This is how much the left cares about the environment


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As long as Leonardo DeCaprio is making millions - it's ok for a movie he's working on to completely obliterate an ecosystem. There is no "Global Warming" threat. If there were, Al Gore wouldn't own 5 homes and skip around the planet in a private jet. If there were, Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't destroy entire ecosystems for his movies. If there were, Barack Insane Obama wouldn't fly on a private jet to give a speech about eating less steaks when he could have saved the environment by giving the speech via Skype.

Leonardo’s “The Beach” ruined the island
As long as Leonardo DeCaprio is making millions - it's ok for a movie he's working on to completely obliterate an ecosystem. There is no "Global Warming" threat. If there were, Al Gore wouldn't own 5 homes and skip around the planet in a private jet. If there were, Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't destroy entire ecosystems for his movies. If there were, Barack Insane Obama wouldn't fly on a private jet to give a speech about eating less steaks when he could have saved the environment by giving the speech via Skype.

Leonardo’s “The Beach” ruined the island
Why do you worry about something you yourself care nothing about?
As long as Leonardo DeCaprio is making millions - it's ok for a movie he's working on to completely obliterate an ecosystem. There is no "Global Warming" threat. If there were, Al Gore wouldn't own 5 homes and skip around the planet in a private jet. If there were, Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't destroy entire ecosystems for his movies. If there were, Barack Insane Obama wouldn't fly on a private jet to give a speech about eating less steaks when he could have saved the environment by giving the speech via Skype.
According to the U.K. Daily Mail, [Barack Obama] arrived in Milan by private jet. From the airport, he hopped in an SUV and was taken through the city via a 14-vehicle convoy. The president and his entourage then took up two floors of a hotel whose most expensive rooms cost $10,000 a night.

Now, I understand the logistics of protecting the former president of the United States, who’s clearly a target for terrorists. However, if that’s the case, let me introduce Barack Obama to this app called Skype. It allows you to appear anywhere in the world without having to take a private jet and a 14-car convoy. Amazing!

Obama’s speech would have had just as much impact if it were delivered via computer hookup. In fact, it would have been more effective, in my eyes — at least we could tell he believed in what he was saying.

Look What Obama Accidentally Left Behind at Climate Change Speech
As long as Leonardo DeCaprio is making millions - it's ok for a movie he's working on to completely obliterate an ecosystem. There is no "Global Warming" threat. If there were, Al Gore wouldn't own 5 homes and skip around the planet in a private jet. If there were, Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't destroy entire ecosystems for his movies. If there were, Barack Insane Obama wouldn't fly on a private jet to give a speech about eating less steaks when he could have saved the environment by giving the speech via Skype.

Leonardo’s “The Beach” ruined the island
It isn't worth getting angry over any more. If you noticed, but there wont be 4 more years of Obama policies because the stupid, crooked, ex vagina candidate lost big time and O's legacy from the EPA is going down the shitter. So all the libs have left is a few years of FREE money they stole from out taxes, then the spigot will dry up. Better check right now, but the temperature outside is unseasonably cold.

Here's how President Trump could dismantle Obama's climate rules
Why do you worry about something you yourself care nothing about?
What are you talking about? I care very much about how the left spreads propaganda, engages in extreme and repulsive levels of hypocrisy, and generates vast amounts of wealth from their lies. That's what this thread is about. Are you like most progressives - completely illiterate?
As long as Leonardo DeCaprio is making millions - it's ok for a movie he's working on to completely obliterate an ecosystem. There is no "Global Warming" threat. If there were, Al Gore wouldn't own 5 homes and skip around the planet in a private jet. If there were, Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't destroy entire ecosystems for his movies. If there were, Barack Insane Obama wouldn't fly on a private jet to give a speech about eating less steaks when he could have saved the environment by giving the speech via Skype.

Leonardo’s “The Beach” ruined the island
Why do you worry about something you yourself care nothing about?
Notice how easily the left ignores the FACTS, then tries to attack you? Rules for Radicals #13. If the libtards really were worried about GW, then they would attack the prick Caprio.
Notice how easily the left ignores the FACTS, then tries to attack you? Rules for Radicals #13. If the libtards really were worried about GW, then they would attack the prick Caprio.
Right? Or how about vehemently attacking Barack Insane Obama for flying to Italy in a private jet to give a speech on "Global Warming" when he could have used Skype to give that same speech and set an example on how he was saving the planet by refusing to add to carbon emissions.
I can't imagine the amount of carbon that was burned to get these people from all over the world to Washington D.C. by plane, automobile, boat, train, etc. And I can't imagine how many trees were cut down so that these selfish people could make signs. This is how much they "care" about the environment.

Is DeCaprio a lefty? And why do you bring up a year old thread?
Some people just have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands, and nothing constructive to do with it, so you get OP's like this.
Oh the irony...not only is The VOR desperate to avoid the reality that her masters have duped her, but she somehow has time to enter a thread like this, time to read it, and time to comment on it. :lmao:
Is DeCaprio a lefty? And why do you bring up a year old thread?
Some people just have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands, and nothing constructive to do with it, so you get OP's like this.
Oh the irony...not only is The VOR desperate to avoid the reality that her masters have duped her, but she somehow has time to enter a thread like this, time to read it, and time to comment on it. :lmao:
It is all about Der Party First, the goose stepping, low information, kool aid drinking, mind numbed religious zelots can not believe that their glorious bi racial, Muslim loving, Homosexual Messiah can do no wrong. That is why they wont engage you about their religion and how blasphemous you are to it. Seig Heil, The VOR?
The science is overwhelming - "Global Warming" is a scam. History has proven it. Science has proven it. Data has proven it. Facts have proven it.
According to a study by Martin Brandt et al., published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution in May, 36% of the continent of Africa became greener over the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011, while only 11% became “less green.” Interestingly, the researchers found the increased greening was “driven” by higher carbon-dioxide levels and precipitation, and the decreased greening was largely a result of humans cutting down vegetation.
New study about Africa is terrible news for climate-change alarmists
This study, if accurate, serves as further proof that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not nearly as dangerous as so many alarmists say. In fact, historically, more-significant problems are linked to climates becoming colder, not warmer. This isn’t surprising, because when temperatures are higher and there is more carbon dioxide present, plants tend to grow better, which means animals and humans have more food to eat.

How long will it be before the Global Warming Alarmists morph into global Cooling Alarmists?
Neat multiple parties were properly sued to clean up the mess they made in a 17 year old movie.

And somehow this proves something about a global warming hoax.
The science is overwhelming - "Global Warming" is a scam. History has proven it. Science has proven it. Data has proven it. Facts have proven it.
According to a study by Martin Brandt et al., published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution in May, 36% of the continent of Africa became greener over the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011, while only 11% became “less green.” Interestingly, the researchers found the increased greening was “driven” by higher carbon-dioxide levels and precipitation, and the decreased greening was largely a result of humans cutting down vegetation.
New study about Africa is terrible news for climate-change alarmists
You have taken the ignorance defense Are there any republicans in control of their minds??

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