This is one of many reasons this nation needs government now more than ever

There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Billy, some of us are adults and neither require nor desire a government looking out for us. We are mature enough to handle our own affairs ourselves. One day when you grow up . . . and leave home . . . and DaDa and Mama aren't babying you ...
So you're okay with children using these products as well then? Hmm.
Ah.....The "Children" card......Please.
Lol I should apologize because you don't care about children?
Two things you straw man arguing dolt.....I neither stated or implied I did not care about kids. Second.....I neither asked for nor desire an apology....
Hm okay so what is implied by the "children card"? Your logic is that I am appealing to emotion right? That's retarded. I'm still right about what I said. Children are exposed to these products daily. Obviously that matters.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?
Uh Billy. There are 50000 chemicals in everything that grows out of the ground. You know, all those flavors and shit that natural foods have. Yeah, those are chemicals.
Now, you would have a point if the Democrats bothered to fund reseatch into dihydroxen oxide. But they're too beholden to their corporate masters to want to touch that, even though it's added to so many foods.
That's your response? You actually think it's "natural" to have all of those synthetic chemicals you are too stupid to pronounce on the ingredient list of your foods like BREAD?
Then DON'T CONSUME them..Leave the rest of us the fuck alone......
If only Democrats ran things and not that fucking Bush...if only
GOPers are still running things. See their bs filibuster. Our gov't is broken thanks to them.

Detroit is what happens when Democrats get full control
So they ran the Big 3? lol
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?
Uh Billy. There are 50000 chemicals in everything that grows out of the ground. You know, all those flavors and shit that natural foods have. Yeah, those are chemicals.
Now, you would have a point if the Democrats bothered to fund reseatch into dihydroxen oxide. But they're too beholden to their corporate masters to want to touch that, even though it's added to so many foods.
That's your response? You actually think it's "natural" to have all of those synthetic chemicals you are too stupid to pronounce on the ingredient list of your foods like BREAD?
How do you know they're all synthetic chemicals?
Why arent you ranting about lack of research into dihydroxide? Your Democrat masters have been protecting that industry for years. ANd millions of people die from it every year.
Lol clearly someone got an F in chemistry. Obviously they are synthetic. These chemicals aren't naturally created from the earth. Are you that dumb? I have no idea what you are ranting about with democrats. I never said anything about democrats. I don't pretend they are innocent.
You know this how?
And yet people have been ingesting some of this stuff for 50 years and we're living longer and healthier lives.
Meanwhile you are silent on the scam of dihydroxides and support the establishment.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Billy, some of us are adults and neither require nor desire a government looking out for us. We are mature enough to handle our own affairs ourselves. One day when you grow up . . . and leave home . . . and DaDa and Mama aren't babying you ...
So you're okay with children using these products as well then? Hmm.
Ah.....The "Children" card......Please.
Lol I should apologize because you don't care about children?
No because you dont care about children. It has nothing to do with children. At all.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

If they aren't put in food, then why should Americans care what's in them?
Thank you Obama...
Blame every politician since 1976 for not doing anything about this.

These loserterians are happy the government doesn't. They truly want nuclear waste in our rivers and pollution like China.


They say that debt shouldn't be left to our children but see no problem with leaving them uneducated, a polluted enviroment, conflict ridden, lack of security and unregulated economy...

They lack the knowledge that these things are far worse than debt, this makes them unabled to pay back any debt that exists and be able to live within there means.

US is biggest fear is not a terrorist with a bomb but the erosion of America for within by organisation that don't want to support American society. The RWers are actually against American society, they want to make it weaker by lack of support.

They might wrap themselves in the flag but when asked are you a patriot by action they fail. The basic premise of American Patriotism is to help your fellow American in need. They don't want to do this.
You judge a society by how it treats its weakest and most vunerable. Compare America to other societies like the EU or Japanese....

Remeber these are the guys who 4 years ago said 'Let them die.' and not one GOP candidate stood up to them.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations? we dont need more of our worthless govt.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Billy, some of us are adults and neither require nor desire a government looking out for us. We are mature enough to handle our own affairs ourselves. One day when you grow up . . . and leave home . . . and DaDa and Mama aren't babying you ...
So you're okay with children using these products as well then? Hmm.

The battle cry of every idiot that want to restrict rights of others using children as a foil.

There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

This is what the Koch Bros. are all about, preventing Government from scrutinizing what goes into all their products.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

This is what the Koch Bros. are all about, preventing Government from scrutinizing what goes into all their products.

Koch has nothing to do with food production. MORON!
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Billy, some of us are adults and neither require nor desire a government looking out for us. We are mature enough to handle our own affairs ourselves. One day when you grow up . . . and leave home . . . and DaDa and Mama aren't babying you ...
So you're okay with children using these products as well then? Hmm.

What products?
I find it a bit disingenuous to go harping about chemicals but then fail to list the products or chemicals.
And if they can count em? Wouldnt that indicate that they know what they are already?
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Why is it we keep having to explain simple stuff to left wing nutters? Are they incapable of thought because they are progressives, or are they progressives because they are incapable of thought?
You and I both know that I am right.

Dude, it's blatantly obvious that you don't know anything.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

This is what the Koch Bros. are all about, preventing Government from scrutinizing what goes into all their products.

Right on time, here come the koch boogeymen.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

This is what the Koch Bros. are all about, preventing Government from scrutinizing what goes into all their products.

Koch has nothing to do with food production. MORON!
No no you dont get it. Every problem in this country, real and imagined, can be traced back to the evil Koch Brothers. Citizens United? Koch Brothers. Income inequality? Koch Brothers. Mortgage meltdown? Koch Brothers. Chemicals in food? Koch Brothers.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

This is what the Koch Bros. are all about, preventing Government from scrutinizing what goes into all their products.


The Koch brothers don't want people to know that there is petroleum in their gasoline?
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Why is it we keep having to explain simple stuff to left wing nutters? Are they incapable of thought because they are progressives, or are they progressives because they are incapable of thought?
You and I both know that I am right.

Dude, it's blatantly obvious that you don't know anything.
No. You just know you can't argue it. That's why you haven't.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Billy, some of us are adults and neither require nor desire a government looking out for us. We are mature enough to handle our own affairs ourselves. One day when you grow up . . . and leave home . . . and DaDa and Mama aren't babying you ...
So you're okay with children using these products as well then? Hmm.

What products?
I find it a bit disingenuous to go harping about chemicals but then fail to list the products or chemicals.
And if they can count em? Wouldnt that indicate that they know what they are already?
We are talking about 50,000 chemicals. Obviously that is a wide range of products. What does it matter if you don't know which ones? Ite products people buy. Why would they list 50000 chemicals in that article?

I don't understand why you people defend the free market no matter what. It's kind of pathetic.
There are about 50,000 chemicals in American products yet only 300 of them in the last few decades have been tested scientifically. That's because of a failure of proper government legislation or lack thereof. Shit gets dangerous when the private market does whatever it wants. Why is the rightwing okay with this?

The Great Chemical Unknown: A Graphical View of Limited Lab Testing

Still think we don't need regulations?

Why is it we keep having to explain simple stuff to left wing nutters? Are they incapable of thought because they are progressives, or are they progressives because they are incapable of thought?
You and I both know that I am right.

Dude, it's blatantly obvious that you don't know anything.
No. You just know you can't argue it. That's why you haven't.

people dont indulge you in your arguments because they recognize a full-blown brainwashed left-wing retard when they see one.

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