‘Threats to Democracy’ or ‘Threats from Democracy’? Which are Democrats really afraid of?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
They seem to be against measures being taken to secure voting methods and guidelines.
They support the idea of illegals voting in our elections.
They can’t stand the idea of real free speech being honored across America’s digital town squares.
They hate the idea of States dealing with abortion law.
I’m pretty sure they are afraid of real Democracy.
They seem to be against measures being taken to secure voting methods and guidelines.
They support the idea of illegals voting in our elections.
They can’t stand the idea of real free speech being honored across America’s digital town squares.
They hate the idea of States dealing with abortion law.
I’m pretty sure they are afraid of real Democracy.
Your link is pay-walled, so folks can't see that it is from;



It is dated news.


The Democrat Party's version of "democracy" means censorship, arresting dissenters, imprisoning opponents, using the DOJ and the FBI to spy on and harass opponents, propaganda, political violence, committing mass voter fraud and a one-party banana republic.
Democrats are afraid of losing power. The term "Threat to democracy" actually means "Threat to the democrat party". Democracy is alive and well once we get these vermin out of the majority.
The U.S. is no democracy and its founders did everything they could to make sure it was not a democracy. We elect people to represent us, then rely on those people to ascertain the facts and vote in our best interests. The People, acting collectively, are idiots.

As for threats to democracy (small 'd'), Democrats want to promote voting by the most ignorant, incompetent, uninvolved people possible, which is why they favor things like same-day registration, motor voting, and worst of all mail-in voting (even though the reason for mail-in voting - the Pandemic - is long past). Also why they abhor things like voter ID, signature verification, and any requirement that one vote in person.

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