarre scenarios where ONLY IF THEY ARE "MARRIED" can they realize the fully measure of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.

So why was that piece of paper irrelevant from 1965 to 2010, but indispensable now? And why only for homosexuals?

It's a puzzle.
It's only a puzzle if you believe that the SAME PEOPLE who didn't feel the need to marry in the 60s are the SAME PEOPLE who wish to marry today.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
You are aware that the vast majority of pedophiles are, indeed, heterosexuals, right?
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
How is homosexual automatically equated with pedophiles when MOST children molested are hetero men...notably by family members and friends?
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
How is homosexual automatically equated with pedophiles when MOST children molested are hetero men...notably by family members and friends?

Yea, I've heard that bullshit litany a million times. So why did the Catholic Church kick out ALL the queer priests, thousands of them? Waiting breathlessly to hear your theory.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
You are aware that the vast majority of pedophiles are, indeed, heterosexuals, right?

Bullshit. On a per capita basis, queers are 10 times more likely to be pedophiles.

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