I love Andrea & April
How treasonous, of the democrats to even propose such a thing, israel is out ally. My other problem with the democratic party is, it is political correct, and refuses to make moral judgments, it would rather make everything equal when it is not, for example the israeli military who has rules and regulations, and is held to account, equal to palestinian terrorists. I cant support a party like that. And to not support an ally, during the war on terrorism, is disgusting, it shows, the democrats, dont understand how terrorists hide out in large civilian populations, and how if the u.s. , britian and israel, didnt bomb and go after terrorists, they would be free to commit terrorist acts with impunity.
The Israel lobby, the ad says, was able to defeat a recent amendment to the defense appropriations bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) that would ban the export of cluster bombs to countries that use such weapons in civilian areas, including Israels use of U.S.-made cluster weapons in Lebanon. As evidence, the ad points to the amount of money that several opponents of the amendment received from pro-Israel political action committees (PACs) over their career and in the current election cycle. Total donations to Congressional candidates, Republican and Democrat, from pro-Israel PACs was more than $2.4 million in the current election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The ad concludes: Why are [members of Congress] selling their vote and undermining peace for Israel and her neighbors?
The Israel lobby, the ad says, was able to defeat a recent amendment to the defense appropriations bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) that would ban the export of cluster bombs to countries that use such weapons in civilian areas, including Israels use of U.S.-made cluster weapons in Lebanon. As evidence, the ad points to the amount of money that several opponents of the amendment received from pro-Israel political action committees (PACs) over their career and in the current election cycle. Total donations to Congressional candidates, Republican and Democrat, from pro-Israel PACs was more than $2.4 million in the current election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The ad concludes: Why are [members of Congress] selling their vote and undermining peace for Israel and her neighbors?