This should be enough of a reason not to get a Covid-19 vaccine.

Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means

Your spelling announces your disregard for accuracy -
Which reflects in your absorption of fake science.
Thats all you got? My spelling ?M Pathetic!!
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means
My body, my choice, fucking fascist.
Thank you for confirming your pathetic ignorance as to what fascism is. Fascism is the use of oppressive authoritarianism to support narrow governmental intersts and in support of a narrow favored elete. I am advocating for the cooperatiion of the community with the help of government to fight an enemy for the collective good. And if that means such things as mask mandates and other restrictions, so be it. It is still for the well being of all and not the favored few and not for the purpose of governmental power
Oppressive authoritarianism is forcing people get injected with some pharmaceutical juice for a virus that has a 99.95% recovery rate, you fucking fascist.
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means
My body, my choice, fucking fascist.
Thank you for confirming your pathetic ignorance as to what fascism is. Fascism is the use of oppressive authoritarianism to support narrow governmental intersts and in support of a narrow favored elete. I am advocating for the cooperatiion of the community with the help of government to fight an enemy for the collective good. And if that means such things as mask mandates and other restrictions, so be it. It is still for the well being of all and not the favored few and not for the purpose of governmental power
Oppressive authoritarianism is forcing people get injected with some pharmaceutical juice for a virus that has a 99.95% recovery rate, you fucking fascist.
No one is forcing anybody to get the vax dumb fuck, And your recovery rate is a lie as I have documented
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means
My body, my choice, fucking fascist.
Thank you for confirming your pathetic ignorance as to what fascism is. Fascism is the use of oppressive authoritarianism to support narrow governmental intersts and in support of a narrow favored elete. I am advocating for the cooperatiion of the community with the help of government to fight an enemy for the collective good. And if that means such things as mask mandates and other restrictions, so be it. It is still for the well being of all and not the favored few and not for the purpose of governmental power
Oppressive authoritarianism is forcing people get injected with some pharmaceutical juice for a virus that has a 99.95% recovery rate, you fucking fascist.
No one is forcing anybody to get the vax dumb fuck, And your recovery rate is a lie as I have documented
Yes, you fucking fascists are moving in the direction of forcing people to get the vax....Anyone with an IQ over 70 can see it.
I am making it my business.

No matter how much you want it to be otherwise, other people's health-related decisions are none of your fucking business, and never will be, and nothing you can do will make it your business.

Your relentless insistence on sticking your nose where it does not belong will hopefully get it punched, very hard.

Yiou [sic] dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy [sic] .

Yours is the side that cooked up this absurd hoax, and exploiter it to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, and to undermine genuine public health.

No sane person is going to take seriously, your deceitful attempts to try to blame your opposition for the results of the skullduggery that you supported and continue to support.

Your side did this; your side totally owns all of the consequences.
They're all protected so what does it matter... right?
Doesn't work that way.
Yes it does. You may become immune to one strain, but your immune system will now completely ignore certain others. You're now vulnerable to even the common cold. It could kill you.

Immunity does not and can not prevent infection.
All immunity does is make you more asymptomatic.
However the vaccine does reduce your ability to spread it.
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means

Your spelling announces your disregard for accuracy -
Which reflects in your absorption of fake science.
Thats all you got? My spelling ?M Pathetic!!

Just ask yourself how you could keep any epidemic around forever and prevent is from dying out?
What you would need to do is prevent the virus from ever running out of new and easy hosts.
To do that, you have to slow down the rate at which hosts are used up and given immunity through infection recovery.
And that is exactly what "flattening the curve" did.
It took a 2 month epidemic, and made it last FOREVER!
Got my 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday. Just two more weeks and I'll be a covid-19 repelling god..
Check this out if you just got your second shot:
Yeah, another Fake News source. Whoop-de-do :sigh2:
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
No. Very wrong. Personal circumstances...WTF?

All one needs do is basic research. Apparently many Americans are too feeble minded to do this.

5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaborates. Fauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving vaccines are ineffective and vaccine passports are totally useless. 87 million Americans have been vaccinated as at 4/20/21, of which 7,157 have contracted Covid after being vaccinated, resulting in 88 deaths. Also, an imperfect "vaccination" can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens, according to this NCGI article
No Jab For Me
Fauci says early Covid vaccines will prevent symptoms, not block virus

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
And if you don't want to stop at red lights,don't. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances. IDIOT! Do you not understand that what you do (or don't do) effects others and what others do effects you? Do you understand the concept of herd immunity and that the only way to get there without millions more deaths is through vaccination? You people are stupid and irresponsable.

Get yours and you don't need the herd to protect you, runt.
Unlike you, I understand that it is not just about me. Take some responsibility for your community.
MYOB, Karen.
I am making it my business. Yiou dumb fucks are undermining public health and as such the ecconomy . You are selfish, self obsorbed, self serving and stupid. And it is clear that you are too stupid to understand what "Karen" means

Your spelling announces your disregard for accuracy -
Which reflects in your absorption of fake science.
Thats all you got? My spelling ?M Pathetic!!

Just ask yourself how you could keep any epidemic around forever and prevent is from dying out?
What you would need to do is prevent the virus from ever running out of new and easy hosts.
To do that, you have to slow down the rate at which hosts are used up and given immunity through infection recovery.
And that is exactly what "flattening the curve" did.
It took a 2 month epidemic, and made it last FOREVER!
Brilliant! Just fucking BRILLIANT!! Let it run wild? Then, instead of 5K+ dead we would have 5 Million + dead, and those remaining would have some unknown degree of immunity for an unknown period of time. And there would be many more with lingering and debilitating after effects of the virus. Brilliant indeed!
Brilliant! Just fucking BRILLIANT!! Let it run wild? Then, instead of 5K+ dead we would have 5 Million + dead, and those remaining would have some unknown degree of immunity for an unknown period of time. And there would be many more with lingering and debilitating after effects of the virus. Brilliant indeed!

Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
No. Very wrong. Personal circumstances...WTF?

All one needs do is basic research. Apparently many Americans are too feeble minded to do this.

5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaborates. Fauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving vaccines are ineffective and vaccine passports are totally useless. 87 million Americans have been vaccinated as at 4/20/21, of which 7,157 have contracted Covid after being vaccinated, resulting in 88 deaths. Also, an imperfect "vaccination" can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens, according to this NCGI article
No Jab For Me
Fauci says early Covid vaccines will prevent symptoms, not block virus

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

You are posting something that was allegedly said last October, when the vaccine was just being developped, out of context, and published by a questionable source

Daily Mail - Media Bias Fact Check


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.
Propaganda central, a.k.a. CNN's Sanjay Gupta says it's essential that everyone gets it.

If you don't want one, don't get it. Others should base their decisions on their personal circumstances.
No. Very wrong. Personal circumstances...WTF?

All one needs do is basic research. Apparently many Americans are too feeble minded to do this.

5. The mRNA jab does not prevent you from contracting Covid19 or from transmitting it. Dr. Steve Hotze elaborates. Fauci confirms. The CDC graph underscores that reality, proving vaccines are ineffective and vaccine passports are totally useless. 87 million Americans have been vaccinated as at 4/20/21, of which 7,157 have contracted Covid after being vaccinated, resulting in 88 deaths. Also, an imperfect "vaccination" can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens, according to this NCGI article
No Jab For Me
Fauci says early Covid vaccines will prevent symptoms, not block virus

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

You are posting something that was allegedly said last October, when the vaccine was just being developped, out of context, and published by a questionable source

Daily Mail - Media Bias Fact Check

View attachment 484100

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Daily Mail Right Biased and Questionable due to numerous failed fact checks and poor information sourcing.

Nice. Now read the entire post and all the links.

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