This is outrageous.........even for Individual 1.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
"Since May, Cohen had been on a novel coronavirus pandemic-related furlough from jail, living at home in New York City. Last week, he went to New York's federal courthouse to attend what he thought would be a routine meeting with probation officers to discuss the conditions of his home confinement.

He was stunned to be asked to sign an agreement he thought limited his First Amendment rights, according to descriptions provided last week by members of his legal team. Shortly after expressing concern, federal marshals arrived, handcuffed a panicked Cohen and returned him to prison, the lawyers said.

Since then, a growing number of prominent legal experts have complained about Cohen's treatment.
This is the United States of America. We don't send people to solitary confinement in prison because they want to write a book, said Alan Dershowitz, a retired constitutional law professor who served on Trump's defense team during the impeachment trial."

This makes the dual standard of justice all the more transparent, especially in the wake of what has happened with the convicted criminals who are friends of Don's.......Flynn and Stone.

For Dershowitz, who has prostituted himself in return for some time in the spotlight, to make that kind of observation you know it is a travesty of justice that should make every American disgusted.
I can't say I blame Trump cultists for avoiding this one.

As with many things Trump has done that are indefensible they will block this from their collective memory and move on. It's called Trump Denial Syndrome.

“Whether you like him or hate him, the idea that he is handcuffed and taken to solitary because he won't sign a form that says ‘I’m not going to write my book,' the First Amendment has to have some impact here … What I see is liberty, our liberty, our constitutional rights, being endangered by the weaponization of our criminal justice system,” Dershowitz said."
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I can't say I blame Trump cultists for avoiding this one.

As with many things Trump has done that are indefensible they will block this from their collective memory and move on. It's called Trump Denial Syndrome.

And you've got head up your ass syndrome.

If Trump is abusing something.....spell it out.

This guy can write his book from prison.

Why does he get to live at home.
Where is solitary confinement mentioned ?
"Michael Cohen, President Trump's former personal attorney, is back in solitary confinement at a federal prison facility in Otisville, N.Y., and legal scholars across the political spectrum are expressing alarm about his treatment."
If Trump is abusing something.....spell it out.
Cohen was out of prison on furlough. He refused to sign the document preventing him from working on his book. He was immediately returned to prison. Is that clear enough?
Where is solitary confinement mentioned ?
"Michael Cohen, President Trump's former personal attorney, is back in solitary confinement at a federal prison facility in Otisville, N.Y., and legal scholars across the political spectrum are expressing alarm about his treatment."

I can't get to the article.

As I think about it, solitary is probably safer for him anyway.
If Trump is abusing something.....spell it out.
Cohen was out of prison on furlough. He refused to sign the document preventing him from working on his book. He was immediately returned to prison. Is that clear enough?

So, Cohen was guilty but out of advantage. He chose not to play and got returned. Being out of prison is not the norm.

Sorry....but, while I can see the leverage being exercised, his treatment in no way bothers me.
CA and other lib states are letting out criminals by the thousands. What gives here?

HIs arm is being twisted.

And he won't say uncle.

My guess is that the book just got nastier.

Of course, given the major flame out of Bolton's "Explosive" book, I don't know that DJT is to worried.
"Since May, Cohen had been on a novel coronavirus pandemic-related furlough from jail, living at home in New York City. Last week, he went to New York's federal courthouse to attend what he thought would be a routine meeting with probation officers to discuss the conditions of his home confinement.

He was stunned to be asked to sign an agreement he thought limited his First Amendment rights, according to descriptions provided last week by members of his legal team. Shortly after expressing concern, federal marshals arrived, handcuffed a panicked Cohen and returned him to prison, the lawyers said.

Since then, a growing number of prominent legal experts have complained about Cohen's treatment.
This is the United States of America. We don't send people to solitary confinement in prison because they want to write a book, said Alan Dershowitz, a retired constitutional law professor who served on Trump's defense team during the impeachment trial."

This makes the dual standard of justice all the more transparent, especially in the wake of what has happened with the convicted criminals who are friends of Don's.......Flynn and Stone.

For Dershowitz, who has prostituted himself in return for some time in the spotlight, to make that kind of observation you know it is a travesty of justice that should make every American disgusted.
He is in solitary for Corona virus quarantine.
This is just another bullshit Berg pissy pants TDS thread.

Cohen was released to HOME CONFINEMENT. He was sent back to jail after being PHOTOGRAPHED AT A RESTAURANT.

He violated his home confinement agreement.

In a statement to The Associated Press, the Bureau of Prisons said Cohen had “refused the conditions of his home confinement and as a result, has been returned to a BOP facility.” His return to prison comes days after the New York Post published photos of him and his wife enjoying an outdoor meal with friends at a restaurant near his Manhattan home.

He is in solitary for Corona virus quarantine.
The outrage isn't that he's in solitary, it' already know what it is if you read Dershowitz's commentary.
This is just another bullshit Berg pissy pants TDS thread.

Cohen was released to HOME CONFINEMENT. He was sent back to jail after being PHOTOGRAPHED AT A RESTAURANT.

He violated his home confinement agreement.

In a statement to The Associated Press, the Bureau of Prisons said Cohen had “refused the conditions of his home confinement and as a result, has been returned to a BOP facility.” His return to prison comes days after the New York Post published photos of him and his wife enjoying an outdoor meal with friends at a restaurant near his Manhattan home.

You know, when he first went back to jail, the news first reported that he had been sighted in a restaurant, which is a violation of his home confinement. If he can't follow the rules, he can't stay at home and needs to be in jail.

But being sent back for refusing to sign a gag order? I gotta say, that excuse sounds pretty weak. Him being sent back to jail because he wouldn't comply with the terms of his home confinement I can believe. Especially when there is photographic proof of him doing so.
The outrage isn't that he's in solitary, it' already know what it is if you read Dershowitz's commentary.
Are you equally upset that Stone had a gag order put on him? Before he was even convicted?
I can't say I blame Trump cultists for avoiding this one.

As with many things Trump has done that are indefensible they will block this from their collective memory and move on. It's called Trump Denial Syndrome.

“Whether you like him or hate him, the idea that he is handcuffed and taken to solitary because he won't sign a form that says ‘I’m not going to write my book,' the First Amendment has to have some impact here … What I see is liberty, our liberty, our constitutional rights, being endangered by the weaponization of our criminal justice system,” Dershowitz said."
Your permanent state of self-righteous indignation can be tedious. You get that, right?
This is just another bullshit Berg pissy pants TDS thread.

Cohen was released to HOME CONFINEMENT. He was sent back to jail after being PHOTOGRAPHED AT A RESTAURANT.

He violated his home confinement agreement.

In a statement to The Associated Press, the Bureau of Prisons said Cohen had “refused the conditions of his home confinement and as a result, has been returned to a BOP facility.” His return to prison comes days after the New York Post published photos of him and his wife enjoying an outdoor meal with friends at a restaurant near his Manhattan home.


There, covered that for you, Berg.
"Since May, Cohen had been on a novel coronavirus pandemic-related furlough from jail, living at home in New York City. Last week, he went to New York's federal courthouse to attend what he thought would be a routine meeting with probation officers to discuss the conditions of his home confinement.

He was stunned to be asked to sign an agreement he thought limited his First Amendment rights, according to descriptions provided last week by members of his legal team. Shortly after expressing concern, federal marshals arrived, handcuffed a panicked Cohen and returned him to prison, the lawyers said.

Since then, a growing number of prominent legal experts have complained about Cohen's treatment.
This is the United States of America. We don't send people to solitary confinement in prison because they want to write a book, said Alan Dershowitz, a retired constitutional law professor who served on Trump's defense team during the impeachment trial."

This makes the dual standard of justice all the more transparent, especially in the wake of what has happened with the convicted criminals who are friends of Don's.......Flynn and Stone.

For Dershowitz, who has prostituted himself in return for some time in the spotlight, to make that kind of observation you know it is a travesty of justice that should make every American disgusted.

Poor baby

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