This video should make every "anti-Nazi" prog hide his head in shame

Fuck you.
I'm part of the faction that wrote that book. Your proclivity to start flinging words without bothering to take thirty seconds to find out what they mean, that's your issue --- not mine.
Well, you said, "fuck you." You win. Who could refute logic like that! :)

Now get a copy of The 5,000 Year Leap and learn something about yourself The 5000 Year Leap (9780880801485): W. Cleon Skousen: Books

Well, you pulled shit out of your ass and attributed it to me with no basis whatsoever.
So yeah --- fuck you. Along with every other dishonest hack loser who thinks like you.
Well, you pulled shit out of your ass and attributed it to me with no basis whatsoever.
So yeah --- fuck you. Along with every other dishonest hack loser who thinks like you.
You can't take a good beating with class, can you
or cover his face

why isn't George Soros under arrest?

Excellent video , Idiots who don't even know what a Nazi is. As they are the Nazis my gawd are these morons so fkn retarded they don't understand how they are the very people who they accuse ( of being a Nazi). Clipped that's all there is to it with these leftist goons.
Antifa is not really antifascist, they are anti-white and anti-liberty and pro-communist.

All we need to do now is ADD ANTIFA retards to this haha

or cover his face

why isn't George Soros under arrest?

Liberals are the same everywhere. They NEVER supported Free Speech. They only talked about it when they were the "underdog." Now that colleges have become cesspools of liberal indoctrination, all other points of view will not be tolerated.

Liberals wrote the book on Free Speech --- literally.

Ever hear of "the Constitution"? Check it out sometime. Really cool First Amendment in there.

And the left is trying to destroy the Constiution, it's called the Communist Manifesto check it out sometime especially the dictatorship of the proletariat, the modern left have nothing in common whatsoever with the founders and in fact they despise them and everything they stood for.
or cover his face

why isn't George Soros under arrest?

One guy with a placard saying the rights of free speech need protected and defended and these creepy losers re all over him with the threat of their ever present violence simmering just under the surface.
He is all free speech for all and they are fo r only their speech.
Those that don't speak up about this or ignore it are a part of the problem

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