DeSantis blames lack of media coverage for resurge of COVID cases


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
I heard this report and almost fell out of my chair. DeSantis who went all in on Trumps ignore, avoid and reopen strategy is now blaming the media for not covering the virus... I thought it was a joke... Nope, he is really trying to use that narrative. What’s wrong with these people and how are they being elected?

From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?

What is causing you to exaggerate and lie?
Which exaggeration and lie did I say that you are referring to? I’ll be happy to explain
Quoting you:

"That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?"
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?

What is causing you to exaggerate and lie?
Which exaggeration and lie did I say that you are referring to? I’ll be happy to explain
Quoting you:

"That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?"
Yes I said that. What do you think is a lie?
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?

What is causing you to exaggerate and lie?
Which exaggeration and lie did I say that you are referring to? I’ll be happy to explain
Quoting you:

"That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?"
Yes I said that. What do you think is a lie?


A third time:

"That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?"
DeSanits is teabagger dolt. He has mishandled the virus response from the start and it has only gotten worse. But of course it all stems from the fact that DeSantis along with the only teabagger governors all listened to the Orange virus rather than the experts.
DeSanits is teabagger dolt. He has mishandled the virus response from the start and it has only gotten worse. But of course it all stems from the fact that DeSantis along with the only teabagger governors all listened to the Orange virus rather than the experts.

Did YOU say the same about Cuomo's handling of the Virus outbreak?

32,435 Dead


4,677 Dead

DeSanits is teabagger dolt. He has mishandled the virus response from the start and it has only gotten worse. But of course it all stems from the fact that DeSantis along with the only teabagger governors all listened to the Orange virus rather than the experts.

Did YOU say the same about Cuomo's handling of the Virus outbreak?

32,435 Dead


4,677 Dead

DeSantis clearly is handling his states' outbreak well. All agree.
The first casualty of corona was the truth.....there are not near the numbers of infected that the media are reporting....labs are being investigated in Florida CA AZ and can a lab have 98% positive tests?....something is amiss....either they are lying or their tests are won't work have lost your sway with the American people...too many lies too often since Trump won....
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.

So where's your proof? Just fake bullshit again from a fake.

Nothing fake about it. Do your own research dirtbag.

LOL I just knew you were going to post that I didn't have to open it's all over FB and yesterday in a news conference DeSantis said that they only thought they had to post the positives and not the negatives and he got that all straightened out. Positives are positives no matter how you twist it just not the negative being reported. If you want to watch a his press conferences they are on everyday during the week, weekends are sporadic and they are on FB either on his page or any national news channel or local stations.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.

So where's your proof? Just fake bullshit again from a fake.

Nothing fake about it. Do your own research dirtbag.

LOL I just knew you were going to post that I didn't have to open it's all over FB and yesterday in a news conference DeSantis said that they only thought they had to post the positives and not the negatives and he got that all straightened out. Positives are positives no matter how you twist it just not the negative being reported. If you want to watch a his press conferences they are on everyday during the week, weekends are sporadic and they are on FB either on his page or any national news channel or local stations.

Nice to know that a dirtbag like you is so smart. Not. Many cases aren't Covid at all and read the other posts. Florida hasn't had many deaths at all.

Of course your so smart you wouldn't recognize that.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
care to show some pics of this overcrowding? so far the only thing i've seen are pics of other countries or events.

no. i didn't think you would. you're too busy selling the bullshit you're told to sell.
From what I've been reading most of the Covid cases, aren't Covid at all.
That’s interesting... what’s causing the hospitals and morgues to overcrowd in Florida and Texas?
We've got a bit of a scandal rearing it's ugly head down here in Florida about testing and testing results, Slade! A testing center reporting positive tests of 9.84% was counted in the State totals as 98.4%. Several other testing sites showed 100% positive tests...a statistically improbable result! Our local hospital is so empty that 3 floors remain closed. I know the main stream media WANTS the rest of the world to think that Florida is overwhelmed by Covid 19 but the truth is far from that! They have managed to scare the shit out of people again...something that will result in thousands more businesses probably not making it through this pandemic! But that's what you liberals have wanted since this started...isn't it, Slade?

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