This is Her Defense? Kamala Harris Comes Up with BS Excuse When Asked About Her Vicious Attacks Against Biden During Primary Debates

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Unbelievable! What a liar she is.

Unbelievable! What a liar she is.


If all you care about is "winning" then... Yeah. What she says makes sense. If she actually wanted to make the US, or even her own party a better one... She failed.

SO... yeah.

Edit: This absolutely includes what the republicans did to each other during the debates.
and she is dumb and racist
..Hillary/etc did the same thing---saying shit on the other Dems and then backing them !!!!! hahahhahahahha
..they call each other the DEVIL!!--then they back them after the primaries
Ted Cruz. Now STFU.
Unbelievable! What a liar she is.

I think what Kamala is trying to say is that she'd say ANYTHING to win a nomination and now that that has failed...she'd say ANYTHING to win an election! Which basically means you can trust what comes out of Kamala Harris' mouth about as much as you could trust one of the Clinton's!
I do recall the current POS Potus having a few bad words to say about people he now supports and vice versa.

Man you contards get Triggered easy.
Unbelievable! What a liar she is.

The question now is whether you believe that she is telling the truth when she says she was lying?

The woman is an admitted liar, after all.
I do recall the current POS Potus having a few bad words to say about people he now supports and vice versa.

Man you contards get Triggered easy.
With all due respect, Winco...Kamala Harris went after Joe Biden with a BLOWTORCH in that first debate! She accused him of being a racist! Now she turns around and says she's cool with someone with the history of racism that she outlined? If I'm Trump I run the clip of her savaging Joe Biden in that debate over and over and over again!
I do recall the current POS Potus having a few bad words to say about people he now supports and vice versa.

Man you contards get Triggered easy.
topic is racist dumb bitch Harris, not Mr Trump
get some TDS help

Excuse me.
Didn't mean to dump more trash on that POS POTUS in an attempt to deflect from the real story.
Too FKG Bad.
I think what Kamala is trying to say is that she'd say ANYTHING to win a nomination and now that that has failed...she'd say ANYTHING to win an election! Which basically means you can trust what comes out of Kamala Harris' mouth about as much as you could trust one of the Clinton's!

Willie Brown knows all about Comma-la willing to do anything.
I do recall the current POS Potus having a few bad words to say about people he now supports and vice versa. Man you contards get Triggered easy.
With all due respect, Winco...Kamala Harris went after Joe Biden with a BLOWTORCH in that first debate! She accused him of being a racist! Now she turns around and says she's cool with someone with the history of racism that she outlined? If I'm Trump I run the clip of her savaging Joe Biden in that debate over and over and over again!
With all due respect, after four years of being hyper-triggered over EVERYTHING, it is way too late for the left to now try to dismiss these gaping dalliances and laugh them off as mere "triggering."

Trump had bad words for people he now gets along with, but you don't see him RUNNING WITH THEM ON HIS TICKET AS VP.

Was Harris lying THEN or is she lying NOW? Either it was all just an act and Harris was performing when she blew Biden's face off in the debates or she is lying through her teeth NOW just to get a shot at the White House.


Trump got elected because UNLIKE politicians, he said what he really thought and believed whether PC or popular or not.

Harris LIKE the typical uber-politician admits now her entire primary was a LIE. Which means so will be her general VP bid.

Leave it to Joe, the first presidential candidate with a shot at getting laid hard in his bid for the White House, but likely too damned senile to ever remember it if it happens.

and she is dumb and racist
..Hillary/etc did the same thing---saying shit on the other Dems and then backing them !!!!! hahahhahahahha
..they call each other the DEVIL!!--then they back them after the primaries
Ted Cruz. Now STFU.
Wow! Ted Cruz is now running as Trump's VP? :omg:
Nope but he did turn into a Trump superfan after Trump personally insulted his family. He's a spineless jellyfish just like every other republican that betrayed everything they ever said they stood for to to follow Trump down the path to authoritarian rule.

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