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Nov 22, 2003

Arab League plans first Israel mission

By STEVE WEIZMAN, Associated Press Writer 13 minutes ago

The 22-country Arab League will send envoys on a historic first mission to Israel this week to discuss a sweeping Arab peace initiative and how it might prop up embattled Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli and Arab diplomats said Sunday.

The announcement came the same day Israel's Cabinet approved the release of 250 Palestinian prisoners, hoping to bolster Abbas in his power struggle with the Islamic militant Hamas.

An official League visit would be a diplomatic coup for Israel. The League historically has been hostile toward the Jewish state, but has grown increasingly conciliatory in response to the expanding influence of Islamic extremists in the region — a concern underscored by Hamas' violent takeover of the Gaza Strip last month.

Jordan's foreign ministry said the Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers would arrive in Jerusalem on Thursday for talks with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and other Israeli officials.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said the foreign ministers would lead an Arab League mission to Israel to discuss the Arab peace plan, which would trade full Arab recognition of Israel for an Israeli withdrawal from all lands captured in the 1967 Mideast war and the creation of a Palestinian state.

"This is the first time the Arab League is coming to Israel," Regev said. "From its inception the Arab League has been hostile to Israel. It will be the first time we'll be flying the Arab League flag."

giving up land for peace does not work, killing or capturing all the terrorists will. I will not give the islamo nazi terrorists in israel and palestine one more inch of land, till they renounce all violence for atleast 25 years, and stop teaching their kids hate for the same length of time, and agree to be monitored, so we can make sure, they never do it again.
the arab world doesnt have and never will have a vested interested in curbing terrorism against israel. It is used to deflect attention from the oppressive, abusive regimes of the middle east.

it is a rallying cry, that is the most effective pr, to get muslims, away from real issues, like reforming their own governments. Cause they can blame everything on the jews/israelies and the west, and the arabs government can do no wrong :cuckoo:

This should be interesting. I am willing to bet that the terrorist extremists won't take this lightly and that those countries in the Arab league will come under attack (some more than others). That may be a good thing because then finally, those Arab countries will have a vested interest in curbing the extremists.

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