Thoughts from a Simple Man


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
My perspective of the world is a bit different.

Humans are incredibly interesting creatures. Homo sapiens the scientific call us. We make up ideas and concepts for us and everyone else to live by. Laws, beliefs, and morals don't exist without us. People argue to make them. The words we use were created by those who came before us, as well as the meanings these people attached to them. There's something about humans that is incredibly difficult to understand. Although we're born on some random rock in space, and our existences have no objective purposes, we seem to feel that our lives have some meaning. Then again, others feel (or understand?) that life has no real point. We're just, well, odd.

We have created everything unnatural in this world we currently live in. This includes language, morality, concepts, beliefs, religion, laws, everything. Words are created and given meaning by different peoples. The existence of multiple languages adds credence to this notion. Language morphs and evolves due in part to changing norms and the passage of time. The concepts of right and wrong, too, were created by us. Like what we call "gods," we create all of these things that we live by. Out of the convoluted depths of what we call our "hearts," "minds," or "souls," we make all of these things, and learn about them in our own time. What is particularly fascinating is etymology, because it, too, shows how words originated (were created) in the past and morphed and changed over time. Perhaps the creation of language by humans was necessary, because what came before language, grunting and other sounds, was likely not helpful. Then again, the very fact that animals do have ways to communicate may lend weight to the argument that all language, though created by humans, is naturally inevitable. What I do know is that all of these intangible notions and ideas require humans to "exist." If humans were wiped off of the face of the Earth, in that no humans exist in the untamed wilderness, none of these immaterial things can exist.

I argue that there is no right and wrong. Laws have no meaning, because laws are fabrications. Morals, too, are made, not existing by themselves. We raise our offspring to have certain morals and values. This is true for atheists to the religious... every single human out there (I suppose). Morals and values, which are created, are the building blocks of all beliefs. Feelings are the result of chemicals in the brain, as well as all of the things we think and do. I don't understand how feelings exist, or what the triggers are. I'm inclined to believe that there is a scientific explanation for the existence of feelings. It may very well be the inability of the brain to cope with certain situations. Or empathy? If so I wonder what the scientific underpinnings of empathy itself would be (pinning down the material atoms and chemicals involved). When I think of humans I think of them as individuals in a strange and cruel world where they're expected to behave under the expectations and designs of those humans who lived before them. Humans are naturally scared; all have a certain level of fear deep within the unconscious mind. They are likely fearful of disobeying the orders their parents tell them, or the peculiar and unnatural laws society dictates for them. I have no regard for the law, because laws aren't real. Any person in a state of power, where others fear him/her, can scribble down some words and call it a law. Think back to any of the bizarre laws you've ever heard of; you may know of at least one. You may wonder to yourself, "Why would a law like that exist?" I think that people find certain laws to be natural because they feel that it resonates with their feelings, perspectives, and morals/values.

Why do we do this? For example most of us believe murder is wrong. Why? Because we don't like the thought of it happening to us. Our parents taught us to despise it? It just seems that people think murder is wrong because they feel it is, or because they were told it was from a young age. I question every single notion of right and wrong, and first and foremost I hold in my mind that absolutely nothing is right and wrong, good or evil. That may sound very odd to you. My reasoning is because science has not ascertained the physical, objective existence of morals, laws, etc. All of these notions cannot be discerned by any of the five senses. You can't touch a moral, smell a law, taste a belief, see a god, or hear evil. There is no scientific basis towards the objective existence of these things. Humans make all of these things in the hopes of binding people together to create societies. Imagine what may happen if man lived wildly and freely like the wolves and deer in nature? There would likely be wanton killing, raping, fighting, etc. In nature male wolves fight each other for the females, and then mount their "prize." No mating or civility, there. Likewise, these wolves, both males and females, hunt down other animals and kill and eat them. Society may not work so well if all of us mildly hairy mammals did the same.

But then, there are other things to consider. Quite a few creatures have ways to communicate with themselves. Other animals create their own, unique societies. Ants, for example, have the ability to signal meanings to fellow ants. If ants can have their own societies and means to communicate, maybe there is some natural sense in what humans have done, too. It could be true that humans have a society far more unique and "better" than other species because humans are bigger, more adaptable, and have far more intelligence. Wouldn't it be a scary thought if ants were as big as us, could walk upright, and had double our average intellect? They may very well have had greater cities and constructs than we could ever hope to create. It would be quite interesting if we learned that we weren't the only highly intelligent, humanoid species in the universe.

On the notion of god there is much to question. Many believe that man was created in the image of god, but it's my contention that god was created in the image of man. At some point tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago, the concept of religion was born. I cannot explain what it is exactly that causes people to create and worship the idea of a god. In those times, you had incredibly good reason to be scared. Everything was out to kill you, and there was no Obamacare to rely on. People were incredibly fearful of everything, they likely had little or no education/reason, and they wanted to feel as if they could place trust in something in order to reassure themselves with the warm feelings of hope. Praying is a way to relieve stress. Though the deity doesn’t exist, the act of praying to it helps relieve the person. "Why" is a good question. Other reasons to question the idea of god is because, throughout time, hundreds of different deities have been created. Respectfully I find it amusing when certain mainstream groups like Christians or Muslims denounce the existence of other gods, as if they have some sort of scientific leverage to decide which fabricated deity exists. Let's consider the Christian god. It's been assigned a male gender. I wonder that. Why would a deity have a gender? If a god was a god and was everlasting it wouldn't need a gender. If these things have genders, well, these things may also have sex. The existence of gender implies the inevitability of sex. And why would a god have a gender and the ability to have sex? Gods can't die, right? If these deities have genders and sex then likely it is because these things worry about death and extinction so they need to propagate the herd. This is even more reason to believe that god was created in the image of man. That's because humans are living creatures with genders, the need for sex, the inevitability of death, and the risk of extinction. Imagine what these humans can do with these gods they create. They can make people fear. They can make people help and support others. They can make people dead.

It's as though the real world has been decorated with all of these created, unnatural things. We have laws that are indeed imaginary and subject to change/be distorted by the whims of ever-changing people. Or is it that we create our own reality? We make a law and presume that we have now changed the face of reality.

Perhaps it may be true that the only reality we have is that life is pointless and meaningless. And... I suppose we have to make do with what we've got. We're mammals living on a planet where morals, good, evil, equality, justice, laws, beliefs, religions, and every other man-made hypothetical structure don't exist. Yet in spite of these truths, those of us who understand this to an extent... follow these things anyways.

We are living creatures with a certain level of intelligence. We can know this for sure. Beyond that, we run the risk of walking past the border of subjectivity.

What are your thoughts, please? (I wanna know where I went wrong. :razz:)

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What are your thoughts, please?

Thanks for a thoughtful post, Wake. Unfortunately, what I believe was indentured into my mind at around age 9 when I memorized the Presbyterian catechism about the purpose of man being to love God through the teachings of his only son, Jesus Christ. I still believe it. Christ taught the 10 Commandments by summation when he was talking to a young lawyer to basically (1) Love and practice God's purposes and law and (2) Love one's neighbor as yourself.

We live in an imperfect world and have imperfect reactions to it. I believe in God's precepts for mankind and accept that I don't have to understand everything because love and trust fill in the gaps.

I also believe love is not always what we think it is. Sometimes love is a parent correcting an unruly child with a little flyswatter to the butt so he or she will not make an ass of him or herself again in the future. It doesn't get you love back, but it does make children think before they go head-straight into trouble once they learn respect for other people.

And that's what I've thought for years, although I think I may have been the only Presbyterian in my high school, because few of them thought so and acted accordingly. So I just learned to let the world go on by, tend to my own self-improvement, and when pinned down, tell my thoughts as honestly as I know how. I also learned that people with no beliefs are prone to tripping, and I spend a few minutes reviewing my day at night when my health permits to ask God to help them overcome the blindness that causes themselves and others pain.

Thanks for asking my opinion. I do not expect it would mean much to anyone else.
You're right on most counts.

Here's the thing. Most successful species on the planet adopt some rules of the road.

Which allows them to be successful.

Bear in mind, this all may become meaningless if some superior life form decides this planet is blocking their view of the sun.

Okay, Wake....


You obviously took a lot of time and effort in your OP.
You also took the time to multi-PM some of us to get our thoughts.

So, I guess, I owe you the same courtesy of time.
This is a really long-winded reply for me when I'm not c/p-ing.

But, WADR, your views of right and wrong worry me as they tend to fit the definition of a sociopath
What are your thoughts, please?

Thanks for a thoughtful post, Wake. Unfortunately, what I believe was indentured into my mind at around age 9 when I memorized the Presbyterian catechism about the purpose of man being to love God through the teachings of his only son, Jesus Christ. I still believe it. Christ taught the 10 Commandments by summation when he was talking to a young lawyer to basically (1) Love and practice God's purposes and law and (2) Love one's neighbor as yourself.

We live in an imperfect world and have imperfect reactions to it. I believe in God's precepts for mankind and accept that I don't have to understand everything because love and trust fill in the gaps.

I also believe love is not always what we think it is. Sometimes love is a parent correcting an unruly child with a little flyswatter to the butt so he or she will not make an ass of him or herself again in the future. It doesn't get you love back, but it does make children think before they go head-straight into trouble once they learn respect for other people.

And that's what I've thought for years, although I think I may have been the only Presbyterian in my high school, because few of them thought so and acted accordingly. So I just learned to let the world go on by, tend to my own self-improvement, and when pinned down, tell my thoughts as honestly as I know how. I also learned that people with no beliefs are prone to tripping, and I spend a few minutes reviewing my day at night when my health permits to ask God to help them overcome the blindness that causes themselves and others pain.

Thanks for asking my opinion. I do not expect it would mean much to anyone else.

Like you, Becki, I also memorized bible verses at an early age. However the disparity between the written word and the actions of those who were supposed to be living by it was so immense that it made it all ring hollow. Having been on the receiving end of abuse as a child I swore to never inflict it on any child of my own and found far more effective ways to teach discipline and respect to them.

So while we might have started in similar places we arrived at different destinations. I will uphold your right to believe as you will with my life if needs be but I won't ever be convinced to share your beliefs. The Founding Fathers bestowed these rights upon both of us and in their honor we owe each other mutual respect.

Go in peace.
Without delving into this in any great detail you are pretty much on the right track here, Wake. However you are edging close to the philosophical precipice of Existentialism. Are you sure that this is the direction you want to go in? You might not be in the right place to find "intellectual heavyweights". :D
Okay, Wake....


You obviously took a lot of time and effort in your OP.
You also took the time to multi-PM some of us to get our thoughts.

So, I guess, I owe you the same courtesy of time.
This is a really long-winded reply for me when I'm not c/p-ing.

But, WADR, your views of right and wrong worry me as they tend to fit the definition of a sociopath

My 1st thought was anarchist. and a tad hyper,that's along winded!!
Okay, Wake....


You obviously took a lot of time and effort in your OP.
You also took the time to multi-PM some of us to get our thoughts.

So, I guess, I owe you the same courtesy of time.
This is a really long-winded reply for me when I'm not c/p-ing.

But, WADR, your views of right and wrong worry me as they tend to fit the definition of a sociopath

Not sociopathic but the age old murky world of the moral relativist. Wake is arguing that there are no objective moral principles. And yet I would lay odds that his own behavior betrays his own assertion.

Somewhere I read the story of the college student who wrote an eloquently expressed paper on moral relativism arguing, as Wake has, that there is no right and wrong. By all academic standards, the paper, impeccably structured and encased in a new blue cover, merited an A. But when the student received his paper back, he saw a large red F and the professor's notation: I don't like blue covers. The student stormed into the professor's office and demanded an explanation. The professor asked, "Isn't yours the paper that argued that there or no objective moral principles such as fairness and justice?" "Yes," said the student. "Well," said the professor, I don't like blue covers, so the grade is an F." And the student thereby realized his error.

Whether it is a sense of the Divine or somethng simply inate in the human species, it seems that we all are born with some sense of right and wrong, virtue and guilt, justice and injustice. When cultural lines are crossed, we don't always agree on what is right and wrong, but we all have a sense of it just the same.
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I'm not an anarchist or sociopath, lol. Just curious of stuff, is all. :razz:

Was bored and wanted to take 20 minutes to unclutter the mind.
Want to determine if kids have a sense of justice? Give them a large piece of cake to be divided between them. Give one permission to choose the piece that he or she prefers. Give the other the task of of cutting the cake into two pieces.
I too am a Christian (S. Baptist). I am also of a scientific background in biology etc. It seems to me that with a lot of this you have to address who or what created us and our world. That can be argued ad nauseum, but I believe in God the creator. When I used to be an agnostic over 40 years ago, I asked "who created God," so you can go around and around with these things. It gets down to logic and faith to me.
Wake, I can't argue with a lot of what you said, because it is your viewpoint and opinion, and I respect that you believe it. I think you have made several great observations about humans and mankind, but this is the part I think you and I disagree on:

On the notion of god there is much to question. Many believe that man was created in the image of god, but it's my contention that god was created in the image of man. At some point tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago, the concept of religion was born. I cannot explain what it is exactly that causes people to create and worship the idea of a god.

I think it is neither or both, and not 'either/or'. Everything living and physical, was the creation of spiritual energy. It has to be, because physical energy can't create itself from non-existence. Humans, for whatever reason you wish to assign, have the ability to understand and relate with spiritual nature, unlike any other living thing. Although, spiritual nature is not evidenced by our five limited senses, we have an intrinsic and profound faith in it's presence. THIS is what has enabled us to create all you spoke of in the OP. THIS is the basis for our mortal fears and need to explain, as well as our moral construction. It's the very thing that makes us unique and different, as a form of physical life. Spiritual connection.

That said, our ability to comprehend spiritual nature and connect with it, has fostered a variety of beliefs through our imaginations. We create God's and Religions with humanistic attributes and reasoning, because we don't fully grasp this thing we call spiritual nature. Because spiritual nature isn't evidenced by physical senses we possess, this opens the door to "fish tales" know, that 6" fish you caught but he got away, can be a record-size trophy bass, no one will know the difference. So we are left with various 'incarnations' of spiritual nature, centered around our imaginative beliefs in various gods or deities, because this is how we can relate as humans to something we can't fully grasp.

There is so much about this universe that we simply don't know and will never know. Yet some people assume we know everything. It's all explained. Science has figured it all out, and there can't be any kind of God or spiritual nature, it's just scientifically impossible... again, this is the product of human imagination. It's as much "FAITH" to proclaim God can't exist, as it is to claim God does exist. Regardless of whether any particular incarnation of "God" exists, spiritual nature is present, it is evidenced by the achievements of mankind. No other living thing has aspired to such greatness as man, nothing even remotely close. If there were nothing but physical science and evolution, we would see very little difference between humans and other upper primates, in terms of advancement. In fact, humans which had to depend on the 'crutch' of spiritual worship, would have been superseded by others who were stronger and didn't need the crutch. So even the theories of Darwin evolution, support the idea that human spirituality is fundamental to our species. It simply can't be denied, but people certainly try.

A 'disbeliever' once chortled at me, "What if we discover life on another planet, what does that do to your God Theory?" As if, believing in God means there can't be life elsewhere. I countered with the follow-up: What if we discover life elsewhere, and they also worship a power greater than self? I believe it's just as plausible, because human spirituality is what has been the source of inspiration for humans since we emerged from the jungles. Nothing we've accomplished, would have been possible without spirituality. I don't believe in "intelligent design" because I believe spirituality created intelligence in humans, the design was spiritual design. Something bestowed the characteristics on the things of the physical world and gave them order and semblance. Something enables inorganic elements to become organic, gravity and electricity to function as it does in the natural world, and science/math/physics to be predictable and not random. Some want to take these things for granted as part of "reality" but again, "reality" is the creation of spiritual nature.

We rely on our five limited senses, and this is what defines "reality" for many. If it can't be confirmed by our five limited senses, it must not "exist" in reality. That is our rationalization, but it is purely incorrect. I can demonstrate this very easily... do you know when it's time to pollinate the flowers? Can you travel, right now, to the very SPOT in which you were birthed? (not the hospital, but the actual room) Well, other animals in nature can, and do. A butterfly for instance. Here's an amazing creature... It starts as a caterpillar in a tree somewhere. After some time, it surrounds itself in a cocoon, and it's physical body essentially turns into mush, then it regenerates itself into a butterfly, which emerges to fly away... thousands of miles, sometimes. It then returns to the very tree it began life in, to give birth to the next generation. We see life all around us, with amazing abilities to sense and detect things that humans simply have no ability to do whatsoever, yet we somehow think our five limited senses control all of reality? Get real, man!
Interesting combination of Bacon, John Locke ideas and David Hume and some elements of theory of chaos :)

I am more Kantonian, though it is also not a pure form.
You are using a man made creation (the internet) with another man made creation, (language) for another man made creation, (philosophy). Questioning the meaning of human culture. But you already knew that. Any clues?
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You are using a man made creation (the internet) with another man made creation, (language) for another man made creation, (philosophy). Questioning the meaning of human culture. But you already knew that. Any clues?

I'm aware of that, too. These subjective concepts are so embedded in our current way of life, that seperating ourselves from it seems impossible and impractical.
Have you ever stopped to wonder why mankind finds the need to create something to worship, aka "gods?"

It's because God created us that way, we were created to worship Him.

However, when we don't we find another substitute for it.

Some drink, some gossip, some are promiscuous, some idolize celebrities (sports, entertainment and/or otherwise), but all find some other substitute. The need isn't filled unless and until they've found Christ though.

Those are my thoughts.
You are wrong simply because you are too confused.

You are taking what you know, and applying to to what you don't know, as if you knew that too. Although it would be really interesting to find out how you determined that God has a gender and a sex!

Perhaps we could learn from ancient and more primitive people who believed that a God could take on the form of a man, a woman, a cow, a swan, a pool of water, a storm or a burning bush. That does more to put God into perspective than the deep thinkers who ponder whether God has a sex and a gender.

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