To female athletes....the democrat party is the party of misogyny...that is why they want men to compete against you.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Do you think they understand that women are the play things of powerful democrat party males? That women without power are the reward democrat males get for ensuring that democrat women can kill their babies?

More than 300 high-profile female athletes signed a letter released Wednesday asking the National College Athletic Association Board of Governors to preserve a “fair and level playing field” for women’s sports.

“True athletic parity for women demands that women’s sports be protected for biological females,” the letter said. “Protecting the integrity of women’s sports has, for decades, played an integral role in remedying past discrimination against women and empowering them to achieve their full athletic potential.”

The letter urges the NCAA not to boycott Idaho over passing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which requires students to compete in sports based on their biological sex. The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged Idaho’s law in a lawsuit representing transgender athlete Lindsay Hecox, and attempted to start a boycott of the state.

The athletes who signed the letter — including world-class competitors as well as college athletes — insisted the issue was one of fairness, not politics. “Fairness for female athletes should not be a political or partisan issue,” they said. “We athletes have diverse views on many topics, but stand united on this fact: protecting the integrity of women’s sports is pro-woman, pro-fairness, and consistent with the purpose and promise of Title IX.”

Madison Kenyon and Mary Kate Marshall are cross country and track and field athletes at Idaho State University who signed the letter, and have lost to transgender competitors at the NCAA Big Sky Conference. Represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, they’ve filed a motion supporting the Idaho law in the Hecox case.

“Allowing males to enter women’s sports eliminates the connection between an athlete’s effort and her success,” Kenyon said. “Under the NCAA’s current rules, I’m concerned that we will soon effectively have men’s sports and co-ed sports — without any dedicated category for females only.”

The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.

Nope....the ones pushing men competing as women is the democrat party......they are passing the laws that make this possible....the enemy of these female athletes is the democrat party....and until they realize that, they don't really know how to fight this fight.
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.

Chinese operative much?
Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.
Which party supports transgender females (biological males) participating in female sports as females? It certainly isn't republicans.
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.

Chinese operative much?

I don't see any Chinese operatives wanting to compete in Women's sports in this country. Try to at least stay on topic.
Becoming the default right wing response to everything (TDS included).
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.

Chinese operative much?

You might think so....but do you really think the Chinese intelligence services would use someone so stupid?
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.

Nope....the ones pushing men competing as women is the democrat party......they are passing the laws that make this possible....the enemy of these female athletes is the democrat party....and until they realize that, they don't really know how to fight this fight.

Not just female athletes. All females. The Democrats are working their asses off to reverse every single real gain in equal status in society that women have made since the turn of the 20th century, and relegate us back to second-class chattel. And then they have the unmitigated gall to tell us how much we need them, because the Republicans are waging a war on women!

Two words: New. Patriarchy. That's all the Democrats and their pet men-in-dresses are.
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Do you think they understand that women are the play things of powerful democrat party males? That women without power are the reward democrat males get for ensuring that democrat women can kill their babies?

More than 300 high-profile female athletes signed a letter released Wednesday asking the National College Athletic Association Board of Governors to preserve a “fair and level playing field” for women’s sports.

“True athletic parity for women demands that women’s sports be protected for biological females,” the letter said. “Protecting the integrity of women’s sports has, for decades, played an integral role in remedying past discrimination against women and empowering them to achieve their full athletic potential.”

The letter urges the NCAA not to boycott Idaho over passing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which requires students to compete in sports based on their biological sex. The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged Idaho’s law in a lawsuit representing transgender athlete Lindsay Hecox, and attempted to start a boycott of the state.

The athletes who signed the letter — including world-class competitors as well as college athletes — insisted the issue was one of fairness, not politics. “Fairness for female athletes should not be a political or partisan issue,” they said. “We athletes have diverse views on many topics, but stand united on this fact: protecting the integrity of women’s sports is pro-woman, pro-fairness, and consistent with the purpose and promise of Title IX.”

Madison Kenyon and Mary Kate Marshall are cross country and track and field athletes at Idaho State University who signed the letter, and have lost to transgender competitors at the NCAA Big Sky Conference. Represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, they’ve filed a motion supporting the Idaho law in the Hecox case.

“Allowing males to enter women’s sports eliminates the connection between an athlete’s effort and her success,” Kenyon said. “Under the NCAA’s current rules, I’m concerned that we will soon effectively have men’s sports and co-ed sports — without any dedicated category for females only.”

All in an effort to make Big Mikey feel more comfy about walking into the Ladies room
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Do you think they understand that women are the play things of powerful democrat party males? That women without power are the reward democrat males get for ensuring that democrat women can kill their babies?

More than 300 high-profile female athletes signed a letter released Wednesday asking the National College Athletic Association Board of Governors to preserve a “fair and level playing field” for women’s sports.

“True athletic parity for women demands that women’s sports be protected for biological females,” the letter said. “Protecting the integrity of women’s sports has, for decades, played an integral role in remedying past discrimination against women and empowering them to achieve their full athletic potential.”

The letter urges the NCAA not to boycott Idaho over passing the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which requires students to compete in sports based on their biological sex. The American Civil Liberties Union has challenged Idaho’s law in a lawsuit representing transgender athlete Lindsay Hecox, and attempted to start a boycott of the state.

The athletes who signed the letter — including world-class competitors as well as college athletes — insisted the issue was one of fairness, not politics. “Fairness for female athletes should not be a political or partisan issue,” they said. “We athletes have diverse views on many topics, but stand united on this fact: protecting the integrity of women’s sports is pro-woman, pro-fairness, and consistent with the purpose and promise of Title IX.”

Madison Kenyon and Mary Kate Marshall are cross country and track and field athletes at Idaho State University who signed the letter, and have lost to transgender competitors at the NCAA Big Sky Conference. Represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, they’ve filed a motion supporting the Idaho law in the Hecox case.

“Allowing males to enter women’s sports eliminates the connection between an athlete’s effort and her success,” Kenyon said. “Under the NCAA’s current rules, I’m concerned that we will soon effectively have men’s sports and co-ed sports — without any dedicated category for females only.”

No, I don't.
Just think, what if Bruce Jennner could have competed as a woman in the 1976 Olympics instead of competing as a man!
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.
Why are you being dishonest about the fact that democrats support letting men compete with women? Who do you think youre fooling with this obvious dishonesty?
Didn't you hear? They're going to have 58 different events for every sport! Of course the gender fluids have the greatest chance of winning the most medals, considering that they can switch genders at a snap of a finger. Countries are now scrambling to locate their best gender fluid athletes. Stay tuned.

The following are the 58 gender options identified by ABC News:
  • Agender
  • Androgyne
  • Androgynous
  • Bigender
  • Cis
  • Cisgender
  • Cis Female
  • Cis Male
  • Cis Man
  • Cis Woman
  • Cisgender Female
  • Cisgender Male
  • Cisgender Man
  • Cisgender Woman
  • Female to Male
  • FTM
  • Gender Fluid
  • Gender Nonconforming
  • Gender Questioning
  • Gender Variant
  • Genderqueer
  • Intersex
  • Male to Female
  • MTF
  • Neither
  • Neutrois
  • Non-binary
  • Other
  • Pangender
  • Trans
  • Trans*
  • Trans Female
  • Trans* Female
  • Trans Male
  • Trans* Male
  • Trans Man
  • Trans* Man
  • Trans Person
  • Trans* Person
  • Trans Woman
  • Trans* Woman
  • Transfeminine
  • Transgender
  • Transgender Female
  • Transgender Male
  • Transgender Man
  • Transgender Person
  • Transgender Woman
  • Transmasculine
  • Transsexual
  • Transsexual Female
  • Transsexual Male
  • Transsexual Man
  • Transsexual Person
  • Transsexual Woman
  • Two-Spirit
Because its important that this individual competes against girls and not boys. #brainless

Does this affect anyone here directly?

No. Frankly, I'm 58 years old, and I've encountered maybe two Trans people in my entire life... Neither of them were in any danger of winning a marathon.

But keep in mind, the right needs some kind of bigotry to keep stupid white people voting against their own economic interests, and since racism and homophobia aren't cool anymore, they need to go after the Trannies..
The party of racism? The democrat party. The party of misogyny? The democrat party.......just ask these 300 female athletes who are now going to lose competitions, scholarships and money to biological males pretending to be women....and the democrat party is supporting them in that effort.

Will these female athletes understand this fact about the democrat party? Or will they vote to give power to the very people who will take their dreams from them?

Hmm, let's see. Scanned the whole alt-right article...twice. Couldn't find the word "Democrat" anywhere.
Looks like this is between the ACLU and the NCAA.
Why are you being dishonest about the fact that democrats support letting men compete with women? Who do you think youre fooling with this obvious dishonesty?

Nothing to do with dishonesty. The bigger questions is why do you care? I don't as it doesn't affect me.
But if you want to get faux outraged about it, don't let me stop you.

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