Thousands of Texas Democrats Sign Petition to Leave US


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I would love to see this happen, it would be a great experiment to watch!

There are tens of thousands of Democrats in Texas who support the state seceding from the United States, according to Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM).

Miller, as leader of the broader movement known as "Texit," has become more vocal towards Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other statewide officials in light of the state's battle with the federal government over how to secure the U.S.-Mexico border. While illegal migrant encounter numbers dropped both nationally and statewide between December and January, the issue remains front and center and is being supported by fellow elected Republicans around the country.

You can leave the U.S. anytime you want. The petition is about secession. That's a dangerous path these days while a mentally incompetent president is allegedly at the helm. Don't forget the weaponized FBI tracked down every mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrator and put them in prison. Imagine what they are willing to do to the people who signed the petition?
You can leave the U.S. anytime you want. The petition is about secession. That's a dangerous path these days while a mentally incompetent president is allegedly at the helm. Don't forget the weaponized FBI tracked down every mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrator and put them in prison. Imagine what they are willing to do to the people who signed the petition?
Seems that CHAZ had no problem seceding from the Union and the left were applauding them until CHAZ had the highest murder rate ever in the history of the world......
I am okay with this idea sort of. We need to sell both California and Texas back to Mexico and see which border they sneak over next.
You can leave the U.S. anytime you want. The petition is about secession. That's a dangerous path these days while a mentally incompetent president is allegedly at the helm. Don't forget the weaponized FBI tracked down every mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrator and put them in prison. Imagine what they are willing to do to the people who signed the petition?
The top heavy bureaucracy of the U.S. federal g'ment no longer backs the original intent of the American constituencies U.S. Constitution & BoR. I can't blame the Texans who identify as Democrats for desiring to secede from the USA. The Democrats as opposed to the statist left power & control freaks that hijacked their Democrat party through infiltration, are in all reality more like the old school JFK Democrats &/or the Libertarians/Classical Liberals(NOT social liberals). The federal g'ment now dominated by the statist left ideology has Democrats, Republicans as well as the Classical Liberals/Libertarians all concerned about tyrannical g'ment becoming the norm.

For Americans the best move they could take @ current is to cut off the DNC/RNC corporations & vote for individuals that take an enforceable oath to support our Constitution & BoR in line with our founding fathers original vision. I realize the statist left federal bureaucracy would fight tooth & nail against such a move as their vision is of a United One World G'ment Of Planet Earth(enviro whackos etc.). Civil wars/secession are quite common among the nations & though bloody affairs are necessary to combat the even bloodier situation of totalitarian g'ment becoming judge, jury & hangman @ the nod of a bureaucrats head.

Below; what needs to go bye bye.

You can leave the U.S. anytime you want. The petition is about secession. That's a dangerous path these days while a mentally incompetent president is allegedly at the helm. Don't forget the weaponized FBI tracked down every mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrator and put them in prison. Imagine what they are willing to do to the people who signed the petition?

Here is my idea.
Let's kick CA, OR, WA, IL and NY out of the union.
Trog; don't forget us Americans out here on the front line in Eastern Oregon/Eastern Washington. Eastern Oregonians & Idahoans are pushing for Idaho & Eastern Oregon to become married(greater Idaho) but the statist left in western Oregon opposes the marriage. So @ current Idaho & Eastern Oregon are going steady in a serious dating relationship with talks of Eastern Oregon/Idaho eloping.

Up here in the Socialist Republic of Washington State, Eastern Washingtonians are in a more critical state of affairs as we don't have Idaho to marry up with, YET! So we are pushing to divorce western Washington & form our own state named LIBERTY! The state of Greater Idaho combined with the state of Liberty would be two separate states legally speaking but ONE people living in harmony, like birds of a feather flock together!

You can leave the U.S. anytime you want. The petition is about secession. That's a dangerous path these days while a mentally incompetent president is allegedly at the helm. Don't forget the weaponized FBI tracked down every mom and pop Jan 6 demonstrator and put them in prison. Imagine what they are willing to do to the people who signed the petition?
Part of the reason secession is growing more popular is the weaponization of the DOJ and the FBI. It also seems our justice system has decided to target political opponents of the Democratic Party (for example Trump and his supporters) and find some crime they can be charged with. Basically, "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him.”
Shades of Soviet jurist Andrey Vyshinsky.

Be aware that I totally oppose the break up of the Union as it would weaken our nation and allow our enemies a better chance to take over the world. My great grandkids would probably have to learn Mandarin Chinese. I don’t want to have that happen.

We need to find some way to restore faith and confidence in the agencies of our government. In order to do that they must stop acting like the KGB did in the old Soviet Union. I fear we face a difficult if not impossible problem trying to accomplish change or to ”drain the Swamp.”

An old saying is, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely



Trog; don't forget us Americans out here on the front line in Eastern Oregon/Eastern Washington. Eastern Oregonians & Idahoans are pushing for Idaho & Eastern Oregon to become married(greater Idaho) but the statist left in western Oregon opposes the marriage. So @ current Idaho & Eastern Oregon are going steady in a serious dating relationship with talks of Eastern Oregon/Idaho eloping.

Up here in the Socialist Republic of Washington State, Eastern Washingtonians are in a more critical state of affairs as we don't have Idaho to marry up with, YET! So we are pushing to divorce western Washington & form our own state named LIBERTY! The state of Greater Idaho combined with the state of Liberty would be two separate states legally speaking but ONE people living in harmony, like birds of a feather flock together!

Move to Idaho fuckup and quit whining.

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