This is how socialism ends EVERY time

With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...


Have they resurrected Benito Mussolini ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

Americans are you paying attention ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...

What those who embrace the idea of socialism DON'T realize, including many that post on this site, is that socialism has NEVER worked throughout history. Just look at Venezuela for proof of this. Or Canada, where the globalists/socialists have been gradually turning the country into a sh*thole. Socialism does NOT work.
With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...

What those who embrace the idea of socialism DON'T realize, including many that post on this site, is that socialism has NEVER worked throughout history. Just look at Venezuela for proof of this. Or Canada, where the globalists/socialists have been gradually turning the country into a sh*thole. Socialism does NOT work.

Indeed and the miserable sons-of-bitches act like they have a mandate to decide who lives or dies.

UNACCEPTABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I may believe it if there are other sources besides The Blaze and
the Jerusalem Post.

btw Canada's doing pretty well with their "socialized" healthcare.
Only 26 deaths.
I may believe it if there are other sources besides The Blaze and
the Jerusalem Post.

btw Canada's doing pretty well with their "socialized" healthcare.
Only 26 deaths.

That's because Canadians are being treated in Buffalo, NY

My Canadian Healthcare Horror Stories A Message for Americans - LewRockwell
I may believe it if there are other sources besides The Blaze and
the Jerusalem Post.

btw Canada's doing pretty well with their "socialized" healthcare.
Only 26 deaths.

That's because Canadians are being treated in Buffalo, NY

My Canadian Healthcare Horror Stories A Message for Americans - LewRockwell
Paid for by Canada.
That's what Libya, Venezuela, Germany, Israel, Japan and lot's of other countries do.
Well Venezuela and Libya used to before we came along.
bluzman61 has something against single pay healthcare ?


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Not at ALL, if you bothered to read my post, #4 in this thread, I have EVERYTHING against socialism. It has NEVER worked and NEVER will. So, if YOU have proof that it HAS worked, please post.
Whatever you say silver spoon.
You may know a bit about music, but when it comes to politics, you're clueless. And I'm going to guess you're NOT a supporter of our president OR a conservative. Which would explain your clueless nature when it comes to anything political. Good luck with that.
Not at ALL, if you bothered to read my post, #4 in this thread, I have EVERYTHING against socialism. It has NEVER worked and NEVER will. So, if YOU have proof that it HAS worked, please post.
Whatever you say silver spoon.
You may know a bit about music, but when it comes to politics, you're clueless. And I'm going to guess you're NOT a supporter of our president OR a conservative. Which would explain your clueless nature when it comes to anything political. Good luck with that.
And WHERE is your proof that socialism HAS worked? I'll be waiting for your response......
What those who embrace the idea of socialism DON'T realize, including many that post on this site, is that socialism has NEVER worked throughout history. Just look at Venezuela for proof of this. Or Canada, where the globalists/socialists have been gradually turning the country into a sh*thole. Socialism does NOT work.
Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica , El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua....Libya, Iraq......Cuba........

Something they all have in common....I just can't think of it.
Oh now I remember....

You may know a bit about music, but when it comes to politics, you're clueless. And I'm going to guess you're NOT a supporter of our president OR a conservative. Which would explain your clueless nature when it comes to anything political. Good luck with that.
Waiting on Mommy and Daddy's inheritance ^^

Worried AOC and Bernie will take 90% of it. LMFAO

You sound exactly like a Heritage Foundation tool.
What those who embrace the idea of socialism DON'T realize, including many that post on this site, is that socialism has NEVER worked throughout history. Just look at Venezuela for proof of this. Or Canada, where the globalists/socialists have been gradually turning the country into a sh*thole. Socialism does NOT work.
Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica , El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua....Libya, Iraq......Cuba........

Something they all have in common....I just can't think of it.
Oh now I remember....

View attachment 314956
STILL no PROOF that socialism has EVER worked......
You may know a bit about music, but when it comes to politics, you're clueless. And I'm going to guess you're NOT a supporter of our president OR a conservative. Which would explain your clueless nature when it comes to anything political. Good luck with that.
Waiting on Mommy and Daddy's inheritance ^^

what a loser
fuck off
And where IS that proof that socialism HAS worked? I don't believe you CAN supply this proof. Instead, you deflect, divert and evade from doing so, like EVERY idiotic liberal seems to do on this site. And of course, you resort to using profanity. What a classy response.
And where IS that proof that socialism HAS worked? I don't believe you CAN supply this proof. Instead, you deflect, divert and evade from doing so, like EVERY idiotic liberal seems to do on this site. And of course, you resort to using profanity. What a classy response.
I had a 97- page thread about it closed yesterday, and in that entire thread not one person including you, answered my question.

If the idea of socialism is such a miserably bad idea
as you guys
passionately claim, then why do you always interfere with it ?

Let it fail on it's own without interference, then I'll believe the propaganda
(which is nothing new btw)
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