Joe Biden Is Facilitating, WELCOMING, The Worst Criminal Human Trafficking Event In History, 3 Times The Number Under Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The CBP is reporting that the number of encounters with Cartels / Coyotes / Human Traffickers on our Southern Border in February was 3 TIMES MORE than previously seen under President Trump. Biden's 2021 numbers are already almost HALF of the entire number for 2020.

Total CBP Enforcement Actions
Numbers below reflect Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 - FY 2021 to date (TD).
Fiscal Year 2021 runs October 01, 2020 - September 30, 2021.
Office of Field Operations (OFO) Total Encounters1216,370281,881288,523241,786100,054
U.S. Border Patrol Total Encounters2310,531404,142859,501405,036382,617
Total Enforcement Actions526,901683,1781,148,024646,822482,671

During his pathetic Presser Biden declared he would not leave illegal immigrant children to starve on the border, which they were not doing anyway. No, but he IS encouraging illegals to pay $10,000 - $20,000 to Cartels and Coyotes and handing their children over to them, exposing the children to physical and sexual abuse, long arduous, dangerous journeys, being forced into trafficking drugs, or beng forced into child sex trafficking.
--The Cartels are making reportedly as much as $14 MILLION per DAY off of the massive surge in illegal Immigration and illegal child immigration.
** One Chief BPA said in an interview with Fox news that on their patrols or from reports called in from hunters / ranchers, they frequently find the dead bodies of illegals / CHILDREN murdered or left behind by traffickers / Cartels.

Democrats - to include Biden - claim what they are doing is HUMANE while REFUSING to travel to the border to see the out-of-control CRIME, the INHUMANE danger and conditions they are putting these children in!

The Bidens have no shame and are proven to have engaged in multiple financial scandals, crimes, and even treasonous self-enriching partnership with enemies of this nation. Based on the callousness of Biden and his ridiculous, blatant lies he continues to spew about the Border Crisis, I have to wonder, realistically, if Biden is not getting paid by the Cartels to keep his failed policies, which are making them insane amounts of money, going.

A Democrat Senator recently leaked photos of Biden's Kiddie Cages and inhumane conditions these children are being forced into - as many as 450 children forced into a 'cage' meant to house 80 children, un-useable water, 25% of the kids infected with COVID-19 and the virus spreading like wildfire, and, again, the facilitation of children being forced into child sex trafficking.

Biden refuses to allow cameras into these overcrowded facilities, even after a DEMOCXRAT leaked photos of the horrific conditions the Biden administration is keeping these kids in. He has, however, still allowed politicians and camera crews to goon 'Ride-A-longs' with BPAs, BT THA MAYBE ABOUT TO CHANGE:

Human smugglers shout at Cruz, GOP senators on nighttime tour of border amid migrant crisis; video
Human smugglers shout at Cruz, GOP senators
on nighttime tour of border amid migrant crisis

In what I am sure was a ride-along in which the Biden administration was hoping would be without incident, Ted Cruz and the BPAs he was with encountered Human Smugglers.

"We have been listening to and seeing cartel members, human traffickers right on the other side of the river, waving flashlights yelling and taunting Americans, taunting the Border Patrol because they know under the current policies of the Biden administration they can flood over here. They're getting paid $4-5000 a person to smuggle them into the country and... when they smuggle them in, the Biden administration releases them,"

- Senator Ted Cruz

" Maine GOP Sen. Susan Collins also tweeted Friday that she was among the lawmakers who spent three hours with agents on the night shift in McAllen. Border Patrol is overwhelmed, overworked, & discouraged by new policies," Collins tweeted. "Agents took us through a dangerous path to the Rio Grande where we could hear the Cartel members taunting us across the river. Human trafficking, child abuse, & drug smuggling are rampant. This is a crisis."

Not every Trump cultist sucks cartel ass with gusto ... oh wait, they all do. These people are refugess from the cartels. The Trump cultists, on the orders of the cartels, wants to send the innocents back to the cartels.

Has their even been humans on earth as depraved as Trump cultists? That's a rhetorical queston. There hasn't. The Trump cultists all giggle when they think about sending these refugees back to get murdered and tortured by the cartels.

Enjoy Hell, Trump cultists. I don't see how you can avoid it.

Now, run back to your cartel masters. Their boots won't lick themselves, of course.
Not every Trump cultist sucks cartel ass with gusto ... oh wait, they all do. These people are refugess from the cartels. The Trump cultists, on the orders of the cartels, wants to send the innocents back to the cartels.

Has their even been humans on earth as depraved as Trump cultists? That's a rhetorical queston. There hasn't. The Trump cultists all giggle when they think about sending these refugees back to get murdered and tortured by the cartels.

Enjoy Hell, Trump cultists. I don't see how you can avoid it.

Now, run back to your cartel masters. Their boots won't lick themselves, of course.

Yes, refugees from the cartels, cartels are sending them, now you're catching on.
Not every Trump cultist sucks cartel ass with gusto ... oh wait, they all do. These people are refugess from the cartels. The Trump cultists, on the orders of the cartels, wants to send the innocents back to the cartels.

Has their even been humans on earth as depraved as Trump cultists? That's a rhetorical queston. There hasn't. The Trump cultists all giggle when they think about sending these refugees back to get murdered and tortured by the cartels.

Enjoy Hell, Trump cultists. I don't see how you can avoid it.

Now, run back to your cartel masters. Their boots won't lick themselves, of course.

Human / Child trafficking by Cartels is up over 200 (Two Hundred) % under Biden due to his encouragement and call for illegals to come to the US, due to Muorjas declaring if kids make it here they can stay, DUE TO BIDEN'S FAILED POLICIES.

'HUMANE' us what Biden said his policies are; however, the truth is they are encouraging and facilitating drug, human, and child trafficking, put kids in the hands of Cartels and Coyotes who physically and sexually abuse them and force them into child sex trafficking...

Biden has sided with teachers' unions that will not let 30 children in the same room 3 feet apart, but his detention facilities 'Kiddie Cages' are - according to a DEMOCRAT - at as much as 700 (SEVEN HUNDRED) % Capacity where kids have to TAKE TURNS SLEEPING ON PADS ON THE FLOOR because there is not enough room for all of them ... in the middle of a pandemic ... and COVID-19 is reportedly RAGING among the kids in Biden's Kiddie Cages, which they are hiding from the American people and the media because the conditions ARE SO MUCH WORSE than under Trump ... ACCIRDING TO A DEMOCRAT.

Democrats and snoaflakes are desperate to try to convince people - BY LYING & SPREADING PROPAGANDA - this is all false, hoping the rest of us are as stupid as THEY are...but all you have to do is look at the FACTS!

NOT a crisis / disaster? REALLY?!

FEMA - the Federal EMRGENCY Management Agency - is not called in unless there is an ENERGENCY, you moronic, lying, 'Jonathon Grunber moron snowflakes...and they have been called in to try to MANAGE the DISASTER Joe has created.

So STFU, you lying, Democrat Child Sex Trafficking supporting snowflake. Stop your lying and propaganda-pushing. The only people who believe you are fellow brain-damaged snowflakes!
Hey SHEEP, answer THIS:

VP Harris is on official record and VIDEO both calling / comparing ICE to the KKK AND declaring the illegal invasion happening right now - ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION - should be DE-criminalzed....



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