2022 Christmas & New-Years bottom-line argumentation by the official Dutch Resistance as based in Amsterdam.NL about 2024 US Presidential candidates


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1 : Biden, with his influence peddling, is just as corrupt as Trump has been with his Trumpian armies. Biden has opened up the immigration floodgates, and with that caused thousands of Fentanyl deaths..
and how many people died on Jan. 6th?
a lot less.
and a lot more honerably than those who died as a result of the criminal influx caused by Biden's Democratic Party new immigration policies.
the evidence for that is all over Fox News all the time, and CNN and MSNBC just constantly look for angles against the Republicans, but won't report a word on all of these deaths that are "just sad bad news for the Democratic Party" in their view.

2 : AOC, is still too temperamentful and too much of a secretively reverse-racist.
she needs to ripen about a decade more before she can start to think about a real endorsement from me (near the end of the preliminaries for some US Presidential elections year).

3 : Buttigieg is simply too gay to be taken seriously in too many parts of the world. He can never be President, in my opinion.

4 : DeSantis is fresh into his governor job, and needs to prove himself in that job, for about 10 years at least.

5 : Trump can, and should be, forgiven for the US Republican Party decision to "storm the capitol" DURING WHICH NO CELL TOWERS WERE ATTACKED.
those under siege were perfectly able to call in the calverary!
Trump has a proven track record of EXCELLENT national and foreign policy decisions.

6 : US National politics is a total mess right now, in my humble opinion.
nobody is being completely honest with eachother at all times, while they should be in matters as important as politics of the most important country on Earth.

7 : when left with nothing but 'bad options', i and *many others* recommend to choose the least bad from the set of available options.
in this case, that does appear to simply re-elect mr Trump as your President in 2024.
Influence peddling do you have any proof or are you just stating an opinion from across the pond
I never liked Trump, but the attacks on Trump have been so ridiculous to be criminal, and Trump did nothing significantly wrong except maybe packing the SCOTUS to over turn Roe Vs Rade.
Trump never would have gotten us in to a near WWIII nuclear Armageddon over the Ukraine, like Biden did.
I do like Trump. He knows how to make money and widened that knowledge to include a country. We were MUCH better off with him in the White House than we are with the globalists. What a shame we are too stupid to realize the slander against Trump is just that.
We flourished under him, while China and Russia did not. He wasn't beholden to anyone but the United States....
and people, top politicians are just trying to get by in a very hostile environment (top political leadership positions).
it's the political parties themselves that get corrupted seemingly beyond easy repair.

so let's also list what's wrong with the 2 major Political Parties of the USA today, shall we?
and not blame "the puppets" for *everything*? they're only human. and have families to protect and provide for.

'bad elements' in the Democratic Party at the end of 2022 :
* suck up too much national cash into cashback programs for the poor, that tend to spend it on (foreign!) drugs of some sort, rather than structurally improving their lives.
* opened up the borders for a new and very large foreign immigrants stream, while publicly denying that they did that.
* prolonged the war in Ukraine with the fake mass-fear of starting WW3 if an effort would be made to quickly drive the Russians out of Ukraine.
* provoked China with several high ranking political-celebrity (Pelosi, etc) visits of Taiwan.
* provoked China by Biden himself moving away from the ambiguity policy, only to have his party re-affirm that same policy after his statements.
(the Chinese are far better at divide-and-conquer and Confusian-warfare than the West will ever be - and they have a MASSIVELY SHORTER SUPPLY LINE to the Taiwan war theaters).
* etc
* etc

'bad elements' in the Republican Party at the end of 2022 :
* started the physical and political wars against China with Trump's loudly repeated words, uniting the Mulims and all of the Marxists (Russia, several other countries) into what i call the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance, putting the West and their allies (1 billion citizens) against the (Middle-)East and their allies (3 billion citizens), WHEN WE WERE ALREADY GETTING ECONOMICALLY HAMMERED BY CHINA AND RUSSIA AND THE MIDDLE EAST.
* started the Jan 6th events, which do hold a risk of getting repeated in a full-on coup style attack (HEADS UP, CIA.GOV & NSA.GOV & FBI.GOV).
* etc

And of course, the mass media companies of the USA share part of the blame here. Their blinders-views, colored-sunglasses views of politics and politicians keep the wider public vastly under-informed and constantly chasing for answers as to what is real fake news, and what is partially-real-news or really-real-news.
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my future flip-flopping endorsement threads will be entirely unpredictable unfortunately, simply because the future itself will remain so darn unpredictable.
Here are the current 2024 betting odds. Trump is fading fast. Desantis is getting Trump supporters. The democrats have Joe Biden and no one else. Joe Biden will be 82 in 2024, and 86 in 2028. The average US male dies at 76.

The evidence can be found every week on Fox News in the form of the Hunter Biden laptop stories.
Well fox reported that Trump
The evidence can be found every week on Fox News in the form of the Hunter Biden laptop stories.
While Fox News host Sean Hannity amplified claims about the 2020 election being rife with fraud, privately, it seems, he knew the allegations were bogus.

Testifying under oath as part of a deposition in a case brought by voting equipment company Dominion Voting Systems, Hannity said, "I did not believe it for one second," when asked about the claims of fraud, which continue to be made by former President Donald Trump, despite any evidence to support them.

Is this the Fox news that you depend for proof of anything they say. There star Hannity while promoting voter fraud in his reporting, he changed his tune in a court of law

Prime reason that just because you hear it does not mean it is evidence unless they have presented clear and verifiable evidence.

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