Fox vs. CNN/MSNBC viewers on healthcare

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
First thoughts: Obama's good, bad news - First Read -

*** FOX vs. CNN/MSNBC: Here’s another way to look at the misinformation: In our poll, 72% of self-identified FOX News viewers believe the health-care plan will give coverage to illegal immigrants, 79% of them say it will lead to a government takeover, 69% think that it will use taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, and 75% believe that it will allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing care for the elderly. But it would be incorrect to suggest that this is ONLY coming from conservative viewers who tune in to FOX. In fact, 41% of CNN/MSNBC viewers believe the misinformation about illegal immigrants, 39% believe the government takeover stuff, 40% believe the abortion misperception, and 30% believe the stuff about pulling the plug on grandma. What’s more, a good chunk of folks who get their news from broadcast TV (NBC, ABC, CBS) believe these things, too. This is about credible messengers using the media to get some of this misinformation out there, not as much about the filter itself. These numbers should worry Democratic operatives, as well as the news media that have been covering this story.
When the healthcare options are explained to the people they prefer it to our current system.

Obama and the dems need to straighten out the facts and dismiss the lies being propagated by the insurance companies and the fools who believe the lies.
why don't the two of you tell us the truth and nothing but the truth.. for starters I would like to know

who the 500 billion dollars cuts in medicare will affect and how!


why was the Heller amendment voted down


why did obamalama appoint two eugenicists to czarships?

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