This video will change how you see the world.

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

What’s the connection between a dripping faucet, the Mandelbrot set, a population of rabbits, thermal convection in a fluid, and the firing of neurons in your brain? It’s this one simple formula: Xn+1=rXn(1-Xn). The logistic map connects all these and so much more!
I once saw a stripper quit on stage. Now THAT changed the way I view the world.

Anyway, about the video, I've always been amazed at how math can explain life, and how it can connect so many things. I guess the Universe is based on math, as many believe.
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I once saw a stripper quit on stage. Now THAT changed the way I view the world.

Anyway, about the video, I've always been amazed at how math can explain life, and how it can connect so many things. I guess the Universe is based on math, as many believe.
More proof of the simulation universe theory. Even your sense of wonder may be simulated.
It didn't.



It should explain some of the posts in some of the more heated forums. Many people post within the Mandelbrot set while others post outside it and bugs people, i.e. have chaos.
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I once saw a stripper quit on stage. Now THAT changed the way I view the world.

Anyway, about the video, I've always been amazed at how math can explain life, and how it can connect so many things. I guess the Universe is based on math, as many believe.

It means she went outside the MB set. And it probably caused men to beotch plenty.

It's really incredible how this world is related. Mandelbrot was able to connect his set with which how we measure coast lines of a continent, island, or a large piece of rock.
I once saw a stripper quit on stage. Now THAT changed the way I view the world.

Anyway, about the video, I've always been amazed at how math can explain life, and how it can connect so many things. I guess the Universe is based on math, as many believe.
Me too... on bachelor's night many years ago, several of us went to s trip joint. A particularly young looking stripper came to our table, we talked to her... basically saying you don't belong here. She quit on the spot and left the building.
Felt pretty good.
I'm probably too old for strippers now, but who knows? My vice would be does being in the set help you at gambling?


For example, if you're in the set, then you increase your bets.
This all maps into stress tensor solutions ... systems of partial differential equations ... n x m matrices ... the video is just mathemagical gymnastics ... doesn't really present any new physics, just a different ways to express these ideas ... [yawn] ...

What’s the connection between a dripping faucet, the Mandelbrot set, a population of rabbits, thermal convection in a fluid, and the firing of neurons in your brain? It’s this one simple formula: Xn+1=rXn(1-Xn). The logistic map connects all these and so much more!

Yeah, it's pretty good.
This all maps into stress tensor solutions ... systems of partial differential equations ... n x m matrices ... the video is just mathemagical gymnastics ... doesn't really present any new physics, just a different ways to express these ideas ... [yawn] ...

Physics is "new" to every person that first learns about the physics for the first time.

What’s the connection between a dripping faucet, the Mandelbrot set, a population of rabbits, thermal convection in a fluid, and the firing of neurons in your brain? It’s this one simple formula: Xn+1=rXn(1-Xn). The logistic map connects all these and so much more!

The equation is a fail as it does not include predation and rabbits moving to new habitats or favorable or non favorable environmental conditions that are not foreseeable. So did a nonsense equation presented by a loon really change your life forever
The equation is a fail as it does not include predation and rabbits moving to new habitats or favorable or non favorable environmental conditions that are not foreseeable. So did a nonsense equation presented by a loon really change your life forever

Well, the MB set or theorem does not explain animal behavior itself (unless we can associate numbers to it like their population). With predation, we can get the robbery numbers from a neighborhood, city, or state, etc.. When the nos are in the set, then it is more likely to happen. Not outside the set. Can I get an app to put in my nos for a roulette wheel I've been tracking to see if where the nos I choose are favorable?

The MB set could explain your post in trying to discredit it or cause chaos.

What’s the connection between a dripping faucet, the Mandelbrot set, a population of rabbits, thermal convection in a fluid, and the firing of neurons in your brain? It’s this one simple formula: Xn+1=rXn(1-Xn). The logistic map connects all these and so much more!

/—-/ Nah, viewing out my window while watch the video and nothing changed, and my faucet still drips. 60128FDA-3E59-4489-8B13-4580A127A57B.jpeg

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