Do We Have A Democracy?


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Today, every president, every governor, every congressman and state legislator, every elected politician, and every judge and justice of every court, both state and federal, knows that most of the “laws” controlling Americans are, in fact, the products of non-elected administrative agencies rather than constitutionally-authorized legislation from federal or state legislatures. All these actors go along with it to get along.

So, Houston, we have a problem: we are no longer a democracy, whether direct or representative! This exercise of unconstitutional power by the executive branch agencies to enact laws is truly a great source of many of our problems today. Do We Have A Democracy?
Today, we have Spending bills not being originated in the House, EO's acting as federal laws, ie; covid mandates...etc...Have we balled up the Constitution and thrown it in the trash? Many feel we have....
A shit-ton of people have decided on their own that they are simply not going to do what some unelected bureaucrat says that they need to do. Same for bad laws passed by crazy leftists.

It's like the ATF's arm brace ban that has since been stayed....Millions upon millions of brace owners simply told the ATF to fuck-off through inaction and did not even try to comply.

It's like it was a mass and undirected decision to say "No Mr. ATF man, we won't be doing that today".
A shit-ton of people have decided on their own that they are simply not going to do what some unelected bureaucrat says that they need to do. Same for bad laws passed by crazy leftists.

It's like the ATF's arm brace ban that has since been stayed....Millions upon millions of brace owners simply told the ATF to fuck-off through inaction and did not even try to comply.

It's like it was a mass and undirected decision to say "No Mr. ATF man, we won't be doing that today".
Then our country is lost.
Today, we have Spending bills not being originated in the House, EO's acting as federal laws, ie; covid mandates...etc...Have we balled up the Constitution and thrown it in the trash? Many feel we have....
Special interests and money.
Today, we have Spending bills not being originated in the House, EO's acting as federal laws, ie; covid mandates...etc...Have we balled up the Constitution and thrown it in the trash? Many feel we have....


I'm more interested in the question we have a county?

Today, we have Spending bills not being originated in the House, EO's acting as federal laws, ie; covid mandates...etc...Have we balled up the Constitution and thrown it in the trash? Many feel we have....
Hell this week Hawaii's supreme court declared that the 2nd Amendment does NOT apply to it's citizens. :oops:

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