Time to take over Venezuela

bloodthirsty american racists looking for an excuse to rape and pillage another country, what else is new?

Woo Hoo!

Venezuela Seizes GM, Warning Sign to U.S. Companies?

Venezuela is out of control and on the verge of collapse. After stealing the investments of American Oil Firms, they've now stolen GM's property.

I have advocated getting out of the middle east for years. Let the ruskies and chinks wipe them out and take their oil. Those mooselimbs are a pain in the ass. they freak out over alcohol and the broads dress like ninjas. The climate sucks, the people smell and they're all into that savage cult. Fuck the desert.

Venezuela has good looking broads that dress proper, they drink beer, have nice beaches, not a fucked up cult and we can drive the fuckin tanks there.

You are mispronouncing it.

It is NOT mooselimbs.

It is moosleems.
Venezuela is just going through growing pains.

They have more oil than anybody south of Texas.

So eventually they will sort everything out on their own.
Venezuela Seizes GM, Warning Sign to U.S. Companies?

Venezuela is out of control and on the verge of collapse. After stealing the investments of American Oil Firms, they've now stolen GM's property.

I have advocated getting out of the middle east for years. Let the ruskies and chinks wipe them out and take their oil. Those mooselimbs are a pain in the ass. they freak out over alcohol and the broads dress like ninjas. The climate sucks, the people smell and they're all into that savage cult. Fuck the desert.

Venezuela has good looking broads that dress proper, they drink beer, have nice beaches, not a fucked up cult and we can drive the fuckin tanks there.

Perfect...Just fuken Perfect!!!!
I mean why not? Personally I think we should incorporate mehico through military might.
Clean out the drug lords and install a somewhat honest gov and things would improve drastically.
Does the US gov still own stock in GM? I haven't looked into that in a long time.
The Obama administration sold the last of the Govt-owned GM shares - at a significant loss to tax payers - in 2013.

Oh dear, I am losing my mind. Thank you.

I would have sworn I'd read about remaining Gov owned stock somewhere fairly recently, but clearly my mind is scrambled. I'll have to watch my fact-shot postings more carefully. :/
Venezuela Seizes GM, Warning Sign to U.S. Companies?

Venezuela is out of control and on the verge of collapse. After stealing the investments of American Oil Firms, they've now stolen GM's property.

I have advocated getting out of the middle east for years. Let the ruskies and chinks wipe them out and take their oil. Those mooselimbs are a pain in the ass. they freak out over alcohol and the broads dress like ninjas. The climate sucks, the people smell and they're all into that savage cult. Fuck the desert.

Venezuela has good looking broads that dress proper, they drink beer, have nice beaches, not a fucked up cult and we can drive the fuckin tanks there.

This is a matter for the OAS, Organization of American States. Keep the UN and US out of it except for providing humanitarian aid in the case of government breakdown.
May 18, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

In Venezuela, the people are starving. Schools are deserted. Hospitals have no medicine. There are food riots and the streets are full of people protesting the Socialist regime. While people starve, the kids, mistresses and assorted elite camp followers are living the good life.

That's what the VVsincensura Twitter account exposes by harvesting social media. Here are the rich kids of Venezuela's Socialist elite.


Remember this when you see Bernie Sanders (ask him about his summer home) or Elizabeth Warren (ask her about her old salary) launch into their class warfare routine. They want nothing more than for us to starve in the streets while their kids tour Europe.

Socialist Elite of Venezuela Parties While the People Starve


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