No Safe Spaces in Biden's America—Cartel Border Crime Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

No Safe Spaces in Biden's America

Cartel Border Crime Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

29 May 2021 ~~ By Gwendolyn Sims
It’s the not-so-secret dirty little secret the Biden administration doesn’t want Americans to know: Biden’s southern border policies are making all Americans less safe, no matter how far away from the border we live.
In March, Joe Biden vaguely told reporters he’d visit the southern border “at some point,” but he has yet to make the trip. Kamala Harris has also neglected to visit the border even as Biden tasked her with stemming the so-called “surge of migration” there. By contrast, numerous Republican members of Congress have visited sections of our border, as PJMedia reported here and here.
The truth is, our unsecured southern border is absolutely bleeding crime and chaos into the United States itself as my PJ Media colleague Stephen Green reported on Friday. That crime, however, doesn’t simply stop at the towns along the border itself.
One case in point is California’s Antelope Valley.
Officially made up of thirteen cities and many other sparsely populated areas, the Antelope Valley is located in the high desert of northern Los Angeles County. The vast valley lies some 200-300 miles away from the U.S. border with Mexico. Sadly, even several hundred miles of separation have provided the residents no protection from Biden’s broken border policies.


Make no mistake: If the border isn’t secured, the cartels will bring border crime to a neighborhood near you.
Enough is enough. Joe Biden must close the border now.

Being invaded by Army-aged males in camo.
I’m sure they’re all pleasant and only coming here to serve us at the fast food restaurants and 7-11s.
The going rate for a cartel coyote to smuggle illegals into the USA interior is $8,000 per head. The price includes crossing the border and traveling deep into the USA via use of vehicles and safe houses along the way. The illegals who make it to their destination and obtain illegal employment (using a false stolen identity, of course) send a portion of their earnings back to family in the country of origin, who save it in order to finance additional cartel-coyote accompanied trips by other family members. Wash, rinse, repeat.
To think that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have done this to the country in less than 6 months to punish those who voted for Trump. It isn't even possible they believe the Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din's border insanity will help them in the Midterms. So, why haven't they done something to stop the fool? Maybe the answer is they know their party is a downward spiral with no hope of recovery and they don't care.

No Safe Spaces in Biden's America

Cartel Border Crime Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

29 May 2021 ~~ By Gwendolyn Sims
It’s the not-so-secret dirty little secret the Biden administration doesn’t want Americans to know: Biden’s southern border policies are making all Americans less safe, no matter how far away from the border we live.
In March, Joe Biden vaguely told reporters he’d visit the southern border “at some point,” but he has yet to make the trip. Kamala Harris has also neglected to visit the border even as Biden tasked her with stemming the so-called “surge of migration” there. By contrast, numerous Republican members of Congress have visited sections of our border, as PJMedia reported here and here.
The truth is, our unsecured southern border is absolutely bleeding crime and chaos into the United States itself as my PJ Media colleague Stephen Green reported on Friday. That crime, however, doesn’t simply stop at the towns along the border itself.
One case in point is California’s Antelope Valley.
Officially made up of thirteen cities and many other sparsely populated areas, the Antelope Valley is located in the high desert of northern Los Angeles County. The vast valley lies some 200-300 miles away from the U.S. border with Mexico. Sadly, even several hundred miles of separation have provided the residents no protection from Biden’s broken border policies.


Make no mistake: If the border isn’t secured, the cartels will bring border crime to a neighborhood near you.
Enough is enough. Joe Biden must close the border now.

Being invaded by Army-aged males in camo.
I’m sure they’re all pleasant and only coming here to serve us at the fast food restaurants and 7-11s.
The going rate for a cartel coyote to smuggle illegals into the USA interior is $8,000 per head. The price includes crossing the border and traveling deep into the USA via use of vehicles and safe houses along the way. The illegals who make it to their destination and obtain illegal employment (using a false stolen identity, of course) send a portion of their earnings back to family in the country of origin, who save it in order to finance additional cartel-coyote accompanied trips by other family members. Wash, rinse, repeat.
To think that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have done this to the country in less than 6 months to punish those who voted for Trump. It isn't even possible they believe the Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din's border insanity will help them in the Midterms. So, why haven't they done something to stop the fool? Maybe the answer is they know their party is a downward spiral with no hope of recovery and they don't care.

Okey dokey!

Some undocumented immigrants are, indeed, mighty dangerous.

But as a lot of Asian Americans have found out the hard way, there are a lot of entities born (unfortunately) right here in the United States that are equally dangerous.

No Safe Spaces in Biden's America

Cartel Border Crime Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

29 May 2021 ~~ By Gwendolyn Sims
It’s the not-so-secret dirty little secret the Biden administration doesn’t want Americans to know: Biden’s southern border policies are making all Americans less safe, no matter how far away from the border we live.
In March, Joe Biden vaguely told reporters he’d visit the southern border “at some point,” but he has yet to make the trip. Kamala Harris has also neglected to visit the border even as Biden tasked her with stemming the so-called “surge of migration” there. By contrast, numerous Republican members of Congress have visited sections of our border, as PJMedia reported here and here.
The truth is, our unsecured southern border is absolutely bleeding crime and chaos into the United States itself as my PJ Media colleague Stephen Green reported on Friday. That crime, however, doesn’t simply stop at the towns along the border itself.
One case in point is California’s Antelope Valley.
Officially made up of thirteen cities and many other sparsely populated areas, the Antelope Valley is located in the high desert of northern Los Angeles County. The vast valley lies some 200-300 miles away from the U.S. border with Mexico. Sadly, even several hundred miles of separation have provided the residents no protection from Biden’s broken border policies.


Make no mistake: If the border isn’t secured, the cartels will bring border crime to a neighborhood near you.
Enough is enough. Joe Biden must close the border now.

Being invaded by Army-aged males in camo.
I’m sure they’re all pleasant and only coming here to serve us at the fast food restaurants and 7-11s.
The going rate for a cartel coyote to smuggle illegals into the USA interior is $8,000 per head. The price includes crossing the border and traveling deep into the USA via use of vehicles and safe houses along the way. The illegals who make it to their destination and obtain illegal employment (using a false stolen identity, of course) send a portion of their earnings back to family in the country of origin, who save it in order to finance additional cartel-coyote accompanied trips by other family members. Wash, rinse, repeat.
To think that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have done this to the country in less than 6 months to punish those who voted for Trump. It isn't even possible they believe the Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din's border insanity will help them in the Midterms. So, why haven't they done something to stop the fool? Maybe the answer is they know their party is a downward spiral with no hope of recovery and they don't care.

Paranoid delusion much?
Need 3rd world people to make a 3rd world country
Take a drive through Trump country. Poverty and despair everywhere.

Last time I was in Florida I drove past a massive, run down, completely impoverished looking trailer park with Trump flags flying everywhere and signs everywhere. It was very amusing to me, as all of those people are very concerned about protecting low taxes for the liberal elites they hate so much.

No Safe Spaces in Biden's America

Cartel Border Crime Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

29 May 2021 ~~ By Gwendolyn Sims
It’s the not-so-secret dirty little secret the Biden administration doesn’t want Americans to know: Biden’s southern border policies are making all Americans less safe, no matter how far away from the border we live.
In March, Joe Biden vaguely told reporters he’d visit the southern border “at some point,” but he has yet to make the trip. Kamala Harris has also neglected to visit the border even as Biden tasked her with stemming the so-called “surge of migration” there. By contrast, numerous Republican members of Congress have visited sections of our border, as PJMedia reported here and here.
The truth is, our unsecured southern border is absolutely bleeding crime and chaos into the United States itself as my PJ Media colleague Stephen Green reported on Friday. That crime, however, doesn’t simply stop at the towns along the border itself.
One case in point is California’s Antelope Valley.
Officially made up of thirteen cities and many other sparsely populated areas, the Antelope Valley is located in the high desert of northern Los Angeles County. The vast valley lies some 200-300 miles away from the U.S. border with Mexico. Sadly, even several hundred miles of separation have provided the residents no protection from Biden’s broken border policies.


Make no mistake: If the border isn’t secured, the cartels will bring border crime to a neighborhood near you.
Enough is enough. Joe Biden must close the border now.

Being invaded by Army-aged males in camo.
I’m sure they’re all pleasant and only coming here to serve us at the fast food restaurants and 7-11s.
The going rate for a cartel coyote to smuggle illegals into the USA interior is $8,000 per head. The price includes crossing the border and traveling deep into the USA via use of vehicles and safe houses along the way. The illegals who make it to their destination and obtain illegal employment (using a false stolen identity, of course) send a portion of their earnings back to family in the country of origin, who save it in order to finance additional cartel-coyote accompanied trips by other family members. Wash, rinse, repeat.
To think that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies have done this to the country in less than 6 months to punish those who voted for Trump. It isn't even possible they believe the Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din's border insanity will help them in the Midterms. So, why haven't they done something to stop the fool? Maybe the answer is they know their party is a downward spiral with no hope of recovery and they don't care.

Okey dokey!

Some undocumented immigrants are, indeed, mighty dangerous.

But as a lot of Asian Americans have found out the hard way, there are a lot of entities born (unfortunately) right here in the United States that are equally dangerous.


In Pinal County, Arizona it’s a full scale military invasion.
We’re talking about Dangerous extremely dangerous gang members from around the world. With Joey Xi Bai Din they've easily infiltrated and walked over our borders. This includes Hamas, PLO, Al Quaeda, MS-13 etc., the most dangerous gangs from El Salvador and Colombia... Who do you think was rallying and protesting Israel’s bombing of Gaza?
The obvious goal of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies is the destruction of America. They intend to pick up the pieces of whatever’s left. And whoever’s left. They care about nothing else.
Do you Trump humpers always live in fear or is it an election season since there is zero shortages of these fear factor propaganda news releases no matter who is president?
Many of the cartel invaders are older teens 15 to 20. They believed they had jobs waiting for them. They intended to work, pay off the cartel and send money home. Instead they are put in high school. They can't speak English. They can't speak Spanish. They have no education, no skills and no literacy. The cartel will hire them though.
Many of the cartel invaders are older teens 15 to 20. They believed they had jobs waiting for them. They intended to work, pay off the cartel and send money home. Instead they are put in high school. They can't speak English. They can't speak Spanish. They have no education, no skills and no literacy. The cartel will hire them though.
What language do they speak then?

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