This Is The America….


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….that the Democrats are promising. Riots, murder, food deserts because the groceries have been burned and looted. Real Americans are shocked and disheartened by the encouragement and outright support looters, arsonists, and thugs have received from the major party of the United States.
And the flaccid push-back by the other party.

1.But it was quite a surprise to see that shock and anger from a precinct that I’ve come to expect to be either silent or actually supportive of the ‘activists’ who are out to destroy our history, tradition, morality and values…….
Yup…..a valiant priest spoke up blistering the thugs, the Democrats, and even his superiors in the Church.

2. “The Catholic Church is not exactly a bastion of conservative thought these days, as seen in the political attack on President Trump last week by Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory, after the president visited the St. John Paul II shrine in the city. But Father James Altman, from Saint James the Less, in La Crosse Wisconsin, offers hope for a better tomorrow. From the pulpit, Fr. Altman took the archbishop to task for a “very publicly” making a statement, explaining “a true Catholic cannot not respond because of the rat poison it adds to the life of the faithful.” Priest unloads on Archbishop Gregory for hypocrisy condemning Trump while keeping mum on Obama’s sins

3. The Archbishop had blistered St. John’s Church for allowing the President of the United States to visit during the riots outside the White House. And Father Altman returned the favor.
My current hero, Father Altman, took this Archbishop to task:

“I didn’t see [Gregory] make any particular complaint about another president violating our religious principles, when Barack Hussein Obama went to Georgetown and had the symbol of Jesus covered up because — the excuse was, ‘Well he didn’t want any background distracting from his message,'” Fr. Altman said.
“Didn’t want any background distracting from his message, but he had absolutely no problem speaking with a background plastered with Planned Parenthood signage,” he added.

An image of the former president speaking in front of a background advertising the nation’s largest abortion provider is then shown on screen.

4. Fr. Altman goes on to note that Archbishop Gregory offered no complaints about that.
“I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make any particular complaint when Barack Hussein Obama said ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,'” Altman said. “Don’t even try to tell me, Archbishop Gregory, that Barack Hussein Obama worships the same God that I do. Jesus the Lord never would bless an organization that kills a million babies a year in the U.S. alone.”

The clergyman would later refer to Obama’s blessing a “blasphemy.”

5. In 2013, during a speech at a conference put on by the abortion provider, Obama said in closing, “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”
Fr. Altman also noted that in violation of Catholic principle, Obama was allowed to eulogize the late Sen. Ted Kennedy at his funeral, as he reminded the church of “that little incident at Chappaquiddick.”
Kennedy’s long history of advocating for a woman’s right to choose — see abortion — was then referenced.
“But I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make a very public and very political statement about religious principles,” Altman said, “when a Catholic Church was used to make a very anti-Catholic public statement by a person who complained about us clinging to our Bibles.”

If only all our religious institutions stood up for rectitude in this fashion.

Make this guy the Pope!!!
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Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".
This is America that both parties hath made. Yet the OP dreams that people want to go back to is the gilded age when abortion wasn't illegal in the US and we had child marriages, when the US still had riots yet it was white rioters destroying minority living abodes and cities....
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The Catholic Church is filled with well-meaning Social Justice Warriors, and of course the chief SJW is right at the top.

As Dennis Prager often says, Leftism destroys everything it touches.
What is this "leftist" political philosophy? I mean Leftist is just a general term that specifically never identifies what exactly it is trying to identify. It is a pigeonhole affect from the echo chamber of people ignorant of political science. So please, for once, elaborate on exactly what is leftism...
Oh, and Jesus was one of the biggest social justice warriors in the history of mankind...
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".

Most Catholics support the right to abortion, birth control, divorce
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….that the Democrats are promising. Riots, murder, food deserts because the groceries have been burned and looted. Real Americans are shocked and disheartened by the encouragement and outright support looters, arsonists, and thugs have received from the major party of the United States.
And the flaccid push-back by the other party.

1.But it was quite a surprise to see that shock and anger from a precinct that I’ve come to expect to be either silent or actually supportive of the ‘activists’ who are out to destroy our history, tradition, morality and values…….
Yup…..a valiant priest spoke up blistering the thugs, the Democrats, and even his superiors in the Church.

2. “The Catholic Church is not exactly a bastion of conservative thought these days, as seen in the political attack on President Trump last week by Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory, after the president visited the St. John Paul II shrine in the city. But Father James Altman, from Saint James the Less, in La Crosse Wisconsin, offers hope for a better tomorrow. From the pulpit, Fr. Altman took the archbishop to task for a “very publicly” making a statement, explaining “a true Catholic cannot not respond because of the rat poison it adds to the life of the faithful.” Priest unloads on Archbishop Gregory for hypocrisy condemning Trump while keeping mum on Obama’s sins

3. The Archbishop had blistered St. John’s Church for allowing the President of the United States to visit during the riots outside the White House. And Father Altman returned the favor:
My current hero, Father Altman, took this Archbishop to task:

“I didn’t see [Gregory] make any particular complaint about another president violating our religious principles, when Barack Hussein Obama went to Georgetown and had the symbol of Jesus covered up because — the excuse was, ‘Well he didn’t want any background distracting from his message,'” Fr. Altman said.
“Didn’t want any background distracting from his message, but he had absolutely no problem speaking with a background plastered with Planned Parenthood signage,” he added.

An image of the former president speaking in front of a background advertising the nation’s largest abortion provider is then shown on screen.

4. Fr. Altman goes on to note that Archbishop Gregory offered no complaints about that.
“I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make any particular complaint when Barack Hussein Obama said ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,'” Altman said. “Don’t even try to tell me, Archbishop Gregory, that Barack Hussein Obama worships the same God that I do. Jesus the Lord never would bless an organization that kills a million babies a year in the U.S. alone.”

The clergyman would later refer to Obama’s blessing a “blasphemy.”

5. In 2013, during a speech at a conference put on by the abortion provider, Obama said in closing, “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”
Fr. Altman also noted that in violation of Catholic principle, Obama was allowed to eulogize the late Sen. Ted Kennedy at his funeral, as he reminded the church of “that little incident at Chappaquiddick.”
Kennedy’s long history of advocating for a woman’s right to choose — see abortion — was then referenced.
“But I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make a very public and very political statement about religious principles,” Altman said, “when a Catholic Church was used to make a very anti-Catholic public statement by a person who complained about us clinging to our Bibles.”

If only all our religious institutions stood up for rectitude in this fashion.

Make this guy the Pope!!!
This America is happening with a republican president.
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
1. What responsible COVID response? Name it.
2. Expanded healthcare? That means even higher deductibles. Where's my $2,500 I was supposed to have saved with Obamacare???
3. Free higher education? The stupid fucks can't even learn high school math (in Baltimore, zero proficiency)
4. America's alliances are just fine thank you. Trump is making sure they pay up instead of the US always being the chump.
5. Immigration reform will happen, but the GOP version
6. Protecting the environment? You mean more job losses and government handouts
Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".

Most Catholics support the right to abortion, birth control, divorce

Yeah, and most Democrats say they believe in free speech. That is until someone says something they don't agree with. Talk is cheap.
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
1. What responsible COVID response? Name it.
2. Expanded healthcare? That means even higher deductibles. Where's my $2,500 I was supposed to have saved with Obamacare???
3. Free higher education? The stupid fucks can't even learn high school math (in Baltimore, zero proficiency)
4. America's alliances are just fine thank you. Trump is making sure they pay up instead of the US always being the chump.
5. Immigration reform will happen, but the GOP version
6. Protecting the environment? You mean more job losses and government handouts
Is that why the US allowed Israel not to have to pay back loans?
Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".

Most Catholics support the right to abortion, birth control, divorce

Yeah, and most Democrats say they believe in free speech. That is until someone says something they don't agree with. Talk is cheap.

Fake news^^ is the answer from the GOP when someone tries to use free speech around Trump.
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
1. What responsible COVID response? Name it.
2. Expanded healthcare? That means even higher deductibles. Where's my $2,500 I was supposed to have saved with Obamacare???
3. Free higher education? The stupid fucks can't even learn high school math (in Baltimore, zero proficiency)
4. America's alliances are just fine thank you. Trump is making sure they pay up instead of the US always being the chump.
5. Immigration reform will happen, but the GOP version
6. Protecting the environment? You mean more job losses and government handouts
What would the wealthy/corporations do without their free trillions of dollars in bailout funds, zero percent bonds provided by the govt.?
Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".

Most Catholics support the right to abortion, birth control, divorce

That's a lie RW about abortion. A real wopper.
True about birth control and divorce, but a little money fixes those.
Abortion is as bad a thing as it gets, in-fact its an automatic Excommunication, gone, done, don't let the door hit your ass on the way to hell.
Hell yes!!
The Catholic Church is filled with well-meaning Social Justice Warriors, and of course the chief SJW is right at the top.

As Dennis Prager often says, Leftism destroys everything it touches.

Big fan of Prager here!!
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
1. What responsible COVID response? Name it.
2. Expanded healthcare? That means even higher deductibles. Where's my $2,500 I was supposed to have saved with Obamacare???
3. Free higher education? The stupid fucks can't even learn high school math (in Baltimore, zero proficiency)
4. America's alliances are just fine thank you. Trump is making sure they pay up instead of the US always being the chump.
5. Immigration reform will happen, but the GOP version
6. Protecting the environment? You mean more job losses and government handouts
Is that why the US allowed Israel not to have to pay back loans?
Link please. WTF does that non-sequitur have to do with this thread?
….that the Democrats are promising. Riots, murder, food deserts because the groceries have been burned and looted. Real Americans are shocked and disheartened by the encouragement and outright support looters, arsonists, and thugs have received from the major party of the United States.
And the flaccid push-back by the other party.

1.But it was quite a surprise to see that shock and anger from a precinct that I’ve come to expect to be either silent or actually supportive of the ‘activists’ who are out to destroy our history, tradition, morality and values…….
Yup…..a valiant priest spoke up blistering the thugs, the Democrats, and even his superiors in the Church.

2. “The Catholic Church is not exactly a bastion of conservative thought these days, as seen in the political attack on President Trump last week by Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory, after the president visited the St. John Paul II shrine in the city. But Father James Altman, from Saint James the Less, in La Crosse Wisconsin, offers hope for a better tomorrow. From the pulpit, Fr. Altman took the archbishop to task for a “very publicly” making a statement, explaining “a true Catholic cannot not respond because of the rat poison it adds to the life of the faithful.” Priest unloads on Archbishop Gregory for hypocrisy condemning Trump while keeping mum on Obama’s sins

3. The Archbishop had blistered St. John’s Church for allowing the President of the United States to visit during the riots outside the White House. And Father Altman returned the favor:
My current hero, Father Altman, took this Archbishop to task:

“I didn’t see [Gregory] make any particular complaint about another president violating our religious principles, when Barack Hussein Obama went to Georgetown and had the symbol of Jesus covered up because — the excuse was, ‘Well he didn’t want any background distracting from his message,'” Fr. Altman said.
“Didn’t want any background distracting from his message, but he had absolutely no problem speaking with a background plastered with Planned Parenthood signage,” he added.

An image of the former president speaking in front of a background advertising the nation’s largest abortion provider is then shown on screen.

4. Fr. Altman goes on to note that Archbishop Gregory offered no complaints about that.
“I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make any particular complaint when Barack Hussein Obama said ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,'” Altman said. “Don’t even try to tell me, Archbishop Gregory, that Barack Hussein Obama worships the same God that I do. Jesus the Lord never would bless an organization that kills a million babies a year in the U.S. alone.”

The clergyman would later refer to Obama’s blessing a “blasphemy.”

5. In 2013, during a speech at a conference put on by the abortion provider, Obama said in closing, “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”
Fr. Altman also noted that in violation of Catholic principle, Obama was allowed to eulogize the late Sen. Ted Kennedy at his funeral, as he reminded the church of “that little incident at Chappaquiddick.”
Kennedy’s long history of advocating for a woman’s right to choose — see abortion — was then referenced.
“But I didn’t hear Wilton Gregory make a very public and very political statement about religious principles,” Altman said, “when a Catholic Church was used to make a very anti-Catholic public statement by a person who complained about us clinging to our Bibles.”

If only all our religious institutions stood up for rectitude in this fashion.

Make this guy the Pope!!!
This America is happening with a republican president.

Perhaps you'd like to comment on Democrat prosecutors, DAs, and judges releasing every domestic terrorist the police arrest.

And the Democrats not only encourage.....they bow to the terrorists.

Totally agree. The Catholic Church has been complicit in its silence about politics and abortion, especially compared to Evangelicals.
When they let "luke-warm" Catholics like Pelosi and Chris Matthews tap dance around abortion, it sends the wrong message.
If the Catholic church took a tougher stance on abortion it might make a difference. But no, as the BLM signs might say "Church silence is violence".

Most Catholics support the right to abortion, birth control, divorce

Yeah, and most Democrats say they believe in free speech. That is until someone says something they don't agree with. Talk is cheap.

Free speech also includes protesting what others say
Democrats are promising....

Responsible response to the COVID epidemic
Expanded healthcare
Expanded access to higher education
Rebuilding American alliances and reputation around the world
Immigration reform
Protecting the environment.
1. What responsible COVID response? Name it.
2. Expanded healthcare? That means even higher deductibles. Where's my $2,500 I was supposed to have saved with Obamacare???
3. Free higher education? The stupid fucks can't even learn high school math (in Baltimore, zero proficiency)
4. America's alliances are just fine thank you. Trump is making sure they pay up instead of the US always being the chump.
5. Immigration reform will happen, but the GOP version
6. Protecting the environment? You mean more job losses and government handouts
What would the wealthy/corporations do without their free trillions of dollars in bailout funds, zero percent bonds provided by the govt.?
Go bankrupt and layoff all workers

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