Someone seriously explain it to me. When I hear the pundit attack it they say, because then everyone will jump over to the public option you know that. If there other argument is that the private option is superior to any public option, then why are they scared? Why would people move over to the public option?
This argument is not making sense to me. I have private insurance and it if the public option is as bad at what the pundits make it to be, then I will stick with the private option. I mean I have the choice of the cheaper HMO, but I choose the more expensive PPO because I like it better. Why won't that argument translate over to public vs private. If the government is going to run public to make it more attractive to people than remaining with private healthcare, why is that a bad thing?
The other argument by the pundits is that these billion dollar organizations are going to voluntarily shut down and say we are offering health insurance anymore? Que? A company will voluntarily close its doors because competition moved in? I don't understand this one either. Like most other business they would either changed in order to compete or if they can't compete they go under? Yet most companies do all they can do before they shut their doors.
You have to make a product people like and need in order for people to buy it. So if the public option is SO bad, if its so inferior to private insurance, why would someone switch? Where would the threat be?
Dive, Willow or Allie please explain it to me!
What I am seeing is the private insurance companies are seeing is competitions that is going to hurt there bottom lines enormously and they are shaking in their boots! So they are pumping a ton into a PR campaign!