This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick


Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:


3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
This is what they end up with when they're spoon fed what to think by their masters.
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
Who's fault is that, right wingers. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because we have no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Only right wingers create problems in order to solve them with their socialism on a national basis.
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
This is what they end up with when they're spoon fed what to think by their masters.

It's a knife through the heart of government schooling.
This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
Because you don't actually have any.

"Because you don't actually have any {facts}.

Here's a few:

Facts about Biden selling out the United States for 30 pieces of silver from Red China.

PROOF....when the bonehead of the family (and that's going some for this lamebrained crew) left the incriminating laptop to be exposed to the public.

Not enough?

Hunter Biden signed for the laptop work.

Not enough?

Biden's lawyer demanded the ....HIS....laptop back.

Not enough?

The Biden business partner gave a public confession that he was part of those emails on the laptop, and that Joe as the 'big guy' who got 10% of the fake companies formed, to sell out America.

Evidence: “the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” Google
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
Who's fault is that, right wingers. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass simply because we have no express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Only right wingers create problems in order to solve them with their socialism on a national basis.
We would have no illegal problem if we just declared war on those trying to invade this country on our southern border. If you put a few thousand dead bodies just south of the wall, i think those who want to break the law, will turn around and go home. Unfortunately pussies like Dannyboy here, wants to have all those diseased, criminals in this country, raping our women and shooting up black cops. That is what progs want...
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
The sad part is that these morons are allowed to vote. And idiot libs here will defend them.
This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
Because you don't actually have any.
They have, and believe, what they are provided.

Everything else is "fake news", of course.
If anything they have been provided is factual it's only by coincidence.
The thicker the walls of the alternate universe become, the more susceptible they are to believe virtually anything.

Such is the separate, self-contained world of cults.
They are really this dumb.

1. Last week a Democrat member of the Georgia House of Representatives complained that coyotes couldn't actually carry children across the border from Mexico.
Coyotes......the animals.
She didn't know that the discussion was about Mexican criminals who bring drugs, illegals and lots of children into America.

Dar'shun Kendrick

Oct 22

just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

2. OK>....I figured she was the only one this bereft of education, experience, or the internet.

Today, I saw this:

View attachment 406637

3. No wonder they will swallow anything the party tells 'em to.

View attachment 406638
The sad part is that these morons are allowed to vote. And idiot libs here will defend them.

I always say that owning the schools and the media is what gives the Liberals/Democrats the edge.....

......but the low-IQ contingent may be their ace in the hole....
This Is Why We Can't Explain The Facts To Liberals
Because you don't actually have any.
They have, and believe, what they are provided.

Everything else is "fake news", of course.
If anything they have been provided is factual it's only by coincidence.
The thicker the walls of the alternate universe become, the more susceptible they are to believe virtually anything.

Such is the separate, self-contained world of cults.

The term 'cult' is aptly applied to religious groups.

For that reason, only the Democrats fit that term....after all, they ran their candidate as 'god, Jesus, and the messiah.'

Every time you post, you manage to put your hoof in your mouth.
As magnanimous as I am, here's a lesson for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives:

"...all Americans ought to know, coyotes are human smugglers and traffickers. They charge poor people exorbitant sums of money to get them into the United States against our laws by whatever means their evil minds may devise. Coyotes do not care about the welfare of their customers at all. They care about cash and breaking laws. They tend to move the human cargo in the backs of trucks and in conditions that subject them to the real threat of injury and death. No food. No water.

Coyotes are very bad people. They are also fixtures on the border and have been for ages. Trump was right to bring them up during the debate. That he was mocked for it betrayed the arrogance and, again, stupidity that is rampant across the blue-check mob and across too much of our culture.

Blue-checkers are not better than the rest of us. They tend to know a whole lot less than your average American. But they were probably handed trophies for doing nothing when they were kids, they’ve been treated like demigods for landing a TV role at some point, and the “I’m the center of the whole universe!” mentality stuck like flypaper."

If these sorts are really representative of the electorate....and I fear so when I read some of their posts......

......perhaps America has no reason to survive.
Sheila Jackson Lee should be put in the spotlight along side Maxine Waters- they'd make this bunch look like kindergartners enrolled in the class of STUPID-
OMG, look you found a bunch of stupid people. It's not that surprising considering you're looking in the U.S.A.

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