This isn't the 50's. Blacks won't back down from the GOP's new race war.

Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

That's right. They're gonna suppress the fuck out of the dead, fraudulent and illegal alien voters the Dems have depended on for years.
How Republicans Rationalize Voter Suppression

Not something our nation can be proud of. Republicans have lost the US any moral authority. And the rest of the world knows it.

Apparently we are proud of preserving the integrity of our voting system.

I realize that pisses you off, but so what ?
I fully support preserving the integrity of our voting system, which is why I find it disturbing so many far RWers pooh-poohed any comments about the fucking Russians hacking into US elections and other sabotage.
For someone to be making the claims that you are, JQ...means that you're either one of the dumbest people EVER...or you've chosen to simply lie about it! Which is it?
What claims? I have made no claims about Hilary's e-mail server I simply questioned YOUR claims. I haven't bothered to do much research on that topic because I thought the FBI already did. It just didn't interest me after Hilary was cleared of criminality. Pardon me for not being up to date on a non issue.

I would suggest that you DO research the topic if you're going to spend hours discussing it on an internet chat site!

You "thought" the FBI researched the topic? As the WikiLeaks email dumps quite clearly showed...the FBI has been missing huge amounts of evidence right from the start of what passed for an investigation. The only reason Hillary was "cleared" of criminality is that James Comey seemed to come to the conclusion that she was too stupid to understand what was classified information. Think about the ramifications of that for awhile. This was someone we were supposed to be considering to be President...but she couldn't grasp even basic security protocals? Who would vote for someone that clueless?
For someone to be making the claims that you are, JQ...means that you're either one of the dumbest people EVER...or you've chosen to simply lie about it! Which is it?
What claims? I have made no claims about Hilary's e-mail server I simply questioned YOUR claims. I haven't bothered to do much research on that topic because I thought the FBI already did. It just didn't interest me after Hilary was cleared of criminality. Pardon me for not being up to date on a non issue.

I would suggest that you DO research the topic if you're going to spend hours discussing it on an internet chat site!

You "thought" the FBI researched the topic? As the WikiLeaks email dumps quite clearly showed...the FBI has been missing huge amounts of evidence right from the start of what passed for an investigation. The only reason Hillary was "cleared" of criminality is that James Comey seemed to come to the conclusion that she was too stupid to understand what was classified information. Think about the ramifications of that for awhile. This was someone we were supposed to be considering to be President...but she couldn't grasp even basic security protocals? Who would vote for someone that clueless?
Actually I haven't been commenting about Hillary's e-mails all that much, My original premise revolved around my suspicions that Trump may have had some involvement in the hacking. I have already said that I am no apologist for Hillary and that she was wrong.She wasn't really my candidate of choice for the Democratic nomination anyway. It is YOU who relentlessly keep beating a dead horse even after Trump, the FBI and everyone of any import has moved on.
You are like a fifty pound booger hanging tenaciously in the cavernous right nostril of a giant curmudgeon!
Hillary violated classified material protocols and got away with it. Let's hope her next job doesn't require a security clearance.
Perhaps she should seek advice from Petraeus. Trump thinks is considering him for Secretary of State...Hillary's old day job!
Hillary violated classified material protocols and got away with it. Let's hope her next job doesn't require a security clearance.
Perhaps she should seek advice from Petraeus. Trump thinks is considering him for Secretary of State...Hillary's old day job!
He was properly charged and admitted wrong doing. Hillary is in denial. I can forgive a person who fucks up, agrees they fucked up and takes their punishment. I'm less forgiving of an unrepentant asshole.
Hillary violated classified material protocols and got away with it. Let's hope her next job doesn't require a security clearance.
Perhaps she should seek advice from Petraeus. Trump thinks is considering him for Secretary of State...Hillary's old day job!
He was properly charged and admitted wrong doing. Hillary is in denial. I can forgive a person who fucks up, agrees they fucked up and takes their punishment. I'm less forgiving of an unrepentant asshole.
Then YOU are an American RW anomaly. Our justice systems keeps punishing average people long after they have been released from prison.
OTOH, Hillary did admit she "fucked up" right on TV. And she IS taking her punishment... she lost her bid for president and; the FBI director , serving as prosecutor, judge and jury, carried out the sentence. with Trump -like precision.
So you aren't a conservative by any definition!
Is that an admission of error or an accusation? I'm certainly right of you....and that's not saying much since most normal people are right of you.
You aren't right of me. I am as conservative as they come on most issues. I challenge you to show where I am anything but conservative. I just happen to believe in the tenets of Christianity. Some folks confuse that with being a leftist.
You OTOH have exhibited extreme bigotry and have aligned yourself with Trump-bots.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
You aren't right of me. I am as conservative as they come on most issues......
If this is true, why are you accusing me of being a RWer?

.....You OTOH have exhibited extreme bigotry and have aligned yourself with Trump-bots.
Nice lie. Now prove it. If you can't, then you and I will both know you are simply a bigoted liar.

I voted straight Libertarian. Did you vote for Hillary? Not at all?
Trump saying he made the first black president PROVE he was born here. How disrespectful.

Trump putting together the most racist administration in decades.

Trump's own racist history.

The GOP actively promoting voter suppression.

Republicans saying that the young black men shot by police were thugs who deserved to die.

Wanting to restart such racist policies as "stop and frisk".

When Pence signed that bill allowing companies to reject gay customers, it was also aimed right at blacks and other minorities.

Pence signs bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers -

Republicans over turning the Voting Right's Act.

This isn't 1952. Republicans can't stomp all over minorities without paying a huge cost. After what Republicans are doing, our allies won't see this country as a beacon of democracy but a country of oppression. Building walls. A religious test. Ignoring the constitution.

Isis uses Trump to recruit.

Terror recruitment video has Trump excerpt -

Republicans may be trying to turn this country into the old South Africa, but minorities won't go down without fighting. Believe it. The GOP might want to rethink it's policies.

Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
Same thing. She won by a majority.
Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
Same thing. She won by a majority.

All her votes and a $20 will buy her another bottle of the cheap vodka she's now swilling.
Oh, please! Whatcha gonna do? Cry big old crocodile tears, holler for your Mommy, and make a run for the "safe places" the college pansies have established. Your pathetic rant above was itself as racist as anything George Wallace ever came up with so don't dare try to claim you're in any way interested in equality. The American people have spoken and you don't like what they've had to say. Poor baby! It is long past time for white people to claim rights equal to "minorities". Police have a right to expect support for a job well done instead of being abused and murdered for no reason. I'd say it's way past time for you to pay a little respect to someone else's rights for a change.
The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
Same thing. She won by a majority.
From another perspective, they both lost big to "none of these candidates". If "none of these candidates" was on the ballot, it would have won by 490 electoral votes, Hillary 32 and Trump 16.

For the Record: America has spoken — let's not have a president

The American people spoke for Hillary.

Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
Same thing. She won by a majority.
From another perspective, they both lost big to "none of these candidates". If "none of these candidates" was on the ballot, it would have won by 490 electoral votes, Hillary 32 and Trump 16.

For the Record: America has spoken — let's not have a president


You sure have a wild and rather nasty imagination.
If I were a liberal I would find that allegation about my state to be highly offensive and be searching desperately for my "safe place". Instead I realize it's just more sour grapes ranting of one of those "special" people.
Yes they did and she lost.
I was speaking of the majority of the American people.

She didn't win a majority of the votes with the American people. She received 48% of the votes that were cast.
Same thing. She won by a majority.
From another perspective, they both lost big to "none of these candidates". If "none of these candidates" was on the ballot, it would have won by 490 electoral votes, Hillary 32 and Trump 16.

For the Record: America has spoken — let's not have a president


You sure have a wild and rather nasty imagination.
If I were a liberal I would find that allegation about my state to be highly offensive and be searching desperately for my "safe place". Instead I realize it's just more sour grapes ranting of one of those "special" people.
If you were a liberal, you would probably be sharper.

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