Political Cartoon

rasking lying mother fucker 93.jpg

Yeah, the Clinton's saw to it that investments in America went the way of off shoring, so how did that work out for you dumb aces, otherwise those of you who embraced NAFTA like an idiot embraces the bumper and grill of a MACK TRUCK with your face looking like a deer in headlights as it steam rolls over you ...
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Someone asked in a meme:
"Who would win in a boxing match between Michelle Obama and Joe Biden?"
My actual reply:
Biden, because he'll have her arrested for hitting the president (always cheating).
Then he won't know which corner to go to and eventually the Easter Bunny will have to rescue him and show him how to get through the ropes of the boxing ring.
Upon leaving he'll enter the broom closet thinking it's the exit. But before he leaves the dark broom closet, he'll sniff the mop head.

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