Time for the final nail, work towards 18!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
A lot of factors can affect 2020. We as conservative Republicans are concentrating on this new administration, defending them from fake news, Hollyweird attacks, and the charming and delightful MSM.

But, we need take a pause and take inventory on the recent past to plot our political future on the very close horizon to understand what a golden opportunity we actually have to turn our beloved nation around, steering it for decades away from Socialistic/Marxist tendencies.

Just as the Far left had the ability to bury our republic had Hillary won the Presidency because of the power Obama placed in the hands of the executive branch, we now soon will have the power to pass laws that permanently revoke that power from that branch; and since it appears to most reasonable individuals that the executive branch is the only branch they have a good chance to win, we should work diligently to throttle its power back to constitutional levels, along with putting in judges that will uphold it.

Therefore, our focus should be split solidly between this administrations agenda, and the midterm elections. If we get a 60 seat majority in the senate, then the power can be put back to where our founders originally intended it to be, with the strongest branch being congress. These laws written, passed, and upheld by an originalist Supreme Court, would be the death knell for the far left, even if they managed to reacquire the executive branch. A far left Presidents agenda would be DOA in congress, even if afterwards we only controlled the House since they control the country's purse strings.

And so, I must reiterate what a fantastic opportunity we have in 18 to finally prevent us from always playing defense as the country continuously moves left, and instead being able with a few well placed laws reaffirming the separation of powers, to stop the aggressive takeover of the country by the left.

They know this also, which is why they are all off the rails mentally. Take a fair amount of senate seats in states that Trump won easily, and you will have an extended breather to garner your polo all forces and make elections about ideas, and not phony emotions.

So remember, while the executive branch is the most visible election, if the constitution is actually enforced, it is by far the weakest branch; the strongest being congress. So then, if we pay attention , don't get smug like the far left did this time around, and. It's our butts in 18, the far left may very well assume room temperature, leaving us with just Republicans and REAL Democrats.

I think that would be a wonderful outcome, don't you!

Get involved now for 18, and put the far left out of business while putting your country back on the that made this country what it has been since its birth.......great!

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A lot of factors can affect 2020. We as conservative Republicans are concentrating on this new administration, defending them from fake news, Hollyweird attacks, and the charming and delightful MSM.

But, we need take a pause and take inventory on the recent past to plot our political future on the very close horizon to understand what a golden opportunity we actually have to turn our beloved nation around, steering it for decades away from Socialistic/Marxist tendencies.

Just as the Far left had the ability to bury our republic had Hillary won the Presidency because of the power Obama placed in the hands of the executive branch, we now soon will have the power to pass laws that permanently revoke that power from that branch; and since it appears to most reasonable individuals that the executive branch is the only branch they have a good chance to win, we should work diligently to throttle its power back to constitutional levels, along with putting in judges that will uphold it.

Therefore, our focus should be split solidly between this administrations agenda, and the midterm elections. If we get a 60 seat majority in the senate, then the power can be put back to where our founders originally intended it to be, with the strongest branch being congress. These laws written, passed, and upheld by an originalist Supreme Court, would be the death knell for the far left, even if they managed to reacquire the executive branch. A far left Presidents agenda would be DOA in congress, even if afterwards we only controlled the House since they control the country's purse strings.

And so, I must reiterate what a fantastic opportunity we have in 18 to finally prevent us from always playing defense as the country continuously moves left, and instead being able with a few well placed laws reaffirming the separation of powers, to stop the aggressive takeover of the country by the left.

They know this also, which is why they are all off the rails mentally. Take a fair amount of senate seats in states that Trump won easily, and you will have an extended breather to garner your polo all forces and make elections about ideas, and not phony emotions.

So remember, while the executive branch is the most visible election, if the constitution is actually enforced, it is by far the weakest branch; the strongest being congress. So then, if we pay attention , don't get smug like the far left did this time around, and. It's our butts in 18, the far left may very well assume room temperature, leaving us with just Republicans and REAL Democrats.

I think that would be a wonderful outcome, don't you!

Get involved now for 18, and put the far left out of business while putting your country back on the that made this country what it has been since its birth.......great!

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You're right to rally the troops, because the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

A lot of this will rest with the guy at the top. He doesn't seem to mind that his behaviors both (a) motivate his political adversaries and (b) give them a big, nice, easy target, so maybe he knows something we don't. Or not.

Either way, GOP voters would be wise to stop celebrating and start thinking about what's next.
the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

Motivated, animated crazy people are still crazy. The Americans with a pulpit merely need to continue to point this out.

I predict the Perez/Ellison team will be a disaster for the Democrats.
2018 is going to rock. The left wing loons are out in full force at the town halls; deep resentment brewing with constituents because the agitators are complete fakes.
A lot of factors can affect 2020. We as conservative Republicans are concentrating on this new administration, defending them from fake news, Hollyweird attacks, and the charming and delightful MSM.

But, we need take a pause and take inventory on the recent past to plot our political future on the very close horizon to understand what a golden opportunity we actually have to turn our beloved nation around, steering it for decades away from Socialistic/Marxist tendencies.

Just as the Far left had the ability to bury our republic had Hillary won the Presidency because of the power Obama placed in the hands of the executive branch, we now soon will have the power to pass laws that permanently revoke that power from that branch; and since it appears to most reasonable individuals that the executive branch is the only branch they have a good chance to win, we should work diligently to throttle its power back to constitutional levels, along with putting in judges that will uphold it.

Therefore, our focus should be split solidly between this administrations agenda, and the midterm elections. If we get a 60 seat majority in the senate, then the power can be put back to where our founders originally intended it to be, with the strongest branch being congress. These laws written, passed, and upheld by an originalist Supreme Court, would be the death knell for the far left, even if they managed to reacquire the executive branch. A far left Presidents agenda would be DOA in congress, even if afterwards we only controlled the House since they control the country's purse strings.

And so, I must reiterate what a fantastic opportunity we have in 18 to finally prevent us from always playing defense as the country continuously moves left, and instead being able with a few well placed laws reaffirming the separation of powers, to stop the aggressive takeover of the country by the left.

They know this also, which is why they are all off the rails mentally. Take a fair amount of senate seats in states that Trump won easily, and you will have an extended breather to garner your polo all forces and make elections about ideas, and not phony emotions.

So remember, while the executive branch is the most visible election, if the constitution is actually enforced, it is by far the weakest branch; the strongest being congress. So then, if we pay attention , don't get smug like the far left did this time around, and. It's our butts in 18, the far left may very well assume room temperature, leaving us with just Republicans and REAL Democrats.

I think that would be a wonderful outcome, don't you!

Get involved now for 18, and put the far left out of business while putting your country back on the that made this country what it has been since its birth.......great!

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You're right to rally the troops, because the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

A lot of this will rest with the guy at the top. He doesn't seem to mind that his behaviors both (a) motivate his political adversaries and (b) give them a big, nice, easy target, so maybe he knows something we don't. Or not.

Either way, GOP voters would be wise to stop celebrating and start thinking about what's next.
Democrats are unhinged(more than usual), not really motivated or focused.

Apart from the usual lunatics(like Soros and the kook media), the Democrats haven't even started to form a campaign for 2018.
the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

Motivated, animated crazy people are still crazy. The Americans with a pulpit merely need to continue to point this out.

I predict the Perez/Ellison team will be a disaster for the Democrats.
Yup. A 'pure laine' communist chairman and a 'pure laine' whitey hater radical muslim now running the DNC. What could possibly go wrong with getting their 'base' out to vote?
the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

Motivated, animated crazy people are still crazy. The Americans with a pulpit merely need to continue to point this out.

I predict the Perez/Ellison team will be a disaster for the Democrats.
Yup. A 'pure laine' communist chairman and a 'pure laine' whitey hater radical muslim now running the DNC. What could possibly go wrong with getting their 'base' out to vote?

...you sure about that? :rolleyes:

You conservatives need to buckle up and get ready for lumps in 2018/20, because the way things are going Tea Party movement will look small time.

Trump's rhetoric and play to one narrow side of America is fast awakening a giant.
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the Democrats are more motivated and animated than we've seen in our lifetimes - both locally and nationally.

Motivated, animated crazy people are still crazy. The Americans with a pulpit merely need to continue to point this out.

I predict the Perez/Ellison team will be a disaster for the Democrats.
Yup. A 'pure laine' communist chairman and a 'pure laine' whitey hater radical muslim now running the DNC. What could possibly go wrong with getting their 'base' out to vote?

...you sure about that? :rolleyes:

You conservatives need to buckle up and get ready for lumps in 2018/20, because the way things are going Tea Party movement will look like what they do at kindergarden. Trump's rhetoric and play to one narrow side of America is awakening a giant.
The Left made fun of the Tea Party, and it ended up being the precursor to Trump.

Now the Right is doing the same thing. While many Dems are just running around screaming, others are doing some solid work.
Remember to pull a leftist maneuver on leftists whenever you run short on ammo, repeat after me---->you are the party that supports allowing grown men in our young daughters and wives bathrooms in public places. You people like kiddie porn, do you!

That is to be repeated from here through 2020, any time a leftist accuses you of being any kind of phobe or ist. In other words they are the pedos, with Philes immediately following, if you get my drift-)

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A lot of factors can affect 2020. We as conservative Republicans are concentrating on this new administration, defending them from fake news, Hollyweird attacks, and the charming and delightful MSM.

But, we need take a pause and take inventory on the recent past to plot our political future on the very close horizon to understand what a golden opportunity we actually have to turn our beloved nation around, steering it for decades away from Socialistic/Marxist tendencies.

Just as the Far left had the ability to bury our republic had Hillary won the Presidency because of the power Obama placed in the hands of the executive branch, we now soon will have the power to pass laws that permanently revoke that power from that branch; and since it appears to most reasonable individuals that the executive branch is the only branch they have a good chance to win, we should work diligently to throttle its power back to constitutional levels, along with putting in judges that will uphold it.

Therefore, our focus should be split solidly between this administrations agenda, and the midterm elections. If we get a 60 seat majority in the senate, then the power can be put back to where our founders originally intended it to be, with the strongest branch being congress. These laws written, passed, and upheld by an originalist Supreme Court, would be the death knell for the far left, even if they managed to reacquire the executive branch. A far left Presidents agenda would be DOA in congress, even if afterwards we only controlled the House since they control the country's purse strings.

And so, I must reiterate what a fantastic opportunity we have in 18 to finally prevent us from always playing defense as the country continuously moves left, and instead being able with a few well placed laws reaffirming the separation of powers, to stop the aggressive takeover of the country by the left.

They know this also, which is why they are all off the rails mentally. Take a fair amount of senate seats in states that Trump won easily, and you will have an extended breather to garner your polo all forces and make elections about ideas, and not phony emotions.

So remember, while the executive branch is the most visible election, if the constitution is actually enforced, it is by far the weakest branch; the strongest being congress. So then, if we pay attention , don't get smug like the far left did this time around, and. It's our butts in 18, the far left may very well assume room temperature, leaving us with just Republicans and REAL Democrats.

I think that would be a wonderful outcome, don't you!

Get involved now for 18, and put the far left out of business while putting your country back on the that made this country what it has been since its birth.......great!

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Mac knows exactly what I do part time for extra cash, and in fact I am again in Florida doing some freelancing, and am in contact with others in a few other states doing the same thing under contract. I don't think Mac believed me last year when I told him at that time Trump would carry Florida, and had an excellent chance to carry Michigan and Penn-)

That being said, let me tell Mac a few more tidbits on internal polls as of last Thursday.

1. If midterms were held today, the Republicans would easily garner a super majority in the senate. Please reread that last sentence, it is 100% accurate.

2. The house would closely maintain status quo, give or take, + or - 3.

Now I personally know that both political entities are keenly aware of these numbers, and as always perceptions and numbers can change. 20 days is an eternity in politics, let alone 20 months

Here in lies the problem for Republicans-----> Trump the person, is not popular, or not popular enough. On the other hand, many of his economic and domestic ideas are wildly popular in most of the heartland. While it sounds at first like Americans have become politically schizophrenic, nothing could be further from the truth

Let me translate from pollster speak into English------>Obama= nice, popular guy with crappy ideas. Trump= not nice guy, with good ideas. Hillary= nasty bitch with, crappy Obama ideas.

So what exactly happens when you remove Obama and Trump before the word economic and domestic ideas, and replace those two names with Republican and Democratic before them instead?

Well, in the heartland, fly over country, the Democrats get sacked in almost every instance in red states and states Trump won for the senate. It is true! It would be a Bloodbath of epic proportions if held today. But, it is not today, nor is it next week.

Therefore, the Dems are trying to create scandal. In fact, if you notice, the most widely attacked policies are only illegal immigration and the ACA. The Dems just want the job creation part of the agenda buried by creating as much noise as possible, ergo the created protest. In essence the Democrats have all their eggs in two baskets for the next 20 months,

1. Obstruction as they dare not let him improve anything, but I suppose that is politics, and
2. Hoping for an event that has not happened yet.

But, being as it is today, if we vote with many of those seats being in fly over country and Trump not being on the ballot himself, with a little elbow grease by us, we will get a super majority, be able to right the ship of state, and in the process finally bury the far left to only the coasts, leaving just patriotic Republicans and Democrats in control of the country as a whole, and preserving the constitution as written for those we leave behind.

After doing this exact same thing last spring and seeing the results garnered, I was in shock. After seeing what others reported in the MSM, I began to doubt our data. No longer, won't make the same mistake again. If it stays this way when I return next year, and the rest of the contractors numbers remain constant, we will almost be able to proclaim the far left buried. I have my fingers crossed, believe me!

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The Final Nail in The Coffin For THE DNC is when Jeff Sessions Subpoenas Their Server and forces THE DNC to give it up, and give up the So Called "Non Existent Evidence" that no one has been allowed to see (not even the FBI) where they claim Russians Hacked Their Server.

Once this lie is exposed on the heels of them running the most corrupt campaign ever, fixing their primary, stealing debate questions, and running a Pathological Liar as their Candidate, and hiring thugs to commit violence at political rallies, that party is done, and will have to form a new party.

It is my hope that the good well meaning democrats who still believe in America form A Democrat Version of The Tea Party, where they fight for their rights and their view of politics while upholding The Constitution and The Rule of Law.

Free Speech and Freedom of Thought are fine.

But trying to destroy America because you lost an election and trying to overthrow democracy are not.

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