It's about damn time!!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Trump Won’t Rule Out Military Option for Venezuela

It's about damn time someone figured it out. I was saying this while deployed in Iraq in 05. WTF are we doing in the shithole middle east? Stopping mooselimbs from killing each other? That's like stopping bed wetting libturds from having abortions.

It's time we took control of this hemisphere and started neutralizing leftist parasites. Venezuelan sociopath dicksucker Chavez stole US investments in oil infrastructure, and we should get it back. Before that piece of shit took control, Venezuela was developing well. They were prospering. Regressive politics of envy and hate stopped their progress.

Kinda like the 8 years of the meat puppet faggot.

We need to get the fuck out of the East, let China and Russia divide it and fight over it. Venezuela has nice beaches, they're not offended by beer, they eat bacon, love Jesus, and don't force their women to dress like ninjas. Plus we can build a highway to the place and drive there. There won't be any significant resistance conquering everything. All the people down there want to come here. So let's bring HERE down there and have some good healthy range time taking commie parasites out along the way.

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Well when a tyrant is starving his people into submission, someone should help.

just not us, fuck the world, they bitch when we do help and bitch when we don't.

I'm tired of "helping". It's time we got medevil and just fucking conquered the hemisphere. Keep the chinks and ruskies on their side and let them do what they want. Our side will prosper once all the commies are dead.

Trump Won’t Rule Out Military Option for Venezuela

It's about damn time someone figured it out. I was saying this while deployed in Iraq in 05. WTF are we doing in the shithole middle east? Stopping mooselimbs from killing each other? That's like stopping bed wetting libturds from having abortions.

It's time we took control of this hemisphere and started neutralizing leftist parasites. Venezuelan sociopath dicksucker Chavez stole US investments in oil infrastructure, and we should get it back. Before that piece of shit took control, Venezuela was developing well. They were prospering. Regressive politics of envy and hate stopped their progress.

Kinda like the 8 years of the meat puppet faggot.

We need to get the fuck out of the East, let China and Russia divide it and fight over it. Venezuela has nice beaches, they're not offended by beer, they eat bacon, love Jesus, and don't force their women to dress like ninjas. Plus we can build a highway to the place and drive there. There won't be any significant resistance conquering everything. All the people down there want to come here. So let's bring HERE down there and have some good healthy range time taking commie parasites out along the way.

Fucking right :clap:

Our military has basically been suckling off the teat of the taxpayer and not doing shit for way too long. It's time to make them do the job they were hired to do.

I want an invasion of Venezuela, an invasion of North Korea, an invasion of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Syria... everywhere that we can strike. I want nukes used. I want overwhelming force used everywhere we can exert it. We are AMERICA GOD DAMMIT!!!

I like when America defends democracy, human rights and maintains peace in the world. Every president should demand contribution from the global community but without question Americas leadership is key.

There must also be a candid discussion about how much damage some companies are doing to U.S National Security by investing and exporting jobs to enemies of the U.S. If businesses are not willing to accept some responsibility for the trade imbalances with nations like China and the exporting of jobs to Canada and Mexico and what this means for Americas future, well, a heavy climate of protectionism in the name of National Security is a fair expectation.
Well when a tyrant is starving his people into submission, someone should help.

just not us, fuck the world, they bitch when we do help and bitch when we don't.
If by "help" you mean "melt their pathetic atoms into glass with overwhelming nuclear power..." then I agree
Four years max, folks & the national nightmare will be over
4 years max? Poor little libtard... Donald Jahaerys Trump will be President until the day he passes. And then Barron, 1st of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men... Protector of the Realm, Lord Regent of the 7 Kingdoms, will make America the one global empire

For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
Okay this may sound a bit brutal but it's what our country needs to see!

I figure they are about 1 million deaths short of our help. And I will tell you why. Saving a liberal shit hole has been and still is the dumbest thing we do as a country. I myself would not say Detroit or Chicago either. When the people truly understand that Democrat police's lead to loss and freedom THEN fight for them. Until then you are saving some of the sobs that NEED it!

The PEOPLE will kill the Democrats at the bottom. We only need to do two things!
1 Arm one group
2 Take out the leadership for them.
For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
Why aren't you talking about nukes? You want to bring a knife to a knife fight, when not only do you have guns, but you also have apocalyptic destructive power? Are you fucking kidding me??!
For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
So we said after WWI
For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
Why aren't you talking about nukes? You want to bring a knife to a knife fight, when not only do you have guns, but you also have apocalyptic destructive power? Are you fucking kidding me??!
We don't need nukes to destroy an enemy......................I happen to believe in the MAD principle. Used only if absolutely necessary.
For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
So we said after WWI

Another fucking problem..........not finishing the War...................There is a N. Korea because of the RULES..........and not finishing it.......playing by a set of damned rules instead of hitting the Chinese in China and crushing their supply lines.
Wait... all the people that said we shouldn't have gone into Iraq if there were no WMDs... are NOW saying we should go into Venezuela because Trump said so?

Did I wake up in bizarro world?
For 16 years our forces have been in combat in the world. Shit has gotta end sometime..............

Venezuela can kiss my Rebel ass............they chose their path and is just another place where our boys will go home in a bag.

We play by a set of rules in the Wars we are in forcing them to drag on forever............the same game played since the Korean War. Refusing to do what is needed to win...............I'm not talking about Nukes.................I'm talking about fighting it like it was done in WWII.............Not giving a damn about collateral damage...........................If you want end this shit..........this needs to be done...........or a decade from now our forces will still be there.
Why aren't you talking about nukes? You want to bring a knife to a knife fight, when not only do you have guns, but you also have apocalyptic destructive power? Are you fucking kidding me??!
We don't need nukes to destroy an enemy......................I happen to believe in the MAD principle. Used only if absolutely necessary.
^ pussy RINO

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