'Thug' is the New N-Word? lol


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Richard Sherman: 'Thug' Is 'Accepted Way of Calling Somebody the N-word'

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman said he was bothered and disappointed that he was called a "thug" after his crazed post-game rant on Sunday because he said it seems like "thug" is the "accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays."

Wow, I can see how some idiots would confuse niggardly and 'black hole' as perhaps racial, but the word 'thug'?

'Thug' is used far more often to describe non-black behavior than blacks simply based on observing the huge numbers of non-blacks in this country and figuring that it is proportionately used.

The last few times I remember calling anyone a thug was about some white drunks and a white driver that was cutting people off and laughing about it in his truck.

The victim monger industry is slowly destroying our language by making innocent terms racial, like 'tar baby', lol.

When are people going to get sick of this bullshit and tell these bastards to just kiss their asses?

Hey, no, this is good. Just keep telling us which words we're no longer "allowed" to say so that we can keep up.

I really wish they'd put up website that we could check daily, that would make this stuff easier. Just log in every morning and you're good for 24 hours.

Perhaps next time he wont have a temper tantrum and act like Mr. T on cocaine for the camera over some petty bad sportsmanship. Or I could have simply said, acted like a thug.
Meh people use these terms now because nobody is going to call them out on it.
Unless you are like a celebrity of some sort, but even then.
Richard Sherman: 'Thug' Is 'Accepted Way of Calling Somebody the N-word'

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman said he was bothered and disappointed that he was called a "thug" after his crazed post-game rant on Sunday because he said it seems like "thug" is the "accepted way of calling somebody the N-word nowadays."

Wow, I can see how some idiots would confuse niggardly and 'black hole' as perhaps racial, but the word 'thug'?

'Thug' is used far more often to describe non-black behavior than blacks simply based on observing the huge numbers of non-blacks in this country and figuring that it is proportionately used.

The last few times I remember calling anyone a thug was about some white drunks and a white driver that was cutting people off and laughing about it in his truck.

The victim monger industry is slowly destroying our language by making innocent terms racial, like 'tar baby', lol.

When are people going to get sick of this bullshit and tell these bastards to just kiss their asses?

Good points....all. I think in terms of thug as someone ripping off another person or persons, because they can. This includes our government. Thugs to the worst degree, for they are doing it for power. Power and control and to make America a Third World country by destroying her economically and militarily.
He's right.

No, he isn't. Isn't it about time black people put on their big boy pants? The dude acted like a thug, I'm not sure that qualities him AS a thug, but in that one instance he certainly acted like one. Had nothing to do with his skin color.

I'm sick of all these words being perverted into some sort of racial insult while at the same time, a black person can openly and freely call a white a cracka or whatever and no one says boo , particularly no one fro the black community. Hell rare is the black person who even acknowledges that blacks using ANY form of the word ****** ( IE niggah or whatever else stupid spelling they try to use to justify it) and then whining when whites use the word are in fact hypocritical morons who are simply complaining to complain.

I actually sometimes think blacks ENJOY being though of as being a race of inferior intellect, else they wouldn't go out of their way in an attempt to prove they are.

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